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  1. Letter to Doreen Lonborg from Whiting Willauer

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Stories of Sacrifice & Dedication 520037a0993294098d517440 Attachment Size 194825.pdf 460.35 KB ... into very thoroughly by a group of men whohave a tremendous experience of long standing in the problem of remote ... involved in the process of purchasing and exporting; with a view that Doreen could devote ...

  2. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1962/1962-05-07a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b6a04 Attachment Size 1962-05-07a.pdf 3.5 MB ... conditions, considerably decrease the possibility of using remote controlled PTURS. These deficiencies ... on the edges of forests turned toward the enemy, on roads, wide lanes, and cleared areas with a view ... The disposition of PTURS firing positions in places ensuring a good view o the fire sector facilitates ...

  3. VII-165 “The Principal Ways of Improving the Quality of Military Communications,” by Maj. Gen. of Engineer-Technical Service V. Stishkovskiy, Military Thought, secret issue #1, 1970, CIA/DO Intelligence Information Special Report, 1 February 1974.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a6085d Attachment Size 1974-02-01.pdf 1.73 MB ... Communications by General-Mavor of Engineer-Technical Service V. Stishkovskiy The appearance of remote ... view of the increasing complexity of communications equipment, the problem of increasing its operating ... (sixty or more). In our view this tendency is not warranted, because, although it affords certain gains ...

  4. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1974/1974-06-28.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b67fd Attachment Size 1974-06-28.pdf 979.76 KB ... and overpasses that, from a modern point of view, are compactly situated. To destroy each one ... be reliably handled by remote control, they can fundamentally alter the entire organization of obstacle ... for discussion in special articles. We would like to express a few of our ideas in quite general terms. In view ...

  5. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1974/1974-06-17a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b67f5 Attachment Size 1974-06-17a.pdf 1.71 MB ... be brought in, as well as other reconnaissance forces (such as radio reconnaissance). In view of the actual ... can be conducted most effectively in remote areas of the ocean (sea) not by shore radio reconnaissance ... by 25 to 30 percent after each refueling. Thus, in view of the geographical conditions in our naval ...

  6. /specialCollection/BerlinWall/1961-Summer/1961-08-29.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION The Berlin Wall Collection: A City Torn Apart: Building of the Berlin Wall 5076e8f8993247d4d82b63ea Attachment Size 1961-08-29.pdf 226.22 KB 1961-Summer ... of the Berlin question l e whether there will be war or peace.!key view It 88 a power conflict between the great ... and self-determination and they are not concerned over the fate'& the inhabitants of 8 remote Ebropean city, ... 200511 1/29: CIA-RDP79R009W4000700040010-2 SECrET f3i1nple and reasanable-- especially in view ...

  7. /specialCollection/nwcda4/100/AERODYNAMIC VOL. 42 (CONTACT REPORTS)/AERODYNAMIC VOL. 42 (CONTACT REPORTS)_0024.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a2b77993294098d50f743 Attachment Size AERODYNAMIC VOL. 42 (CONTACT REPORTS)_0024.pdf 687.9 KB ... this view by citing the following specific deletions in VOA broadcasts which he claims is intentional: a. ... of an insignificant number of partisans in a remote area of Western Ukraine. c. President Truman's speech ... is that Margolin's views on Ukrainian nationalism are similar to those currently held by Mr. Barmine. ...

  8. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1975/1975-10-31.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b685d Attachment Size 1975-10-31.pdf 1.13 MB ... installations. In view of the fact that the most intense stage of antilanding defense is that on the shore, ... remote sector of the coast independently. Here the battalions of the first echelon were deployed ... would be maintained. For troop control an an axis most in danger of a landing or on one of the remote flanks ...

  9. /specialCollection/CzechInvasion/4-IntelCables/1968-03-27.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Strategic Warning and the Role of Intelligence: Lessons Learned From The 1968 Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia 5076e93d993247d4d82b653a Attachment Size 1968-03-27.pdf 1.85 MB ... Y OR R °MANIA IF. REMOTE FR OM AN YT H IN3 IN THE USSR TODAY." E IS 2EAT HOPE i THE KSC LEADERSHIP ... ECO10\1 IC 3ECTOR. HIS FUTURE.. APPOINTMENT CAN BE VIEWED INDICATION OF HOW FAR THE NEW REGIME IS WILL ING ... WEEKS." 11101/1111 D ID NOT aiiKEVE THAT THE SOVIETS VIEW THE RECENT EVENTS In C::::CHOSLOVAK IA ...

  10. /specialCollection/nwcda7/176/SOOBZOKOV, TSCHERIM VOL. 5/SOOBZOKOV, TSCHERIM VOL. 5_0018.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519bded6993294098d515130 Attachment Size SOOBZOKOV, TSCHERIM VOL. 5_0018.pdf 1.08 MB ... cover to the Agency is, in our view,C.:-. dependent on CIA's ability to prevent public disclosure ... methods. It confirms that CIA polygraphs agents in remote locations and indicates that the polygraph ... from the Office of Security who can testify that the document-was prepared following an inter- view with Soobzokov ...


