This entry provides the identifying terms for citizens - noun and adjective.
noun: Afghan(s)
adjective: AfghanAlbania
noun: Albanian(s)
adjective: AlbanianAlgeria
noun: Algerian(s)
adjective: AlgerianAmerican Samoa
noun: American Samoan(s) (US nationals)
adjective: American SamoanAndorra
noun: Andorran(s)
adjective: AndorranAngola
noun: Angolan(s)
adjective: AngolanAnguilla
noun: Anguillan(s)
adjective: AnguillanAntigua and Barbuda
noun: Antiguan(s), Barbudan(s)
adjective: Antiguan, BarbudanArgentina
noun: Argentine(s)
adjective: ArgentineArmenia
noun: Armenian(s)
adjective: ArmenianAruba
noun: Aruban(s)
adjective: Aruban; DutchAustralia
noun: Australian(s)
adjective: AustralianAustria
noun: Austrian(s)
adjective: AustrianAzerbaijan
noun: Azerbaijani(s)
adjective: AzerbaijaniBahamas, The
noun: Bahamian(s)
adjective: BahamianBahrain
noun: Bahraini(s)
adjective: BahrainiBangladesh
noun: Bangladeshi(s)
adjective: BangladeshiBarbados
noun: Barbadian(s) or Bajan (colloquial)
adjective: Barbadian or Bajan (colloquial)Belarus
noun: Belarusian(s)
adjective: BelarusianBelgium
noun: Belgian(s)
adjective: BelgianBelize
noun: Belizean(s)
adjective: BelizeanBenin
noun: Beninese (singular and plural)
adjective: BenineseBermuda
noun: Bermudian(s)
adjective: BermudianBhutan
noun: Bhutanese (singular and plural)
adjective: BhutaneseBolivia
noun: Bolivian(s)
adjective: BolivianBosnia and Herzegovina
noun: Bosnian(s), Herzegovinian(s)
adjective: Bosnian, HerzegovinianBotswana
noun: Motswana (singular), Batswana (plural)
adjective: Motswana (singular), Batswana (plural)Brazil
noun: Brazilian(s)
adjective: BrazilianBritish Virgin Islands
noun: British Virgin Islander(s)
adjective: British Virgin IslanderBrunei
noun: Bruneian(s)
adjective: BruneianBulgaria
noun: Bulgarian(s)
adjective: BulgarianBurkina Faso
noun: Burkinabe (singular and plural)
adjective: BurkinabeBurma
noun: Burmese (singular and plural)
adjective: BurmeseBurundi
noun: Burundian(s)
adjective: BurundianCabo Verde
noun: Cabo Verdean(s)
adjective: Cabo VerdeanCambodia
noun: Cambodian(s)
adjective: CambodianCameroon
noun: Cameroonian(s)
adjective: CameroonianCanada
noun: Canadian(s)
adjective: CanadianCayman Islands
noun: Caymanian(s)
adjective: CaymanianCentral African Republic
noun: Central African(s)
adjective: Central AfricanChad
noun: Chadian(s)
adjective: ChadianChile
noun: Chilean(s)
adjective: ChileanChina
noun: Chinese (singular and plural)
adjective: ChineseChristmas Island
noun: Christmas Islander(s)
adjective: Christmas IslandCocos (Keeling) Islands
noun: Cocos Islander(s)
adjective: Cocos IslanderColombia
noun: Colombian(s)
adjective: ColombianComoros
noun: Comoran(s)
adjective: ComoranCongo, Democratic Republic of the
noun: Congolese (singular and plural)
adjective: Congolese or CongoCongo, Republic of the
noun: Congolese (singular and plural)
adjective: Congolese or CongoCook Islands
noun: Cook Islander(s)
adjective: Cook IslanderCosta Rica
noun: Costa Rican(s)
adjective: Costa RicanCote d'Ivoire
noun: Ivoirian(s)
adjective: IvoirianCroatia
noun: Croat(s), Croatian(s)
adjective: Croatian
note: the French designation of "Croate" to Croatian mercenaries in the 17th century eventually became "Cravate" and later came to be applied to the soldiers' scarves - the cravat; Croatia celebrates Cravat Day every 18 OctoberCuba
noun: Cuban(s)
adjective: CubanCuracao
noun: Curacaoan
