Approved fok,-.;IrViese: 2022/07/20 C06612908
5 September 1963
SUBJECT: Meeting with Secretary McNamara and Secretary
Gilpatric on 4 September 1963
1. Read and approved the Bross letter. Gilpatric spoke
most enthusiastically of Bross.
2. McNamara formally requested that we arrange for U-2
aerial surveillance of the India-ChiCom border utilizing Takhli.
3. Commented that the NRO budget had not been settled
and that demand for increase in the '64 budget was in their hands.
Approved for Release: 2022/10/03 C06408426
Central Intxlligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
Mr. Verne Kopytoff
San Francisco Chronicle
901 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Reference: F-2007-01090
MAY 0 9 2007
Dear Mr. Kopytoff:
The office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator has received your
27 March 2007 Freedom of Information Act request. Our officers will review it, and will
advise you should they encounter any problems or if they cannot begin the search without
additional information.
Approved for Release: 2021/12/02 C05834968P (IIVACV CFROIER
I jc (1
March 28, 2012
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, DC 20505
Office of the Inspector General
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, DC 20505
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request
Dear FOIA Officer,
1716 Caneectieut Ave NW
Suite 200
Vliashintitari 06 20009
281 2112 163 1110 (tell
*0212 1.81 1298 11921
Approved for Release: 2022/09/22 C06212237
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
9 July 2014
Mr. Evan Hill
Al Jazeera America
435 Hudson Street
Suite 400
New York, NY 10014
Reference: F-2014-01749
Dear Mr. Hill:
This is further to our 9 June 2014 letter concerning your 6 June 2014 Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) request for:
1. Any and all records referring to the Twitter account @CIA.
2. Records relating to the establishment and operation of the account,
Approved for Release: 2022/04/04 C06542737
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
14 April 2016
Mr. Scott Parker
Director of Investigations
Republican National Committee
310 First Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003
Reference: F-2015-02412 (Formerly F-2015-01811)
Dear Mr. Parker:
This acknowledges your 15 January 2016 letter, received in the office of the
Information and Privacy Coordinator on 18 February 2016, wherein you requested the
Approved for Release: 2022/02/08 C06582933
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
29 April 2016
Mr. Abraham Payton
Mr. John Cotter
American Bridge 21' Century
455 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Sixth Floor
Washington, DC 20001
Reference: F-2016-01173
Dear Messrs. Payton and Cotter:
This is a final response to your 2 March 2016 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request, received in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator on 2 March 2016, for
Approved for Release: 2021/12/02006082706
rlita, elf panrirt: n7./nRpn1
Task Information
Task ID:
5253098 Case ID:
Case Manager:
Special Handling.
Ext. Agency:
From: P1PD To: DCI
Case Action: Search Task Type: Review
Send Date: 04/10/2013 Due Date: 06/24/2013
Return Date:
Grant Code:
Sub Code:
Approved for Release: 2022/09/22 C06418897
Date : Aug 12, 2015 9:01 GMT
To 17036133007
From :
Subject: MR#12071-170212 - RE: Freedom of Information Request #F-2014-01785
August 12, 2015
Central Intelligence Agency
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
This is a follow up to request number F-2014-01705:
To Whom It May Concern:
I wanted to follow up on the following Freedom of Information request, copied below,
Approved for Release: 2022/10/03 C06408429
� Verne Kopytoff
San Francisco Chronicle
901 Mission St.
San Francisco, Ca. 94103
(415) 777-6004
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
July 19, 2007
I'd like to make a FOIA request for documents related to Google, the Internet
search engine based in Mountain View, Calif. My request is for the following:
Approved for Release: 2022/09/22 C06202294
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
18 June 2014
Mr. John Greenewald, Jr.
Reference: F-2014-01303
Dear Mr. Greenewald:
This is a final response to your 10 April 2014 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request, received in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator on 11 April 2014,
for "a copy of all communications, electronic or otherwise, between the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) and Google, Inc., from January 1, 2014 to date."