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  1. /specialCollection/nwcda3/56/AECOB ZRLYNCH VOL. 2/AECOB ZRLYNCH VOL. 2_0003.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 5197c264993294098d50e1ab Attachment Size AECOB ZRLYNCH VOL. 2_0003.pdf 2.33 MB ... PROBLEMS 1. In view of the limited range of the Beaver L-20 aircraft, even when equipped with extra belly ... and an interception attempt is not a remote possibility. However, the capability of a high performance fighter ... vperatTOns Staff e. In view of the above, we recommend that an attempt be made to select a site approximately ...

  2. /specialCollection/nwcda4/94/AERODYNAMIC VOL. 25 (OPERATIONS)/AERODYNAMIC VOL. 25 (OPERATIONS)_0074.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a2b7a993294098d50feaf Attachment Size AERODYNAMIC VOL. 25 (OPERATIONS)_0074.pdf 1.27 MB ... which was Snot. recognised', which was contemptuously regarded as a 'remote province' faceless ... the powerful feeling of being one family and the world view of courageous working people who are selfness ... Union and the Polish People's Republic. The of this friendship is the unity of our views ...

  3. /specialCollection/nwcda6/156/MUELLER, HEINRICH VOL. 2/MUELLER, HEINRICH VOL. 2_0026.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519b7f99993294098d5131d7 Attachment Size MUELLER, HEINRICH VOL. 2_0026.pdf 8.42 MB ... Is he still hidden in some remote Soviet dungeon? Have the Russians merely been spreading rumours about a man ... SCHELLENBERG's Suspicions 8 The Faithful Mistress 11 The Views of Heinz PANNWITZ 14 The Investigation of 1961 16 ... of protracted investigations. In the past MUELLER had been viewed mainly as a missing war criminal. ...

  4. /specialCollection/nwcda6/159/OLIAN, MICHAEL/OLIAN, MICHAEL_0027.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519b7f9c993294098d5136f2 Attachment Size OLIAN, MICHAEL_0027.pdf 1.82 MB ... district, moss having heard that 5ULL0 some- times visited arms dumpo in remote regiona, Saurce loft ... in view of the unsavory repatation of CRAMBRRLAIR who is wellaknown•to the Saida and cltsaly watched ... for t ading. pur- poses..CROWfurthar stated that this was also th. Italian Naval..- Intelligente int of view ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin Collection 03176133 RIPPUB U 15 January 27, 2020 January 30, 2020 May 31, 1958 Attachment Size CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULL[15772353].pdf 649.69 KB THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS CODE WORD MATERIAL TOP SECRET e ... awaiting clarification of De Gaulle's views on their integration pro- gram, which, as they envisage ... are outwardly professing confidence that the general either has recently altered his views or soon will ... on the remote outpost of Remada in southern Tunisia. Tunisian officials claim French ground units from Algeria ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION The Nixon Collection 06928154 RIPPUB U 16 February 23, 2022 February 11, 2022 August 1, 1971 Attachment Size INTELLIGENCE REPORT LEADE[16026006].pdf 555.72 KB Approved for Release: 2022/02/10 006928154 ecre EO 13526 6.2(d) EO 13526 3.3(h ... to Yenan, the remote Communist headquarters Mao had established in Shensi Province. He was assigned ... In March 1955 Ch'en reemerged into public view as deputy director of the Rural Work Department ... In a move to insure that his views on the commune and other topics would be heard, Mao created a new Party ...

  7. Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions between NATO and the Warsaw Pact, CIA/National Security Council, 26 August 1970.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a608a0 Attachment Size 1970-08-26.pdf 1.91 MB ... for "inevitable" unilateral reductions. In short, there is a strong political strain in NATO's view of MBFR ... and the Alliance Defense Re view (AD 70). Should a new consensus emerge in the Alliance on proper force levels ... regiments. In view of the highly uncertain balance that currently exists, and the doubts whether NATO ...

  8. Soviet Concepts of War in Europe: Transition from Conventional to Nuclear Conflict, (Document VII-11) NSC Memorandum for Dr. Kissinger from K. Wayne Smith forwarding CIA/DI/OSR’s responses to questions regarding its intelligence memorandum, 1 July 1971.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a60894 Attachment Size 1971-07-01.pdf 1.21 MB ... Pact's view be expected to change regarding (a) NATO's conventional capabilities, and (b) ... are required, in the Soviet view, to insure offensive success in a conventional war? Do the Soviets believe ... to what extent can the different points of view be associated with different countries in the Eastern alliance ...