adjective: Curacaoan; DutchCyprus
noun: Cypriot(s)
adjective: CypriotCzechia
noun: Czech(s)
adjective: CzechDenmark
noun: Dane(s)
adjective: DanishDjibouti
noun: Djiboutian(s)
adjective: DjiboutianDominica
noun: Dominican(s)
adjective: DominicanDominican Republic
noun: Dominican(s)
adjective: DominicanEcuador
noun: Ecuadorian(s)
adjective: EcuadorianEgypt
noun: Egyptian(s)
adjective: EgyptianEl Salvador
noun: Salvadoran(s)
adjective: SalvadoranEquatorial Guinea
noun: Equatorial Guinean(s) or Equatoguinean(s)
adjective: Equatorial Guinean or EquatoguineanEritrea
noun: Eritrean(s)
adjective: EritreanEstonia
noun: Estonian(s)
adjective: EstonianEswatini
noun: liSwati (singular), emaSwati (plural); note - former term, Swazi(s), still used among English speakers
adjective: Swati; note - former term, Swazi, still used among English speakersEthiopia
noun: Ethiopian(s)
adjective: EthiopianFalkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
noun: Falkland Islander(s)
adjective: Falkland IslandFaroe Islands
noun: Faroese (singular and plural)
adjective: FaroeseFiji
noun: Fijian(s)
adjective: FijianFinland
noun: Finn(s)
adjective: FinnishFrance
noun: Frenchman(men), Frenchwoman(women)
adjective: FrenchFrench Polynesia
noun: French Polynesian(s)
adjective: French PolynesianGabon
noun: Gabonese (singular and plural)
adjective: GaboneseGambia, The
noun: Gambian(s)
adjective: GambianGaza Strip
noun: NA
adjective: NAGeorgia
noun: Georgian(s)
adjective: GeorgianGermany
noun: German(s)
adjective: GermanGhana
noun: Ghanaian(s)
adjective: GhanaianGibraltar
noun: Gibraltarian(s)
adjective: GibraltarGreece
noun: Greek(s)
adjective: GreekGreenland
noun: Greenlander(s)
adjective: GreenlandicGrenada
noun: Grenadian(s)
adjective: GrenadianGuam
noun: Guamanian(s) (US citizens)
adjective: GuamanianGuatemala
noun: Guatemalan(s)
adjective: GuatemalanGuernsey
noun: Channel Islander(s)
adjective: Channel IslanderGuinea
noun: Guinean(s)
adjective: GuineanGuinea-Bissau
noun: Bissau-Guinean(s)
adjective: Bissau-GuineanGuyana
noun: Guyanese (singular and plural)
adjective: GuyaneseHaiti
noun: Haitian(s)
adjective: HaitianHoly See (Vatican City)
noun: none
adjective: noneHonduras
noun: Honduran(s)
adjective: HonduranHong Kong
noun: Chinese/Hong Konger
adjective: Chinese/Hong KongHungary
noun: Hungarian(s)
adjective: HungarianIceland
noun: Icelander(s)
adjective: IcelandicIndia
noun: Indian(s)
adjective: IndianIndonesia
noun: Indonesian(s)
adjective: IndonesianIran
noun: Iranian(s)
adjective: IranianIraq
noun: Iraqi(s)
adjective: IraqiIreland
noun: Irishman(men), Irishwoman(women), Irish (collective plural)
adjective: IrishIsle of Man
noun: Manxman(men), Manxwoman(women)
adjective: ManxIsrael
noun: Israeli(s)
adjective: IsraeliItaly
noun: Italian(s)
adjective: ItalianJamaica
noun: Jamaican(s)
adjective: JamaicanJapan
noun: Japanese (singular and plural)
adjective: JapaneseJersey
noun: Channel Islander(s)
adjective: Channel IslanderJordan
noun: Jordanian(s)
adjective: JordanianKazakhstan
noun: Kazakhstani(s)
adjective: KazakhstaniKenya
noun: Kenyan(s)
adjective: KenyanKiribati
noun: I-Kiribati (singular and plural)
adjective: I-KiribatiKorea, North
noun: Korean(s)
adjective: KoreanKorea, South
noun: Korean(s)
adjective: KoreanKosovo
noun: Kosovan
adjective: Kosovan
note: Kosovo, a neutral term, is sometimes also used as a noun or adjective as in Kosovo Albanian, Kosovo Serb, Kosovo minority, or Kosovo citizenKuwait
