Approved for Release: 2022/08/15 CO2600674
CI Memorandum No. 36
25 October 1956
TO: fill Area Branches
SUBJ:;ECT: Significance of Developments of International
Communism After the XXth :Party Congress
of the CPU
1. Attached you will fine copies of a sterile paper,
entitled as indicated above. The paper was orginally prepared
as a briefing and was delivered by C/Cl/ICD in mid-E'eptember
1956. The present version has been suitably edited.
2. The paper will be of interest to field station personnel,
Approved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00796097
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington D.C. 20505
24 June 2002
Mr. Guy Grundman
Reference: F-2002-01079
Dear Mr. Grundman:
This is in response to your 22 May 2002 letter to the office of Senator
John Warner, which was forwarded to the CIA's Office of Congressional Affairs
and, ultimately, to the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator for
response. Requests such as yours are considered under the provisions of the
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Approved for Release: 2022/06/22 C06933171
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10 Dumber 1947
IdDICRANDIN 0 captain Smut N. Voris unto Mitt 'RUMPS.. Obialtives
Agony, Room 20267, Pontoon, Washington 25, D. O. . .
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sent on a repast by Prot. Gerlach to awe from the Dritish to the II. 11,
Sons it aormanb I ban stated that vhile I had se Wootton to aerialists
Approved for Release: 2022/11/22 C06643867
FEB. 15, 1957
TO; Director
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Attention: Ur. S.J. Pupich
FROM: Deputy Director, Plane
SUBJECT: Information Reports
1. Attached for� your information are copies of. field reports
concerning the following subjects:.
2. The information contained in these reports, which have been
furnished to your representative in Mexico City, is from
s no be disseminated aatside
Approved for Release: 2022/12/05 C00972169
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
24 July 2003
Mr. John Tedesco
San Antonio Express-News
Coastal Bend Bureau
Reference: F-2002-00466
Dear Mr. Tedesco:
This is a final response to your 7 May 2002 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request for records generated by or sent to CIA Director George J. Tenet pertaining to
the September 11 terrorist attacks. Your request was processed in accordance with
Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C06953956
December 2018
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, DC 20505
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am writing to request access to records that I originated, reviewed, signed, or received while serving
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 8 March 2013 to 20 January 2017. Specifically, at thi
time, I would like to review rny calendars, the tables of contents of my day books, and my handwritte
Approved for Release: 2020/12/10 C06828255
OHB Food Court
Menu for the Week of
Weekly Specialty Pizza � 10" hand stretched dough with
Specials: special toppings of the day
6:30 am � 5:00 pm
6:30 am � 6:00 pm
6:30 am � 8:00 pm
red mango
11:00 am � 5:00 pm
Monday Beef Tostada with Roasted Corn & Cilantro
Tuesday Feta Cheese & Tomato
Wednesday BBQ Chicken & Red Onion
Thursday Philly Cheesesteak Pizza
Friday Meat Lovers
Approved for Release: 2022/01/19 C06827999
Freshly Prepared
Fennel & Artichoke
Salad (v) (h) & Corn &
Black Bean
Salad (v) (h)
$0.44 per ounce
August 29th is
More Herbs Less Salt Day
Served at
Pesto Grilled Chicken Breast,
Rosemary Roasted Potatoes,
Fresh Basil Ratatouille,
Roasted Corn with Cilantro
$0.44 per ounce
The Feature
For August is
Whole Wheat Pasta
Whole Wheat Chicken &
Broccoli Pasta Bake
served at
Approved for Release: 2022/12/12 C05153042
��!7e. ;
6 January 194..
NOTE FOR: Director of External Affairs
THROUGH : Executive Director
FROM : Special Assistant to the DDCI
The DDCI asked me to have you oversee the creation without delay of a
memorandum from the DCI to Senator Goldwater, Chairman, SSCI. This letter
should cite the continuing series of Jack Anderson articles, including
today's article (a copy of which is attached), and make reference to the