To: File
Subject: SI and H Experimentation, 12 May 1953
On TUesday, 12 May 1953
Ro 13,
tation was c
e need for practical work was evident for
the bulk of the work was, conducted by these
c ion was directed to the adaptation of a.tec
be best sui�d to each individual's personality.
Oceeded clinical approach, namelya s ow -
on method. A mild State of .H was Obtained
in all three subjects.
An umusual.occurrende, whic
latter part of the eyeing.
made some statement which w
In view of
' was decided by
ried on The sda
On 7 April 19541 Wednesday, SI and H experimentation and research
was carrie on in Buildin 1 with the followin sub 'ect,s resent:
. � � -- � .� �
�The work was opened with the usual 'slow 'induction with all hands'
participating. On completion of this slow' duc ' =' s ecial uick
induction process, using PH,. was given to
sponded exceptionally well � is and
To: The files
Subject: SI and H experimentation, 16 March 1954
Onluesday,.16 March'1954, SI and-R er tation-an
h -Was carried on in Ruidling13 by
d the followin� subjects:
. Routine tests only were handled during this session with
certain simple tests run on hallucinations and some PH of a
-cOplei nature were carried out.
TO: File
SUBJECT: SI and H E1perimentationj 10 March. 1953
On Tuesday, 10 March 1953
entation and t
t this point,
y that she was tans erring from
going overseas for the Agency. She sta s
tain an interest in it even thou
at after she had settled down in con act the writer, arrangements could po
problems involving the
the work here. The writer rj cautioned her
ipitieafter, the writer an owe
ion pictures previously ma e on other H su 4111111111.11 s since
SUBJECT: SI and H Experimentation, 10 February 1953
On Tuesday, 10 February 1953
Since this was cond�effort, she was tested
and retested on s � 1 'uc ion methods and, in general,
she responded very rapidly--improving each time.
ho has done 'considerable work previously, acted a o -
erver most of the time, but was given a -Pi+ number of induction
tests and cariied them out exactly:
DATE: 12DA4200.()
' TO: File
SUBJECT: SI and H Experimentation, 24 February 1953.
On Tuesday, .24 February 1953,
d tests wit
As mentioned . rims y, o s no a
was no used in the testing but was e fiE-tlie-,--e-iiielti:'
- of an Observer and to help control some of the experiments.
, Since hacishown an increasing ability in
ali111111111111111.1 ' .
the Work, severg a 1vanced experiments in ,"normal movement"
�nd iaa were carried out during this �session. Both
rating individually, were able to move a11 ing ,
To: File
Subject: .SI and H Experimentation 16 February 1954.
On 16 February 1954, Tuesda SI an erimentation
and research was carried out by
and usin the folio
This session was very unsuccessful probably due to the
fact the night was� extremely warm and the air conditioning
equipment in the operations room was not working so that the
area was uncomfortable and very close. Several routine inductions
were run but when special work was attem ts were not
good. In fact, during one of the tests ibeca1ne soma-
To: Files
Subject: SI and H Experimentation, 16 September 1953
On 16 September 1953, SI and H
carried on in ildin 1 Ro
Af r a general discu onducted by
erimented with the "hand evi ation" test
wnicn was successful and she went into a trance by continued
suggestion. Then anesthesia and sensitivity of each arm was
-tried. A PH was given that she would sleep upon signal. This
was also successful although later she said she remembered
what the signal was and she could have resisted if she had
desired. _
To: Files
Subject: SI and H Experimentation (21 September 1951).
On Friday, 21 Septemb
� ment using SI and H With
- conducted in Room 201.Bu
er conduCted an expert-
This experiment was .
The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether a
post hypnotic would operate effectively upon the subject and to
see if amnesia could be created in the subject.
An SI state was induced.into the subject, at which time, she
was told that each and every time the writer stroked his hair, she