noun: Kuwaiti(s)
adjective: KuwaitiKyrgyzstan
noun: Kyrgyzstani(s)
adjective: KyrgyzstaniLaos
noun: Lao(s) or Laotian(s)
adjective: Lao or LaotianLatvia
noun: Latvian(s)
adjective: LatvianLebanon
noun: Lebanese (singular and plural)
adjective: LebaneseLesotho
noun: Mosotho (singular), Basotho (plural)
adjective: BasothoLiberia
noun: Liberian(s)
adjective: LiberianLibya
noun: Libyan(s)
adjective: LibyanLiechtenstein
noun: Liechtensteiner(s)
adjective: LiechtensteinLithuania
noun: Lithuanian(s)
adjective: LithuanianLuxembourg
noun: Luxembourger(s)
adjective: LuxembourgMacau
noun: Chinese
adjective: ChineseMadagascar
noun: Malagasy (singular and plural)
adjective: MalagasyMalawi
noun: Malawian(s)
adjective: MalawianMalaysia
noun: Malaysian(s)
adjective: MalaysianMaldives
noun: Maldivian(s)
adjective: MaldivianMali
noun: Malian(s)
adjective: MalianMalta
noun: Maltese (singular and plural)
adjective: MalteseMarshall Islands
noun: Marshallese (singular and plural)
adjective: MarshalleseMauritania
noun: Mauritanian(s)
adjective: MauritanianMauritius
noun: Mauritian(s)
adjective: MauritianMexico
noun: Mexican(s)
adjective: MexicanMicronesia, Federated States of
noun: Micronesian(s)
adjective: Micronesian; Chuukese, Kosraen(s), Pohnpeian(s), YapeseMoldova
noun: Moldovan(s)
adjective: MoldovanMonaco
noun: Monegasque(s) or Monacan(s)
adjective: Monegasque or MonacanMongolia
noun: Mongolian(s)
adjective: MongolianMontenegro
noun: Montenegrin(s)
adjective: MontenegrinMontserrat
noun: Montserratian(s)
adjective: MontserratianMorocco
noun: Moroccan(s)
adjective: MoroccanMozambique
noun: Mozambican(s)
adjective: MozambicanNamibia
noun: Namibian(s)
adjective: NamibianNauru
noun: Nauruan(s)
adjective: NauruanNepal
noun: Nepali (singular and plural)
adjective: NepaliNetherlands
noun: Dutchman(men), Dutchwoman(women)
adjective: DutchNew Caledonia
noun: New Caledonian(s)
adjective: New CaledonianNew Zealand
noun: New Zealander(s)
adjective: New ZealandNicaragua
noun: Nicaraguan(s)
adjective: NicaraguanNiger
noun: Nigerien(s)
adjective: NigerienNigeria
noun: Nigerian(s)
adjective: NigerianNiue
noun: Niuean(s)
adjective: NiueanNorfolk Island
noun: Norfolk Islander(s)
adjective: Norfolk Islander(s)North Macedonia
noun: Macedonian(s)
adjective: MacedonianNorthern Mariana Islands
noun: NA (US citizens)
adjective: NANorway
noun: Norwegian(s)
adjective: NorwegianOman
noun: Omani(s)
adjective: OmaniPakistan
noun: Pakistani(s)
adjective: PakistaniPalau
noun: Palauan(s)
adjective: PalauanPanama
noun: Panamanian(s)
adjective: PanamanianPapua New Guinea
noun: Papua New Guinean(s)
adjective: Papua New GuineanParaguay
noun: Paraguayan(s)
adjective: ParaguayanPeru
noun: Peruvian(s)
adjective: PeruvianPhilippines
noun: Filipino(s)
adjective: PhilippinePitcairn Islands
noun: Pitcairn Islander(s)
adjective: Pitcairn IslanderPoland
noun: Pole(s)
adjective: PolishPortugal
noun: Portuguese (singular and plural)
adjective: PortuguesePuerto Rico
noun: Puerto Rican(s) (US citizens)
adjective: Puerto RicanQatar
noun: Qatari(s)
adjective: QatariRomania
noun: Romanian(s)
adjective: RomanianRussia
noun: Russian(s)
adjective: RussianRwanda
noun: Rwandan(s)
adjective: RwandanSaint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha
noun: Saint Helenian(s)
adjective: Saint Helenian
note: referred to locally as "Saints"Saint Kitts and Nevis
