To: File
Subject: SI and H EXperimentation, 3 June 1953
On Wednesday, 3 June 1953 SI an
researc was c i Hail
d using
as subjec
The three bta..were quickly: put under.hypnosis upon
their arrival.. 1 then expressed the desire to work
subjaLoe. eeping in mind th teVer inetho
prefered to use wtuld serve:Iduril?est,
oceeded to Room 2)1 where they worked
WAS again induced intt):4 deep state of
hypnosis 01 .regressed back to her classdays'in high school Some.
To: File
Subject: SI and H Experimentation, 24 November 1953.
On 24 November 1953) Tuesday, SI and H Experime
was carried on in ldin 1 oo 0
. In view of the fact that t
previously attended any of the had.
only att viousl and
-ducted ape era
area er discussed the eers
(see erning work with the subjects in,
cOnne ed 110 - g)...
The writer n the .
. very general aspects of them.
in detail regardiit the abso e security required in this pro-.
4 Aniseet 1954
02Ms, MUM =Kw
1082/Sottemt Miner
Eintoro,leet 22# Projeet 211241eik
loNotee 110. 2, Mateo* 44,0240401
I.. 200e* 1110, 2 for 2ubprefeat 22 of t4'ojeet.1240tek & Atteciteas
torah* to the- Mitt one to be anbeittet under :212aproileet 22 ea
!Mon petti.eoliatttetoe **Atte moat of thSaipx*itiet. :It is
2/,010411 0_. ..,1411f* tialtOnt ante by two eenblerse �theflOrt for $205,33
OM *704434*;'.00110 out to the Geothinkfte rwait for 00,1i Reseereh
TO: File
SUBJECT: SI and H Experimentation, 17 March 1953
On Tuesday, 17 ?larch 1953, SI axd H experimentation was cancelled.
DATE: A 0.r2)
On 16 and 17 December, work was cancelled awing to Nisits.
of the writer to 111111.1111111111111 Work on the' 23, and
2L.' of December.was cancelled because of the Christmas holidays.
Work On the 30 and.31 of December was cancelled because_of.the_
New Year holiday.
�- .......
.... . .... .... ... ... ......
: Subject: SI andil EXperimentation, 13 January 1953.
On 13 January 19531 83
oom 20 wit
erimentation was carried on
reviauswork in the making of motion pictures with
oncerning illusions, hallucinations, etc. had been
laced by accident, it was decided by the
writer and hat the evening would be devoted to a
retake of e emons ra ions in question. Accordingly, t e tus
� was set up and the series of scenes were run off using
as the subject in all sequences.
To: File
Subject: SI and H Experimentation, 29 September 2953.
0/1.29 September 1953, SI an erime tatio
1 R m 20, with
as subjects..
The first part of the evening all girls were given
suggestibility tests, including the failing back and the pendulum
tests All tests were satisfactory.
� Then using the progressive relaxation technique
took all t e su jec s and before awakening them gave them a PH
suggestion ofiklling asleep. Two girls immediately followed the
To: File
Subject: SI and H Experimentation
7 JU17 1953
After ta *th the subjects for sometime, took
gly- while atched. Be was able to induce a light state
0'Tby5iosis which wTho successful in son- e tests nor was he
. :able to bring about a somnabulistic state. tated she was able
to be induced more easily in the. past but in s i more difficult
now. Some of her problems were answered and assurance was given that
she would be able to go under with ease in the future.
then too] 1 a11111ln
To: File
Subject: SI and H Experimentation, 6 May 1953
Since this was in a sense still an exploratory operation all
subjects were tested on hand levitation. As a rule this was not too
Thereafter, all subjects were ran by various operators on a
slow, straight induction and awakening.
After a period of discussion, the sub
slow induction method with the exception of
Bandied in view of the fact that time was g s
aim run on a
ho was not
In general, this session wa.s not too successful in the opinion
12 November 1952 (Wednesday):
-NOTE: Special work involving hyPnotic.techniques was
not-carried on on and 5 November because of
the national elections. In addition,. work was
cancelled the night of 11 November since it was
Armistice Day.' �
On 12 November 1952, S
uilding 13, R 0, wit
As noted previously, these subjects are all fairly new and the
session was primarily devoted to.further_testing and efforts;
duce deeper sleep states in these'individuals.
�� At this point, by obserVa