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  1. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1977/1977-06-29.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b6920 Attachment Size 1977-06-29.pdf 895.25 KB ... Thought". This article reflects the view that the employment of means in a modern war necessitates ... 5 ot 9 Pages The principal features of these theaters are: their great remoteness from the strategic ...

  2. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1978/1978-06-07.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b68b5 Attachment Size 1978-06-07.pdf 727.7 KB ... this with the necessary accuracy for some remote regions. The issuing of maps in a single coordinate system ... maps of six scales (not counting special maps). In view of the fact that the period ...

  3. /specialCollection/nwcda3/71/QKBROIL/QKBROIL_0022.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 5197c261993294098d50d98f Attachment Size QKBROIL_0022.pdf 1.13 MB ... such bases will be established. The bases will be located in remote areas, affording good defense ... and hazardous. In view of the strength of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet, naval and air patrol of the coastal area, ...

  4. /specialCollection/nwcda4/81/OBOPUS BGFIEND VOL. 4/OBOPUS BGFIEND VOL. 4_0012.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a2b7e993294098d510753 Attachment Size OBOPUS BGFIEND VOL. 4_0012.pdf 2.36 MB ... Movements of Commugists in remote mountain areas (indi- cating Communist post-occupational plans). $EC1115 ... VALONA 'MUMS VALONA FIXR. stancs: Whether or not resistance roapa exist. Strength, politieal views ...

  5. /specialCollection/nwcda5/126/GEHLEN, REINHARD VOL. 4/GEHLEN, REINHARD VOL. 4_0029.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a6b2d993294098d511e82 Attachment Size GEHLEN, REINHARD VOL. 4_0029.pdf 1.7 MB ... of an agency operating overseas. Nor indeed was it even remotely desl-emed to meet the needs of our kind ... evening at the Alibi Club. From my point of view, the only useful thing that was said ems that you either ...

  6. /specialCollection/nwcda8/197/PROJECT PAPERCLIP/PROJECT PAPERCLIP_0003.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd81b993294098d5161ab Attachment Size PROJECT PAPERCLIP_0003.pdf 1.81 MB ... remote from this country using former enemy scientists. Indeed, the,consensup mrevgas thet_the ... by JIOA may be open to question in view of the following information in CIA report 00-29536, dated 14 ...

  7. /specialCollection/nwcda8/197/PROJECT PAPERCLIP/PROJECT PAPERCLIP_0003.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd820993294098d516b71 Attachment Size PROJECT PAPERCLIP_0003.pdf 1.81 MB ... remote from this country using former enemy scientists. Indeed, the,consensup mrevgas thet_the ... by JIOA may be open to question in view of the following information in CIA report 00-29536, dated 14 ...

  8. 1970-04-05 New York Times Air America Civilian Facade Gives it Latitude In East Asia

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Stories of Sacrifice & Dedication 5200379f993294098d5170f4 Attachment Size 197005_os.pdf 563.88 KB ... is more demanding of the pilot and he gets mole fun out of the irregular jobs in remote places. Besides, one ... for when he was looking for a job," 1Mr. Doole said. Like eonven gonal lines, Air viewed as the best fighters in Laos ...

  9. 1970-04-05 New York Times Air America Civilian Facade Gives it Latitude In East Asia

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Stories of Sacrifice & Dedication 5200379f993294098d5171e9 Attachment Size 197001_os.PDF 563.88 KB ... is more demanding of the pilot and he gets mole fun out of the irregular jobs in remote places. Besides, one ... for when he was looking for a job," 1Mr. Doole said. Like eonven gonal lines, Air viewed as the best fighters in Laos ...

  10. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1973/1973-06-04.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6717 Attachment Size 1973-06-04.pdf 1.3 MB ... in the Most remote areas of Ocean theaters of military operations. However, there_ia_no_one_perfect_delivery._vehicle ... to evaluate the situation, complete an initial re- view of reconnaissance data, transmit the most urgent ... to perform operational reconnaissance missions in remote areas of theaters of military operations. ...

  11. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1975/1975-12-29b.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6852 Attachment Size 1975-12-29b.pdf 5.67 MB ... "Mita Thol:Ight". This article is a771777=7/71517esentation of Marshal a,arov s views ... is a comprehensiVe-rrtsentation of Zakharov's views on the problems of troop control and the extent ... To control personnel means to unite their common interests, views and actions, to coordinate their efforts, ...

