29 October 1952
On 29 October 1952 Wednesday, SI a
in Bnildin lt Room 20 with
. Since all of the subjects were new and had only had one previous
session,1t was decided:to discuss again in. neral.termS,the.subject .
of hypnosis and its relation to the ogram.. After this,
routine experimentation began....
It was decided bMII and the writer to demonstrate to
I each of the subjects in urn another technique of inducing hypnosis..
This time the fixtation technique was re d ne. 1 three .x
To: File
Subject: SI and 4 Experimentation, 23 September 1953
On 23 September 1953, SI and, H experimentat on
. .
tried the "falling ba
d both tests were successful. o
an uced her in a light trance and then and uced
her again and while she was sleeping he to an a prone
position and attempted to trance. r directed
to continue to ee whil ent bac t e he
was talking to with a start.
reassured and e s later induce in a prone
position where she athieved a eeper trance and anesthesia was
,JdWnesded tol-COt
by authority of:
date: June 1977
28 January 1954
SUBJECT: Project MKULTRA, Subproject 23
1. The scope of this project is intended to encompass all
those activities now engaged in by the Geschickter Fund for Medical
Research, Inc. in its awn facilities under the direction of TSS.
At the present time t e various projects at this facility'r
are being concluded and it is deemed nesiraote
Security orrnatioir
TO: File
SUBJECT: SI and g Experimentation, 17 November 1953.
On Tuesday, 3.7 November 1953
in Building
In view or the fact that only Worked a .
few tines previousIy.and this was rirst attendance,
,both of these girls were asked to as observers only during
the first two tests.
The first test consisted of an experiment involving the
sage and the transmittal of same
was first triM on tb.. test wit
using e initi�nduction. las raace In a
mately 9:00 PM. .
To: File
Subject: SI and H Experimentation, 2 June 1953
On .Tuesday, 2 June 1953
opened the"using a .standard, slow induc-
and all SubjeCts present responded exceptionally well.
A simple post-H was given at this time.
After a short discussion,
all subjects responded at orate.
induction and standard test proce
plied the Post-H and
then continued standard
Toward the conclusion of this test, all subjects were given
. *On I4ednesday, 31 March 1954, SI and H EXperimentation and
Research was carried on in Room 20 Building 13 .with the following
sub'ects resent:
A general sic inducti., as five to P11 hands present and
for the record ppeared to obtain a deeper
state of hypno ere � ore.
Following this experiment, anothdr experiment was run on the
testing of emotions produced under hypnosis. All present were used-
in this test and the reactions of each person were noticed and
� . .
To: File
SI and H ExperiMentation, Wednesday, 17 October 1951.
. On Wednesday-2.17 October 19514
the writer conducted exenirnents in and H with
In view
� entire
SI state in
manly to give
Obtaining deep
viously established.
Accordingly, in the first atte
roach and directed full attention of
to obtaining a complete body catalepsy.
d not respond at all to these suggestions, obtaining no
er and coming awake in a standard "falling" test.
To: File
Subject: SI and g
� 011.23 June 1953,
SI . ; -.-.enta
erimentation, 23 June 4953
d the Writer conduoted
In view of the fact that none of the subjectS'had:shown-t9:,
date any outstanding ability, routine tatitin-and
experimentation was carried out
The response of all except ippe�d normal. and
reasonably good, but ustrated that she was.
at all times combet* gges ions and was totally rationAlizing
her actions irregardless of the type.
.Nothing of :any outst
It should be noted that