  9. 1996-10-22- State Department Dayton History Project Interview with Warren Christopher, 22 OCT 1996

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Bosnia, Intelligence, and the Clinton Presidency 5235e80d993294098d517594 Attachment Size 1996-10-22.pdf 1.01 MB ... offensive in western Bosnia. What were your views or concerns on that? WC: Well, it's certainly complex ... on that? DC: Yes, his view to press the envelope a little bit. WC: I felt that they had gone as far ... as they should go; that we had reaped the benefits of their actions. But I can't attach my view to a particular ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION The CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers 5077054e993247d4d82b6a90 Attachment Size esau-47.pdf 2.63 MB ... of t h e f edayeen g roups, t h e i r i n t e r n i d e o l o g i c a l and t ac t ica l views ... t i n i a n r e s i s t a n c e is n o t of immediate p r a c t i c a l advantage t o many of them, p a r t i c u l a r l y those more remote ... i t c o n s i d e r s i t s e l f pro-Baath and s u p p o r t s t h e pan-Arab, s o c i a l i s t views of t h e Baa th P a r t y, ...

  11. /specialCollection/Reagan/19821013.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Reagan Collection 5076df03993247d4d82b623a Attachment Size 19821013.pdf 3.01 MB ... the Soviets would probably view their ballistic missile defenses as having considerable value in reducing ... about the potential effectiveness of a US strike. 3 SECRET SECRET Another view is that the Soviets, in a widespread ... a potentially important supplement to an ABM defense. There is an alternative view that the SA-5 and SA-10 ...

  12. 1977-08-02- NIE: Middle East Military Balance

    SPECIALCOLLECTION President Carter and the Role of Intelligence in the Camp David Accords 527b88eb993294098d51777a Attachment Size 1977-08-02.pdf 1.77 MB ... against Israel, and Cairo could not now wage war as effectively as it did in 1973. In view of the extended ... remote. Nevertheless, joint defensive capabilities may improve somewhat.- Rapid expansion and improvement ... dependence on view' of the chilly relations that currently exist and8Arab financing, coupled ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION The CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers 5077054e993247d4d82b6aaf Attachment Size esau-29.pdf 4.39 MB ... before those d e f e a t s and domestic pol i t ical gredisure impelled Paris t o with- draw; t h e y appa ren t ly viewed t h e precedent ... an i n t e r n a l matter for Vietnamese a lone. Even these n e g o t i a t i o n s were viewed by Hanoi and Peking ... why was t h e F ron t s t a t emen t I n effect, t h i s move made n e g o t i a t i o n s even more remote, inasmuch ...

  14. /specialCollection/Reagan/19871101A.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Reagan Collection 5076df03993247d4d82b62b6 Attachment Size 19871101A.pdf 3.98 MB ... is designed to summarize our view of Gorbachev's pressures for change in Soviet politics and policies ... differences of view on some of the key questions within agencies, the Intelligence Community, and acade- mia. ... has set. 6 SECRET SECRET — Even less likely than successful s ystemic reform, in our view, is a return ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION The CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers 5077054e993247d4d82b6aa2 Attachment Size esau-42.pdf 3.15 MB ... i l, and p a r t i c u l a r l y j u s t how t h e C h u r c h viewed ... of t h e c o u n t r i e s where s u c h movements s lums, c a r r y i n g out p a s t o r a l d u t i e s i n remote r u r a l a r e a s, ...

  16. III-016 “Penkovskiy’s Legacy and Strategic Research,” CIA/DCI/CSI, Studies in Intelligence, Volume 16, spring 1972.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a6087d Attachment Size 1972-04-01.pdf 1.12 MB ... They do not necessarily reflect official positions or views of the Central Intelligence Agency or any other US government ... and operational zones is the prerogative of the troops of the Front, not the Strategic Rocket Forces.4 In the view ... counter-barrage was so heavy that the very radical, Khrushchev-like views practically disappeared ...

  17. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1962/1962-11-06a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b69f5 Attachment Size 1962-11-06a.pdf 2.02 MB ... military superiority in the next five years, however great an effort they may sake, in view ... have been willing to take rieks which in their view are net necessarily low but which (as conceived) are always ... would inevit-ably assume global, nuclear proportions. This postulate, in our view, underlies current Soviet ...

  18. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1962/1962-01-08.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b69da Attachment Size 1962-01-08.pdf 4.06 MB ... to review the current quartering of troops and headquarters from the point of view of their maximum ... because the authors did not indicate the means of their' practical application. In our view, dispersal of troops ... from the point of view of antiatomic defense, is inexpedient as regards the necessary creation of groupings ...

  19. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1966/1966-08-29e.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6725 Attachment Size 1966-08-29e.pdf 2.27 MB ... the changes that the armed forces will undergo in the remote future, or the combat and tactical-technical data ... of view of individual persons. In the sciences encompassing problems of control there is occur- ring, ... in his approach to any job from the point of view of the Approved For Release 2000/08109: ...

  20. /specialCollection/nwcda5/124/FLEGEL, ARWED/FLEGEL, ARWED_0002.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a6b29993294098d511538 Attachment Size FLEGEL, ARWED_0002.pdf 2.06 MB ... to have anything to do with him or "his group".- • '1 y end in view they assumed false names shortly ... or active, addicted to drugs). In view of his neurotic condition, he was certified as unfit to bear arms ... his political ideas, In view of Frisoner's. mental sund.'izio•i.i, supplied must be treated ...
