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  1. /specialCollection/Reagan/19821201A.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Reagan Collection 5076df03993247d4d82b62dd Attachment Size 19821201A.pdf 3.41 MB ... dissident movement does not, at present, seriously challenge the regime's political control ... control over priorities and resources, but a return to the more favorable economic conditions of the 1960s ... on administrative controls and repression. Some mix of policies involving both directions might be attempted. ...

  2. I-30 Recent Developments in Political Status of Soviet Armed Force, CIA/DI Soviet Staff Study, Caesar XII, 20 September 1955.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f899326091c6a605b9 Attachment Size 1955-09-20.pdf 3.43 MB ... Developments Since Malenkov's Demotion B. Party Control in the Armed Forces C. Security Control in Armed ... Forces D. Control of Zhukov E. Buildup of Konev as Counterwepght to Zhukov F. Probable Appearance ... of Military Groupings G. Conclusions re Control of Military and Military Groupings. V. Probable Influence ...

  3. /specialCollection/Reagan/19890401.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Reagan Collection 5076df03993247d4d82b629f Attachment Size 19890401.pdf 2.14 MB ... Classified by 0534769 Declassify: OADR Derived from multiple sources REL... WN Dissemination Control Abbrm ... o•mation controlled by origina All matcrial on this page is Unclassified. Director of Central Intelligence ... and to undermine the rationale for high defense budgets and repressive political controls. • They are seen ...

  4. Soviet Amphibious Forces: Tasks and Capabilities in General War and Peacetime, CIA/DI/OSR Research Paper, June 1979.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a608a5 Attachment Size 1979-06-01.pdf 3.12 MB ... largely on the acquisition of air and sea control and on the forward progress of the ground forces. ... and Tactics 5 Planning and Embarkation 5 Composition and Transit 8 Air Cover and Sea Control 9 Support Air ... Control and Gunfire Support 19__ Command and Control 19 Prospects for the Future-- Aircraft Carriers--- ...

  5. VII-7 Warsaw Pact Lectures on Strategy for War in Europe, CIA/DP Intelligence Information Report, 23 December 1970 (DOI, before June 1970)

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a6089a Attachment Size 1970-12-23.pdf 4.79 MB ... the controls which have been placed on it. 3. Addressees are asked to consult the Clandestine Service Reports ... Clearance Office when- ever use beyond that aut ro-rrzen-y---en-rssertrnracro controls is contemplated. ... for "control poirt" and "launcher". 5 C5py / 4 4 3 3 2- ~2 1 T n-F:-T 1_________ ...

  6. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1962/1962-02-13.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b6993 Attachment Size 1962-02-13.pdf 6.1 MB ... support of armed cat. We have in mind, first of all, ' the problems of rear area support of all types ... it is necessary to bear the following factors in mind, above all:- the necessity of simultaneous support ... element of the rear is composedorganizationally of special organs of control of rear services large units, ...

  7. “Some Problems in the Preparation of the Rear Area for Support of the Armed Forces in the Initial Period of a War,” by Colonel-Gen F. Malykhin, special collection of Military Thought, top secret issue No. 2, 1960, CIA/DP Clandestine Report Special Collect

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a60942 Attachment Size 1962-02-13.pdf 2.02 MB ... a series of high]$ important problems in the materiel-technical support of armed combat. We have in mind ... it is necessary to bear the following factors in mind above all:- the necessity of simultaneous support ... of special organs of control of rear services large Units, units, and installations of fronts, armies, fleets ...

  8. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1961/1961-10-02.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6749 Attachment Size 1961-10-02.pdf 4.93 MB ... on the launch sites, suppression and destruction of the various other firing means, the means of control ... In this connection, it must be kept In mind that while steel 'armor offers good protection against the shock wave ... guns, including those using nuclear weapons and Others).. Thus, bearing in mind that the enemy ...

  9. III-037 “The Paths of Further Development of the Tank Troops of the Soviet Army,” Marshal of Armored Troops P. Rotmistrov, special collection Military Thought, top secret issue No. 1, 1961, CIA/DP Clandestine Report Special Collection, 2 October 1961,

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a607d3 Attachment Size 1961-10-02.pdf 1.21 MB ... other firing means, the means of control, reconnaissance, and supply, as well as the personnel of the enemy, ... and against penetrating radiation (gamma rays and neutron flux). In this connection, it must be kept in mind ... in mind that the enemy has the 47-ton M60 tank and various reinforcing means, we come to the conclusion ...

  10. /specialCollection/nwcda4/101/AERODYNAMIC VOL. 44 CONTACT REPORTS/AERODYNAMIC VOL. 44 CONTACT REPORTS_0048.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a2b79993294098d50fb8e Attachment Size AERODYNAMIC VOL. 44 CONTACT REPORTS_0048.pdf 3.72 MB ... in Munich. Subject stated there was some question in his mind as to DUBITSKY's reliability. Rev. ... at the Czech border control point in Chop. HOLINKA had asked OLYNYK to mail him some refills for the pen, ... and with these questions in mind. Subject promised to provide the requested data on Free World collaborators soon. In order ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a2b7a993294098d50fe5e Attachment Size OBOPUS BGFIEND VOL. 17 (BGFIEND OPERATIONS)_0047.pdf 4.12 MB ... inside the country. Due to technical difficulties, the MIND Radio Vessel did not go into (*.rotten ... the!MIND Table of OrganisatLea. (I) Papilittle sad potallationa With the aegrisition on 3 April of a now ... A detailed study on the matures functions, sod control noshed= of the National Coanittoes, with 'pacific ...

