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  1. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1961/1961-12-29.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6743 Attachment Size 1961-12-29.pdf 3.82 MB ... supplies of raw materials and foodstuffe, the system of state control, communications, and also strategic ... for driving and for controlling fire, including night sights (nochnoy pritsel). On the medium tanks the supply ... in the renge of grazing shot and armor penetration. It should be kent in. mind, however, that the smoothbore ...

  2. II-036 “Some Thoughts on the Development of the Soviet Army Tank Troops,” by Marshal of the Soviet Union R. Malinovskiy, special collection Military Thought, top secret issue No. 1 1962, CIA/DP Clandestine Report Special Collection, 18 October 1962,

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a60950 Attachment Size 1962-10-18.pdf 2.53 MB ... the system of state control, communications, and also strategic weapons of armed combat deployed beyond ... installed for driving and for controlling fire, including night sights (nochnoy pritsel). On the medium ... in the range of grazing shot and armor penetration. It should be kept in mind, however, that the smoothibore ...

  3. /specialCollection/KoreanWar/EstimatesMisc/CSI/2010-05-01.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Baptism By Fire: CIA Analysis of the Korean War Overview 5076def7993247d4d82b61f4 Attachment Size 2010-05-01.pdf 65.3 KB ... Chiang Kai- Shek noted in the Cairo Declaration that “mindful of the enslavement of the people ... for control of the country. Two major parties dominated politics in the south, the left-leaning Korean ... each other for control, a US- Soviet Joint Commission established at the Moscow conference failed to work out details ...

  4. /specialCollection/helms/pdf/hoov_int_papers.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION A Life in Intelligence- The Richard Helms Collection 5076de58993247d4d82b593b Attachment Size hoov_int_papers.pdf 3.15 MB ... under our system of controls. For one thing it would not be possible for the people involved t o get the money. ... asked whether our people i n the North Asia area are s t i l l under the control of the Far Eas ... well as our own people, vfri., rJ as stating that we are no longer under the control of t h ligence ...

  5. /specialCollection/Reagan/19820401A.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Reagan Collection 5076df03993247d4d82b6269 Attachment Size 19820401A.pdf 2.42 MB ... of Soviet A nalysi: ef 5 OV 82-10061X Apt il 1982 Diaansalnation Control NOFORN (NF) Abererkstkvaa ... Dissemination and estractios of information controlled by originaux REL... This information has been auth,rired ... the key to victory in the power struggle has been control of the party Sccretariat and its powerfll staff. ...

  6. VII-99 Manual on the Conduct of Operations, Part II: Ground Forces Operations (Front-Army-Corps), issued by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR, CIA/DO, Intelligence Information Special Report, 29 September 1977 (DOI, 1963)

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5196457b993294098d50948f Attachment Size 1977-09-29.pdf 16.45 MB ... of their actions.:..-........,..........,...................,.. 16 Control of troops (forces) and support of their combat ... very important, supporting the combat employment of many types of weapons, and supporting reconnaissance, control ... of all processes of control and combat employment of the forces and means of armed conflict. 2, All of these modern ...

  7. VII-45 Critique of the Operational-Strategic Command-Staff Exercise Zapad-77,” CIA/DO Intelligence Information Special Report, 13 October 1978 (DOI, 1977)

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5196457b993294098d509475 Attachment Size 1978-10-13.pdf 7.37 MB ... of the commanders and staffs taking part in the exercise and the state of troop control and combat readiness ... Relocation of control posts of the fronts during regrouping 6. Table of working time indicators ... and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. (Applause.) There were specialists in the field of automated control systems ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a2b78993294098d50f928 Attachment Size OBOPUS BGFIEND VOL. 28 (BGFIEND OPERATIONS)_0032.pdf 4.94 MB ... by the Committee. The ETNLIGH is jointly controlled by representatives 'of KOIARK and MYOPIA. It has been made ... in the minde of the elbanian people inside the country. Consequently, with propaganda guidance ... CONTROL» a. of: The project is financed by KUBAII. All scripts edited az:d supervised ...

  9. /specialCollection/DCI/Intell & Miscellaneous Papers FOIA/1953-12-01.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Intelligence, Policy, and Politics: The DCI, the White House, and Congress 5166d49399326091c6a604ff Attachment Size 1953-12-01.pdf 49.84 MB ... and Control The Battle with the Board Intelligence and M::Llitar,. p~ Scientific Intelligence 4-18 19-Wl 41-60 ... of the Arr:r:/, Uavy, and Federal Bureau of!nvestigation in July, 1939, sought to control spies, saboteurs, and. ...

  10. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1978/1978-04-26.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6893 Attachment Size 1978-04-26.pdf 1.65 MB ... reserves and by transferring reserves from some districts to others. If we further bear in mind that almost ... half of the depots of armored equipment under district and central control were situated in the five ... economy. A unified service to provide centralized control of motor transport in both the national economy ...

