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February 2, 2009
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Publication Date:
August 1, 1996
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Harakat ul-Ansar: Increasing
Threat to Western and Pakistani
The Harakat ul-Ansar (HUA), an Islamic extremist
organization that Pakistan supports in its proxy
war against Indian forces in Kashmir, increasingly
is using terrorist tactics against Westerners and
random attacks on civilians that could involve
Westerners to promote its pan-Islamic agenda:
? Since early 1994, the HUA has kidnapped at least
13 individuals-12 of whom are Westerners.
Against the backdrop of possible declining support
from Islamabad, the HUA is discussing financing
with sponsors of international terrorism who are
virulently anti.US and may encourage attacks on
US targets. The HUA may be seeking this assis-
tance from such sources--including terrorist finan-
cier Usama Bin Ladin and Libyan leader
Mu'ammar Qadhafi-in an attempt to offset losses
resulting from the drop in Pakistani support.
Islamabad also is at risk of being a target of HUA
terrorism, particularly if it further reduces its sup-
port for the HUA or clamps down on the group's
activities. Antigovernment sentiment among HUA
leaders is already strong and could grow further.
The terrorist threat from the HUA is increasing as the
group shifts from attacks on Indian security forces in
Kashmir to Westerners and civilian targets-which
could involve Westerners--outside of Kashmir. HUA
leaders have expressed intense hatred of the West, and
Kashmir Hostages: Probably Not Alive (U)
The four Western hostages kidnapped over a year
ago by Al-Faran--a codename for the Harakat
ul-Ansar-probably were killed in December:
? A high-level HUA militant captured by Milian secu-
rity forces told US interrogators that the hostages
were killed on 13 December because Indian securiry
forces had killed the kidnappers' leader earlier that
month, and the group was under pressure from the
Indian Army. Much of the captured militant's
other information has been corroborated by
other sources.
Nevertheless, a search for the hostages' bodies was
unsuccessful. Indian security forces continue to
receive claims of hostage sightings, but they discount
the credibility of most of the reports.-I`~
additional attacks against Western interests would be
consistent with the group's philosophy of jihad
against non-Muslims:
? Since early 1994, the HUA has kidnapped a total of
13 people- 12 of whom are Westerners-in four
separate incidents. The HUA has voluntarily
released two of the victims, five were rescued or
escaped, and at least two-and probably six-were
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the HUA may have
assisted the Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Front in
carrying out the Lajpat Nagar market bombing in
May 1996 in New Delhi that killed 13 persons,
according to US Embassy reports. (S
The HUA may be preparin to begin attacking civilian
or VIP aircraft in India.
HUA contacts of Embassy
New Delhi have hinted that they might undertake ter-
rorist actions against civilian airliners.
Attac s
on civilian aircraft in India could well involve West-
ern casualties, given the large numbers of Western
tourists in that country.
Reaching Out to International Terrorist
The HUA is attempting to expand its ties to foreign
supporters of international terrorism that are virulently
anti-US and may further encourage the group to attack
US interests. Although the group has long had interna-
tional connections, recent HUA requests for money
from these terrorist supporters-at least one of which
coincided with declining Pakistani support-suggests
these contacts are more than routine:
Islamabad Is Backing Away ...16).
Islamabad appears to be scaling back its support for
the HUA, probably out of concern that its ties to the
group will prompt the United States to place Pakistan
on the list of state sponsors of terrorism:
matic reports indicate that [SID provides at least
$30,000-and possibly as much as $60,000-per
month to the HUA.
? In apparently related activity, a senior HUA leader
complained about Islamabad's inconsistent policy
toward the group. It is unclear if he was referring
only or whether
the ISID has reduced its financial and other support
as well.
... But Could Become a Target Itself{(e)-
Islamabad's compliance with US and UK demands to
cease its support for the HUA and crack down on the,
group's activities could be costly to Islamabad.
Pakistan is unlikely to accede fully, but any strong
actions aimed at stopping the group's activities might
prompt the HUA to retaliate. Although the HUN s
operations are primarily targeted against India, some
of the group's rhetoric and past actions demonstrate a
hostility toward Islamabad that could be fueled by a
loss of Islamabad's patronage:
? Elements within the HUA participated in the coup of
September 1995 against the Pakistan Army, accord-
ing to press reporting. The coup's objective was the
removal of the civilian government.
3 -Seeret
? A senior HUA leader has publicly advocated an
Afghan-style change of government in Pakistan that
would remove the political, bureaucratic, and
military hierarchies.
Implications for the United States (U)
A cutoff of Pakistani support to the HUA would make
the group more likely to accept money from anti-US
international terrorist supporters such as Bin Ladin,
even if accepting such funds required a shift in target-
ing strategy. The HUA's underlying hatred of the West
and a probable desire for retaliation against the forces
pushing Islamabad's efforts increase the likelihood of .
such a scenario following a crackdown.-(mt
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