    CREST General CIA Records CIA-RDP80-00247A002400260001-5 RIPPUB C 1149 December 23, 2016 April 25, 2014 1 August 7, 1964 REPORT Attachment Size CIA-RDP80-00247A002400260001-5.pdf 34.04 MB Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/2 ...

  12. The Evolution of Soviet Doctrine on Limited War, CIA/DI/OSR Intelligence Memorandum, 9 October 1967.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f899326091c6a60577 Attachment Size 1967-10-09.pdf 483.15 KB ... examples, we can get a better idea of how the Soviet view on limited war is evolving.-2- SEC T SEC ... T The Evidence on the Soviet View There is, properly speaking, no doctrine of flexible response in Soviet ... that the military had not bought Khrushchev's view that the only contingency worth preparing for was a general ...

  13. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1959/1959-01-12.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5c77 Attachment Size 1959-01-12.pdf 962.57 KB ... out these sites at the remote distance of several thousand kilometers ia practically impossible, as they occupy ... 3 September, 1958 article in SOVIET FLEET, Col. S. Reidel pre. sented,a:supposed U.S. view of antirocket ... of the Soviet view of missile-launching submarines as a major strategie weapon,. see. FBIS Radio Propaganda ...

  14. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1975/1975-05-28.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6860 Attachment Size 1975-05-28.pdf 834.67 KB ... the distance between the most remote of these areas and the starting position of the troops of an advancing ... that are left unoccupied in the theater. In view of the different conditions under which the troops move ... to express our views on the question of successive army operations within the framework of a front offensive ...

  15. /specialCollection/nwcda3/61/AESAURUS AENOBLE VOL. 3/AESAURUS AENOBLE VOL. 3_0003.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 5197c269993294098d50ee6b Attachment Size AESAURUS AENOBLE VOL. 3_0003.pdf 1.64 MB ... findings. In view of the short time interval between dispatch (29 April 53) and the first message it seems ... point of view. It should be noted that the AEQUOR team and AEN 22 had similar missions, ... remote, of being able to round up anti-Soviet partisans or even airbornetroops on the basis of misleading ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a2b7a993294098d50fe27 Attachment Size OBOPUS BGFIEND VOL. 18 (BGFIEND OPERATIONS)_0065.pdf 899.5 KB ... in their blood. In view of the fact that the abanian question it directly related to the international situation ... in the 7341ken Peninsula silos the remote times of Palest/11 the country has been subpeted to disastruous wars ... that it had at its disposition as an independent state free the point of view of reconstruction of tte country and also ...

  17. /specialCollection/nwcda6/153/MEHNERT, WALTER/MEHNERT, WALTER_0076.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519b7f93993294098d51271c Attachment Size MEHNERT, WALTER_0076.pdf 471.46 KB ... '''''' (44r.4,-....C=> it ca:C3 c..4,,,,,m. r.,,, before the USSR citizen would even remotely reach ... with the excuse that A/1 had inadvertently left it behind. Note: In view of A/l i s suspicion that WOLFF may ... intend to build mostly themselves. Notes In view of priority interest by Hq in Kazan (see DIR-92578) ...

  18. /specialCollection/Reagan/19860401.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Reagan Collection 5076df03993247d4d82b62bc Attachment Size 19860401.pdf 1.81 MB ... it. They take a sober view of their prospective adversaries' capabilities and programs, ... Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Soviet leaders view arms control policy as an important factor ... the MIRVed SS-17 and SS-19 silo-based ICBMs, which carry fewer warheads. An alternative view holds ...

  19. /specialCollection/nwcda1/4/BERGMANIS, HARIJS/BERGMANIS, HARIJS_0010.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 51966eca993294098d50a99b Attachment Size BERGMANIS, HARIJS_0010.pdf 703.27 KB ... in Steckholm ACTION REQUIRED Headquarters views on Harold BERGMANIS as an agent REFERENCE(S) prospect. A. ... with LUKINS as a means of access to BERGMAN'S, and more remotely, LUKINS as a recruited agent to be re- ...

  20. /specialCollection/nwcda4/98/AERODYNAMIC VOL. 35 (OPERATIONS)/AERODYNAMIC VOL. 35 (OPERATIONS)_0049.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a2b79993294098d50fb4d Attachment Size AERODYNAMIC VOL. 35 (OPERATIONS)_0049.pdf 952.66 KB ... both arrester, are related to AECASSOWARY 2 remotely. That the like arestees sit, or sat, in the same place ... The Document Lost with U.S.. CustomS4 AECAOYIARY 2 had no final views on this matter, but did express • chagrin ...
