Approved for Release: 2021/12/06 C06107599
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
10 September 2013
Mr. Jason Leopold
Reference: F-2013-02515
Dear Mr. Leopold:
This acknowledges receipt of and is a final response to your 21 August 2013 Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) request, received in the office of the Information and Privacy on 22 August
2013, for the following:
...the same records a requester sought on February 5, 2013 that was assigned case
Approved for Release: 2022/02/17 C06535330
-T2-201 (D
Jeremy Bigwood
Investigative Journalist and Photojournalist
Mikhail Lesin in Dupont Circle, November 5, 2015
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Dear FOIA/MDR officer
In my capacity as an investigative journalist I am writing your office to request the
release of records through an expedited FOIA request. I seek any and all records,
Approved for Release: 2021/12/06 C06102050
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
3 September 2013
Mr. Jason Leopold
Reference: F-2013-02511
Dear Mr. Leopold:
This is a final response to your 21 August 2013 Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) request, received in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator on
22 August 2013, for "a copy of the same records a requester sought on February 21, 2013
under case number F-2013-00899, 'requests for consultation or advice for films, tv, show
Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 C06246225
19 September 1963
The Honorable Henry Cabot Lodge
The Ambassador of the United States
Saigon, South Viet Nam
Dear Cabot:
I am taking this means of communicating with you in the
interests of privacy knowing that the use of the CIA channel,
restrictive as it is, would mean that a few people on both ends would
have access to my message to you.
I was told by Dean Rusk that you had proposed that General
Lansdale come out to assist you and, in order to provide needed staff
Approved for Release: 2021/12/06 C06185121 F� oi y 0/ 3 GI
FOIA Request ID: 2975
FOIA Request submitted by:
Mr. Jason Leopold
Submitted on: April 15, 2014 : 19:39 - America/New_York
Investigative Journalist
United States
Dear FOIA Analyst,
This is a request for records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552, et seq. I am
seeking a copy of a memo written by former CIA Director Leon Panetta on April 9, 2009 referring to
Approved for Release: 2022/07/20 C05982811
24 October 1963
SUBJECT: Discussion with :Kenneth Hansen of the Bureau a the Budget
on the Situation in Saigon at the Time of His Visit
1. In accordance with your instructions, I stopped in to see
Feline% Hansen at the Bureau of the Budget at 1400 today and said I
was quite concerned about some of his comments on the situation in
Saigon and wondered if he could expand on his previous comments. I
Approved for Release: 2022/01/27 C06896739
o1!&-mr.1 ururcn
19 December 2011
Mr. John P. Fitzpatrick, Director
Information Security Oversight Office
National Archives and Records Administration
Washington, D.C. 20408-0001
Dear Mr. Fitzpatrick:
(U//FOU0) I have enclosed the Central Intelligence Agency's
(CIA) 2011 report on its self-inspection as required by Executive
Order 13526 � 5.4 (d)(4). This is in response to a letter signed
by Mr. William Cira on April 05, 2011 that was never received by
Approved for Release: 2021/12/06 C06159892
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
14 February 2014
Mr. Jason Leopold
Reference: F-2014-00800
Dear Mr. Leopold:
On 7 February 2014, the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator
received your 6 February 2014 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for copies of
any and all reports sent to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence related to any
authorized leaks. We have assigned your request the reference number above. Please use
Approved for Release: 2022/10/03 C06408514
FO- 059
Jim Giles
New Scientist
201 Mission Street, 26th Floor
San Francisco
CA 94105
March 18,2010
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
Fee benefit requested
Dear Coordinator:
Pursuant to the federal Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. � 552, I request access to and
copies of all records that include data on, or summaries of, the search warrants, subpoenas and
Approved for Release: 2021/12/06 C06145309
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
15 January 2014
Mr. Jason Leopold
Reference: F-2014-00553
Dear Mr. Leopold:
This is a final response to your 26 December 2013 Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) request, received in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator on
6 January 2014, for any records constituting, discussing, or mentioning the Central
Intelligence Agency's (CIA) internal study of its detention and interrogation