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  1. VII-310 The Conduct of a Tactical Exercise with Field Firing, Based on the Experience of the Czechoslovak People's Army by Maj. Ben. E. Blagut, CIA/DO, 8 November 1977

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5196457b993294098d5094a8 Attachment Size 1977-11-08a.pdf 566.12 KB ... of views of the director of the exercise and his staff, as well as the umpire organization. One ... after they have been hit. Simulation of firing from targets is carried out remotely by wires, battle-noise simulators, ...

  2. The Readiness of Soviet Air Force, CIA/DCI/NIC Interagency Intelligence Memorandum, April 1982.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a60962 Attachment Size 1982-04-01.pdf 528.36 KB ... and US air forces to provide a framework for reference in viewing Soviet readiness. The reader ... their ability in extended, peacetime operations from remote bases with little support. The bomber force, ...

  3. /specialCollection/nwcda3/79/UJDROLLERY VOL. 2 (CASE SUMMARIES 1-299)/UJDROLLERY VOL. 2 (CASE SUMMARIES 1-299)_0012.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 5197c268993294098d50ebf8 Attachment Size UJDROLLERY VOL. 2 (CASE SUMMARIES 1-299)_0012.pdf 1.24 MB ... The agent's inability to observe minima security;remotions again became evident in September, uhen ... and with both also working for 1VINTORs the western service would have had a unique opportunity to views ...

  4. /specialCollection/nwcda5/104/EMIL, AUGSBURG/EMIL, AUGSBURG_0091.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a6b2b993294098d51196c Attachment Size EMIL, AUGSBURG_0091.pdf 1.52 MB ... views but WOLF'S story sent Idth.EGMA-11726, states his father was a Czarist officer killed ... As another remote possibility for developing further information on UNNOV we are asking for up-to-date traces ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin Collection 03191540 RIPPUB U 15 February 25, 2020 February 27, 2020 May 18, 1959 Attachment Size CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULL[15787530].pdf 576.43 KB pproved for iiRC ... The breakup of Bandaranaike’s coalition govern- ment and a call for new national elections now seem remote. es ... must be a high-level political decision. He noted also that the West "takes into account our view ...


    FOIA FOIA Collection 03294000 RIPPUB U 22 March 8, 2023 February 25, 2019 F-2018-01318 April 23, 1970 Attachment Size GREECE, EUROPE, AND THE U[15572756].pdf 657.6 KB Approved for Release: 2019/02/19 C03294000 Nairs'-Noe-Secret- OFFICE OF NATIONAL ES ... military regime is likely to rule Greece for the next several years, though there are some fairly remote ... by their superiors, are now the rulers of Greece, They share many of the views of the King and the old ruling ...

  7. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1963/1963-01-23.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6753 Attachment Size 1963-01-23.pdf 6.75 MB ... the allotted tasks, in our view wheeled combat vehicles must have as their main organic armament guided ... apparatus, while control of the armament and conducting of. fire must be by remote control.-22--13- ONBARK ... 5 tons). Such power fully ensures good acceleration and average speeds of 50 kph. In view of the lack ...

  8. The 1967 Soviet Regulations on Compulsory Service in the Armed Forces, CIA/DI/OSR Intelligence Report, January 1972.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a60877 Attachment Size 1972-01-01.pdf 1.79 MB ... of NCOs............... 16 Impact on Political Officers and Party Organizations.................. 19 Military View ... training, but it may present special problems aboard ships at sea or submarines in remote areas ... in their units. Their view has long been that these activities are time consuming and contribute little ...

  9. /specialCollection/Reagan/19851101A.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Reagan Collection 5076df03993247d4d82b62aa Attachment Size 19851101A.pdf 1.05 MB ... program also is being slowed by opposition from officials who view the widespread use of PCs as a threat ... Students in a secondary school in Moscow Sovfoto 0 learning how to program computers. A Soviet View ... for transmitting data over comput- er networks or as a means of remote access to state data bases could increase ...

  10. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1976/1976-06-16b.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6785 Attachment Size 1976-06-16b.pdf 1.48 MB ... against which it will be advantageous to deliver strikes with nuclear weapons. According to the views of our probable ... 9 of 19 Pages Among combined-arms commanders and engineer chiefs, existing views on tank crossings, ... the survivability of the crossings. Page 12 of 19 Pages From the engineer point of view, the survivability ...

  11. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1976/1976-05-24a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6783 Attachment Size 1976-05-24a.pdf 1.5 MB ... equip the troops of the first strategic echelon during the war. In our view, and as has been borne ... and rest areas for advancing troops in areas which are remote from possible targets of enemy nuclear ... of the actual grouping of enemy engineer troops and current views on the employment of these troops ...