  12. /specialCollection/Wizards/osi_pdf/the_soviet_bio.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION The Original Wizards of Langley 5077050b993247d4d82b6a0f Attachment Size the_soviet_bio.pdf 8.45 MB ... are based on extensive scientiflc intelligence research and represent the final and consid- ered views ... mentsinspace.........,...,,,,.. 21 Impact of Manned Space Flight........... 21 Soviet Views Regarding Man’s Exploitation of Outer ... them from a microbiological point of view. There is no evidence that Soviet in- vestigators have developed a device ...

  13. “Combat against Enemy Missile Submarines,” by R. Adm. O. Zhukovskiy, special collection Military Thought, top secret issue No.4, 1961, CIA/DP Clandestine Report Special Collection, 29 May 1962, footnote 17.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a60935 Attachment Size 1962-05-29.pdf 1.3 MB ... for the crew of a submarine, continuously submerged for almost two months. According to the views ... views, up to two thirds of the effective strength) always will be at sea. Therefore, despite ... of combat operations to destroy submarines by naval forces. In view of the fact that it is difficult or even ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION The CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers 5077054e993247d4d82b6a9c Attachment Size esau-52.pdf 6.99 MB ... ined t o a remote area, composed a lmos ...

  15. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1961/1961-11-28.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6744 Attachment Size 1961-11-28.pdf 1.06 MB ... the degree of damage. Under favorable meteorological conditions',tioconditions', the more remotely ... out particularly thoroughly. With this aim in view the army artillery headquarters must make vide use of aerial ... of the artillery groups. Bides this, with these aims in view it is advisable that the firing positions ...

  16. /specialCollection/Wizards/osi_pdf/intelligence_im.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION The Original Wizards of Langley 5077050b993247d4d82b6a2c Attachment Size intelligence_im.pdf 499.66 KB ... reflect official positions or views of the Central Intelligence Agency or any other US Government entity, ... was thus remotely diagnosed as meningitis because antibiotics are not effective against viral encephalitis. ... of 1967-1968. As a postscript, China’s failure to prevent and control the spread of diseases was viewed ...

  17. /specialCollection/cgi/1945/War_Dept_Reply_to_Request_for_Correspondent_in_Korea_25_Sep_1945.PDF

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Creating Global Intelligence 50dde104993247d4d8392350 Attachment Size War_Dept_Reply_to_Request_for_Correspondent_in_Korea_25_Sep_1945.PDF 2.81 MB ... the landing of the U. S. occupation foroes is of interest to Koreans in general. In view of our interest ... 3.-Japan War. Anglo- America Faces the New Asia. U. S. S. R. From an Oriental Point of View Official ... Ilishne Kelm& the completion of a rigid test, Jan. 3 to10, (aiding a small ***marine by remote radio ...

  18. I-085 “The Use of Artillery in Support of an Army Counterattack,” Information Collection of the Artillery, issue No.49, 1959, CIA/ DP Clandestine Report Special Collection, 28 November 1961.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a607c7 Attachment Size 1961-11-28.pdf 674.78 KB ... favorable meteorological conditions, the more remotely placed artillery batteries and objectives ... out particularly thoroughly. With this aim in view the army artillery headquarters must make vide use of aerial ... with these aims in view it is advisable that the firing positions of battalions in the groups (and when possible ...

  19. /specialCollection/nwcda1/13/HATZ, OTTO/HATZ, OTTO_0006.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 51966ec6993294098d50a092 Attachment Size HATZ, OTTO_0006.pdf 2.4 MB ... ratty held in Washington by the Department of State we they may he viewed by referring to Sorial 914 ... of having an when the need arose. I sight oupplement the above by noting that Fever (ewe) mamm y' views in this ease ... victogy. The destrtion was said to have boa aorta l'usammeartablei° remotion mans troops at the front. ...

  20. /specialCollection/nwcda1/11/ERHART, LUDWIG VOL. 2/ERHART, LUDWIG VOL. 2_0024.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 51966eca993294098d50aaf9 Attachment Size ERHART, LUDWIG VOL. 2_0024.pdf 1.59 MB ... that theseproposals reflect a new turnin U. n. foreign policy. In view of current die useless in the United States ... the mums of June end Jay, there we. every lively press remotion to foreign, espeolally Wit," ... through Intesomodiaxy of a special institute enaloeons to the prewar pad Diatoms! Bonk. So explained his views laan ...
