Approved for Release: 2023/10/27 CO2463446
, 1 ' PC-239-52
--_Irdy f niormation 'yid,- T5 63706'1
Copy i of 7
Amendment #3 to project PP EYBER proposes the allocation for
the support of the League of Free Jurists of the Soviet Zone for the remainder
of FY 1952.
Project PP EMBER was approved on 21 December 191.,.9 for the purpose of
supporting a campaign to expose illegal action and acts of inhumanity cormitted
Message from the Director: Independence Day
Approved for Release: 2023/10/13 C06865808
El JUNE 29, 2017
(U) Message from the Director: Independence
On Tuesday, our nation will mark 241 years since the Second Continental Congress ratified a resolution, submitted by
Richard Henry Lee of Virginia, declaring independence from the tyranny of a distant monarch. Lee and his band of
Message from the Director: The New Deputy Director of CIA
Approved for Release: 2023/10/13 C06865839
(U) Message from the Director: The New
Deputy Director of CIA
(S//NF) I am delighted to announce that President Trump has chosen Gina Haspel to be
the next Deputy Director of CIA. Gina is an exemplary intelligence officer and a devoted patriot who brings more than
Approved for Release: 2023/10/27 CO2218604--
MEMORANDUM FOR* The Director of Central Intelligence
e fr-
Cepy of copies
Page =of =pages
April 8# 1948
Referenoes Memo for Assistant Director for Special Operations,
dated 24 March 1948
1. For communication planning purposes, the Office of Special Operations
has proceeded on the following baseas
a. To provide secure means of oommunioations for intelligence reports
. � v� � � Approved for Release. 2023/10/06 C00188143.
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DOJ/OSI Investigation of Klaus Barhie (U)
(A) OGC111579rdated 29 March 1983. via
IMS4 Memo dated 1 April 1983
(B) OGC 83-0313.8 dated. 15 April 1983
1. Ti.? following. is a :t1:4.11hry of an Inrensive ;;0.1coh of
the files ;id indices of the Dirvotcrate of OPerations which
Message from the Director: Senior Leadership Announcement
Approved for Release: 2023/10/13 C06865820
(U) Message from the Director: Senior
Leadership Announcement
(U) I am pleased to inform you that Courtney Simmons Elwood has been confirmed by the Senate today to be our next
General Counsel. Com iney is a tremendously accomplished attorney with experience in both private practice and public
service. She was most recently a partner in the firm Kellogg, Hansen, Todd, Figel & Frederick, PLLC. She joined the
Message from the Director: My First Public Remarks
Approved for Release: 2023/10/13 C06865812
(U) Message from the Director: My First
Public Remarks
I made my first public remarks on Thursday; you can read them here. I spoke about the greatness of our work at CIA
now and over the past decades. I also took some time to focus America on the things we do and that we don't do in
order to keep them safe. And I told the world that we were no longer going to allow bad actors to steal our stuff and use
Message from the Director: The Start of Our CFC Campaign
Approved for Release: 2023/10/13 C06865840
(U) Message from the Director: The Start of
Our CFC Campaign
Today we launch the annual Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) at CIA. The theme this year, "Show Some Love," is
fitting for our workforce. We work selflessly for others every day as we carry out our mission, and we apply that same
Message from Director Pompeo
Approved for Release: 2023/10/13 C06865795
(U) Message from Director Pompeo
Last night, I had the honor of a lifetime by being sworn in as the 22nd Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. I
come to the Agency as a longtime admirer, well acquainted with your skill, courage, and dedication during my years on
the House Intelligence Committee. I am humbled by having been entrusted with this post, and I feel deeply privileged to
Approved for Release: 2023/10/27 006308719
JUN 8 19561
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
SUBJECT: Interest of the President's Consultants
in Staybehind Activities
1. As a result of the interest shown by the President's Consultants
in our staybehind activities, you asked that you be furnished two memo-
randa prior to the next meeting with the Consultants, one explaining our
activities in the staybehind field in general and the other dealing with our
staybehind arrangements (b)(1)