noun: Kittitian(s), Nevisian(s)
adjective: Kittitian, NevisianSaint Lucia
noun: Saint Lucian(s)
adjective: Saint LucianSaint Pierre and Miquelon
noun: Frenchman(men), Frenchwoman(women)
adjective: FrenchSaint Vincent and the Grenadines
noun: Saint Vincentian(s) or Vincentian(s)
adjective: Saint Vincentian or VincentianSamoa
noun: Samoan(s)
adjective: SamoanSan Marino
noun: Sammarinese (singular and plural)
adjective: SammarineseSao Tome and Principe
noun: Sao Tomean(s)
adjective: Sao TomeanSaudi Arabia
noun: Saudi(s)
adjective: Saudi or Saudi ArabianSenegal
noun: Senegalese (singular and plural)
adjective: SenegaleseSerbia
noun: Serb(s)
adjective: SerbianSeychelles
noun: Seychellois (singular and plural)
adjective: SeychelloisSierra Leone
noun: Sierra Leonean(s)
adjective: Sierra LeoneanSingapore
noun: Singaporean(s)
adjective: SingaporeSlovakia
noun: Slovak(s)
adjective: SlovakSlovenia
noun: Slovene(s)
adjective: SlovenianSolomon Islands
noun: Solomon Islander(s)
adjective: Solomon IslanderSomalia
noun: Somali(s)
adjective: SomaliSouth Africa
noun: South African(s)
adjective: South AfricanSouth Sudan
noun: South Sudanese (singular and plural)
adjective: South SudaneseSpain
noun: Spaniard(s)
adjective: SpanishSri Lanka
noun: Sri Lankan(s)
adjective: Sri LankanSudan
noun: Sudanese (singular and plural)
adjective: SudaneseSuriname
noun: Surinamer(s)
adjective: SurinameseSweden
noun: Swede(s)
adjective: SwedishSwitzerland
noun: Swiss (singular and plural)
adjective: SwissSyria
noun: Syrian(s)
adjective: SyrianTaiwan
noun: Taiwan (singular and plural)
adjective: Taiwan (or Taiwanese)
note: example - he or she is from Taiwan; they are from TaiwanTajikistan
noun: Tajikistani(s)
adjective: TajikistaniTanzania
noun: Tanzanian(s)
adjective: TanzanianThailand
noun: Thai (singular and plural)
adjective: ThaiTimor-Leste
noun: Timorese
adjective: TimoreseTogo
noun: Togolese (singular and plural)
adjective: TogoleseTokelau
noun: Tokelauan(s)
adjective: TokelauanTonga
noun: Tongan(s)
adjective: TonganTrinidad and Tobago
noun: Trinidadian(s), Tobagonian(s)
adjective: Trinidadian, Tobagonian
note: Trinbagonian is used on occasion to describe a citizen of the country without specifying the island of originTunisia
noun: Tunisian(s)
adjective: TunisianTurkey
noun: Turk(s)
adjective: TurkishTurkmenistan
noun: Turkmenistani(s)
adjective: TurkmenistaniTurks and Caicos Islands
noun: none
adjective: noneTuvalu
noun: Tuvaluan(s)
adjective: TuvaluanUganda
noun: Ugandan(s)
adjective: UgandanUkraine
noun: Ukrainian(s)
adjective: UkrainianUnited Arab Emirates
noun: Emirati(s)
adjective: EmiratiUnited Kingdom
noun: Briton(s), British (collective plural)
adjective: BritishUnited States
noun: American(s)
adjective: AmericanUruguay
noun: Uruguayan(s)
adjective: UruguayanUzbekistan
noun: Uzbekistani
adjective: UzbekistaniVanuatu
noun: Ni-Vanuatu (singular and plural)
adjective: Ni-VanuatuVenezuela
noun: Venezuelan(s)
adjective: VenezuelanVietnam
noun: Vietnamese (singular and plural)
adjective: VietnameseVirgin Islands
noun: Virgin Islander(s) (US citizens)
adjective: Virgin IslanderWallis and Futuna
noun: Wallisian(s), Futunan(s), or Wallis and Futuna Islanders
adjective: Wallisian, Futunan, or Wallis and Futuna IslanderWest Bank
noun: NA
adjective: NAYemen
noun: Yemeni(s)
adjective: YemeniZambia
noun: Zambian(s)
adjective: ZambianZimbabwe
noun: Zimbabwean(s)
adjective: Zimbabwean