  11. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1975/1975-10-30.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b686d Attachment Size 1975-10-30.pdf 1.41 MB ... and technical means from the interior to the areas of combat operations. We should also keep in mind the fact ... control organs as well as many large units, units and facilities of the rear. * * * The need of front ... In conclusion we would like to say several words about control. During the first days of an operation ...

  12. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1977/1977-06-17b.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b691c Attachment Size 1977-06-17b.pdf 1.1 MB ... for subsequent control over troop combat actions in the operation, either. From this stems the most important ... we should keep in mind that at the same time strategic reconnaissance forces and means will be carrying ... of control and communications which have been detected. Allocating the radio frequency bands ...

  13. /specialCollection/nwcda5/130/HASS, KARL/HASS, KARL_0002.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a6b2a993294098d511764 Attachment Size HASS, KARL_0002.pdf 2.65 MB ... to north per fa ny; married; intellitenet6 Origi:ilal. mind; sense of htsjor; kind heuttest.. • Dooterin ... t,-) ••-!,, 7JZx..6023 1. Feb. BASS Interrog rop v. CONTROL • 7•Vr."."." • ' ... control.over him and because they expectedafletailed4Werr4hrate!reportimiall C- of.fiis movements. Stated ...

  14. /specialCollection/nwcda5/120/EICHMANN, ADOLF VOL. 1/EICHMANN, ADOLF VOL. 1_0050.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a6b30993294098d51229c Attachment Size EICHMANN, ADOLF VOL. 1_0050.pdf 3.18 MB ... who blackmailed prisoners., This an left for Norway in 1940. 7. As long as the control of Danzig wa• in the hands ... The newly organized *Sicherbeits Menet* (SD) Raupteatt (Security Service Headquarters) controlled the lower ... lairtassignement was as presider* of the wiolksdeuscheullittelatellem which controlled all German minorities ...

  15. /specialCollection/nwcda6/137/HOETTL, WILHELM VOL. 3/HOETTL, WILHELM VOL. 3_0057.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519b7f9a993294098d513489 Attachment Size HOETTL, WILHELM VOL. 3_0057.pdf 1.58 MB ... • tz-da, which rust imperceptibly. te controlled by the US. this view in mind, the inclividualii ... and •. feasible;- to apply for • tile prerequisite emiGnition papers. In view of the four-power control ... per r.onth, this sum- wou l d enabl e it to exercise a certain 'control of trz activities ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin Collection 03023342 RIPPUB U 18 February 25, 2020 February 27, 2020 January 17, 1959 Attachment Size CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULL[15787447].pdf 821.8 KB Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03023342 17 Jan ... His control over one of the area's two leading inter- territorial political arties is already seriously ... Control Com- mission (ICC) for the Indochinese states, has taken a step toward reactivating the.ICC ... in Iranian minds regarding US policy toward Iran. The concern voiced by these officials over the ex- O tent ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin Collection 03179286 RIPPUB U 16 March 17, 2020 March 26, 2020 October 4, 1960 Attachment Size CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULL[15798951].pdf 745.8 KB p /////1/ Approved f� ... and police, both of which are under his control. He may also have in mind a request for personnel to train ... edge!‘:the return-of the company-flown ea.rlier to Gemena. UAR troops control the Leopoldville airport area. ... as completely out of control. Kong Le was extremel incensed over the King's y. failure to invite ...

  18. /specialCollection/vietnam/6_UNDERCOVER_ARMIES.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Vietnam Histories 5076e89c993247d4d82b62ef Attachment Size 6_UNDERCOVER_ARMIES.pdf 29.25 MB ... 19670: xxii Communist-controlled areas in Laos, 1962D xxiii Southern Laos village security program, ... mid-19660 xxiv Communist-controlled roads, c. May 1964D xxv Principalfeatures of the Ho Chi Minh Trail ... Forward Air Controller Forces Armies Royales (Royal [Laotian] Armed Forces) Helio-Courier, ...

  19. /specialCollection/nwcda8/203/OGATA, TAKETORA VOL. 5/OGATA, TAKETORA VOL. 5_0026.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd81c993294098d516481 Attachment Size OGATA, TAKETORA VOL. 5_0026.pdf 6.2 MB ... they would have to be prepared to justify;their exchange rate to the controlling body in Washington. The present ... a "lost race" thistinie;and 'concentrate on maintaining their control of Congress. Their theme ... scheme for inspection. and control of arms and forces in Germany and 'immediately neigh- bouring ...

  20. /specialCollection/nwcda8/203/OGATA, TAKETORA VOL. 5/OGATA, TAKETORA VOL. 5_0026.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd821993294098d516e47 Attachment Size OGATA, TAKETORA VOL. 5_0026.pdf 6.2 MB ... they would have to be prepared to justify;their exchange rate to the controlling body in Washington. The present ... a "lost race" thistinie;and 'concentrate on maintaining their control of Congress. Their theme ... scheme for inspection. and control of arms and forces in Germany and 'immediately neigh- bouring ...