  12. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1974/1974-03-06.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b67ef Attachment Size 1974-03-06.pdf 1.42 MB ... with subordinates directly, or through the central telephone exchange; and also made possible remote control ... of the communications equipment. We view the solution of the problem as lying in changing the correlation ... between written and verbalinformation. In our view, preference should be given to the latter. And this is possible ...

  13. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1974/1974-05-20.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6821 Attachment Size 1974-05-20.pdf 1.41 MB ... strike Sometimes is spent on this), and the remoteness of the.,.lo t ar of the mobile rocket-technical ... on those means, these batteries essentially are in reserve. In our view, even when there is no information ... of rockets as much as possible and to save time. The views stated here. on some of the questions ...

  14. III-043 Some Problems of Improving Wheeled Combat Vehicles for the Ground Forces, by Maj, Gen. of Engineer Technical Services C. Zimelev, Engineer Colonel A. Frumkin, and Engineer Colonel V. Medvedkov, special collection Military Thought, top secret issue

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a6081e Attachment Size 1963-01-23.pdf 944.23 KB ... it is'essential to strengthen its armament. To fulfil the allotted tasks, in our view wheeled combat vehicles must ... and the appropriate sighting apparatus, while control of the armament and conducting of fire must be by remote ... and average speeds of 50 kph. In view of the lack of automobile engines of high power, two engines of medium ...

  15. /specialCollection/nwcda3/77/SYMPHONY VOL. 1/SYMPHONY VOL. 1_0075.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 5197c25f993294098d50d4be Attachment Size SYMPHONY VOL. 1_0075.pdf 2.4 MB ... had trouser40a of all telephoto sonwereatioas ado foot his spestsest eat frau Jewish Agana, limes in Views ... A arias was soot frost MO Cairo to $1111 View, evidently in sassier to a reeprost fres nom fat ... had of this fast. 'loos seggseted that they nabs a partial dieslesure to the Slitish in the field. Zs view ...

  16. /specialCollection/nwcda7/160/PANNWITZ, HEINZ VOL. 1/PANNWITZ, HEINZ VOL. 1_0020.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519bdecf993294098d514602 Attachment Size PANNWITZ, HEINZ VOL. 1_0020.pdf 1.72 MB ... of influence and importance from the point of view of Soviet Intelligence.. He believes his book would help ... especially in view of the insight he gained into the Soviet side of the picture during his years ... connection. (If so, it was properly fielded and failed.) There is perhaps a somewhat less remote possibility ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin Collection 03179866 RIPPUB U 20 January 27, 2020 January 30, 2020 May 10, 1958 Attachment Size CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULL[15772400].pdf 885.35 KB /(, ... to the Chi- nese attack in terms which indicate that they view their ideo- logical differences with the Soviet ... views far more than it does normal Bulgarian thinking. Gomulka sees himself as a secondary target ... in most provinces is for increasing leftist successes as the remote areas report. Conservative strength ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION The CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers 5077054e993247d4d82b6adc Attachment Size caesar-41.pdf 6.23 MB ... i n s t i t u t i o n a l views. He w a s unable t o ga in party s a n c t i o n fop t he p r i o r i t y of pract ical work ... manifested d i f- f e r ences of view on t h e p r o j e c t. Despite s i g n s of high-level disagreements, ... s t a t e concepts and (2) t h e m e m b e r s of t h e new IWemlin o l iga rchy presented dis- similar views ...

  19. /specialCollection/vietnam/5_THE_WAY_WE_DO_THINGS.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Vietnam Histories 5076e89c993247d4d82b62ec Attachment Size 5_THE_WAY_WE_DO_THINGS.pdf 7.12 MB ... over their remote hamlets. The drop zone, fur- thermore, lay only e kilometer from one of these Villages. ... operations. But their published testimony said they had given as their destination a remote spot in Hoa Sinh ... remote. Never- theless, whatever their residual doubts, CIA officers in both Saigon and Headquarters ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION The CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers 5077054e993247d4d82b6aac Attachment Size esau-23.pdf 6.23 MB ... which viewed t h e r i o t s w i t h undisguised d e l i g h t I n t he Lower House e l e c t i o n s of 1960 ... i n t h e d i s p u t e, and p o i n t e d l y asked i f there were "problemst1 wi th in t h e p a r t y. In view ... and s u p p r e s s i n g t h e n a t i o n a l independence movements of t h e colmnies and semi-colonies by armed f o r c e. In view of t h i s, it is wholly ...