  12. /specialCollection/nwcda5/111/BROMBERGS, ARTURS VOL. 1/BROMBERGS, ARTURS VOL. 1_0005.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a6b28993294098d5113b5 Attachment Size BROMBERGS, ARTURS VOL. 1_0005.pdf 3.49 MB ... PitCHK6:7vis another.instructor. First sergeant weaDERRINS, lst. Lt., of the0 tl)... 0 >, 0 < n 0 mind ... in various improvements, with the thought in mind that rather than give the Soviets the profits he would put ... in most Latvian's minds. The post was offered at first to ICARUS APINIS, anprominent member, of ANDY i s fraternity ...

  13. /specialCollection/nwcda6/138/HOETTL, WILHELM VOL. 6/HOETTL, WILHELM VOL. 6_0036.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519b7f9b993294098d51361e Attachment Size HOETTL, WILHELM VOL. 6_0036.pdf 3.18 MB ... 1953. The possibility should be borne in mind that HOETTL deliberately left this corres- pOndence for us ... it seems to me possible there might be a critical point in the minds of the Americans, particularly the way ... Thus if PONGER vatactually alder. control of the Russian Secret Service in his dealings with me, ...

  14. /specialCollection/nwcda8/199/GOTO, KEITA/GOTO, KEITA_0001.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd81b993294098d516256 Attachment Size GOTO, KEITA_0001.pdf 5.35 MB ... of Yokkaichi. 'Although, on- you can not acComp1ish4' • mind.;- 0 ginally, I 'had much. interest. ... ancl,made:.up my, mind. Changing the'neme'of the. Ebara Electric Railway Co.int6the Meguro-Kamiti ... he was extremely individualistic and had no human.sentiment at all If he had had Christian religious mind ...

  15. /specialCollection/nwcda8/202/OGATA, TAKETORA VOL. 4/OGATA, TAKETORA VOL. 4_0058.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd81c993294098d5163f0 Attachment Size OGATA, TAKETORA VOL. 4_0058.pdf 1.96 MB ... incurred mind of man. •• 1n comPetition. for the friendship andNIspeet, 1(nd thh open allegiance, dr th ... position in t he hie':mil.% of. Soviet Nations. Indeed. the Soviets opposed stiategy At no time (Mind ... it is %■ell to keep in mind that until 1906 Russia ttasan autocracy. Both before and after that date ...

  16. /specialCollection/nwcda8/199/GOTO, KEITA/GOTO, KEITA_0001.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd820993294098d516c1c Attachment Size GOTO, KEITA_0001.pdf 5.35 MB ... of Yokkaichi. 'Although, on- you can not acComp1ish4' • mind.;- 0 ginally, I 'had much. interest. ... ancl,made:.up my, mind. Changing the'neme'of the. Ebara Electric Railway Co.int6the Meguro-Kamiti ... he was extremely individualistic and had no human.sentiment at all If he had had Christian religious mind ...

  17. /specialCollection/nwcda8/202/OGATA, TAKETORA VOL. 4/OGATA, TAKETORA VOL. 4_0058.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd821993294098d516db6 Attachment Size OGATA, TAKETORA VOL. 4_0058.pdf 1.96 MB ... incurred mind of man. •• 1n comPetition. for the friendship andNIspeet, 1(nd thh open allegiance, dr th ... position in t he hie':mil.% of. Soviet Nations. Indeed. the Soviets opposed stiategy At no time (Mind ... it is %■ell to keep in mind that until 1906 Russia ttasan autocracy. Both before and after that date ...

  18. /specialCollection/nwcda3/53/OSS- SSU- CIG EARLY CIA DOCUMENTS VOL. 3/OSS- SSU- CIG EARLY CIA DOCUMENTS VOL. 3_0018.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 5197c267993294098d50e7c6 Attachment Size OSS- SSU- CIG EARLY CIA DOCUMENTS VOL. 3_0018.pdf 10.09 MB ... as this might be in his power. Colonel AVSIC, Dr.-2-. SECRET 7-tb-Mir.1:. C R E. T (CONTROL) MARUSIC and Rag. ... by the enesay.•- 3 SECRET •(CONTROL) SECRET IFONTROL) 16, The S.Z. t s military program provided that no party ... under the orders of. General 1110A1LOVIC and of myself as the responsible military leadsmn- 4 $EC R ET (CONTROL ...

  19. /specialCollection/DCI/Smith FOIA/1953 & Post DCI Career/1971-12-01c.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Intelligence, Policy, and Politics: The DCI, the White House, and Congress 5166d49299326091c6a6024c Attachment Size 1971-12-01c.pdf 7.23 MB ... control over OPC. Consequently it was never implemented. F. On the other hand, Hillenkoetter's plan ... proposed this "small, high-level Estimates Division,". he had in mind the "small ... had a plan in mind. What Jackson got on 10 October 1950 was the sixth edition of Montague's plan of 1946 ...

  20. /specialCollection/helms/pdf/jackson_report.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION A Life in Intelligence- The Richard Helms Collection 5076de59993247d4d82b59ab Attachment Size jackson_report.pdf 9.86 MB ... and com- munlst-party-controlled trade unions outslde the Bloc, sabotage. exploltatlon of subverslve ... to the px’t?s~tWe of public oplnfon and can control the Bow o! lnformatlon to the subject peoplee, the Sovlet system ... and gain control of other non-communist countries. In order to make the free world invulnerable ...
