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February 19, 2008
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Publication Date: 
January 30, 1952
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 (b) (3) (b) (6) Date of establishment Gradua growth of staff as of 31 Dec. 19147?  Doctors &49 195 Training of medical staff for overseas work Gradual growth of overseas staff Conditions to be met in the field Ship ent of flies f how selects sap i ly exactim?  "nervous brew der of physical "aidnaatio                                                       19 7' 1 Number of rejections for physical reaSo t in above years lu-er of patients treated in above yr o. pars last throes tllnese in above I nmate of general ~ h  tit of 01                                                1   , Are certain clisses cif  ployment ids= 'CI& considered Gontalated growth ' to 30      19 APPROVED  FOR RELEASE DATE:  JAN 2008 I i~,' I&Ie .315 l)'/ ;3/ Date a: Gradual groS    o ContempUted~gmwth to 30 J 31 Dec. 1947?   Doctors lumber ; of p o          t 1914.8 1949 2950 1951 19147 1.948 1949 1951 2950 fiber of rejections for p    c  reasons in above Number of pat .e :t .U   #  i Estimate of gemern3. hetl-W of Are cent   classes of employment - especially exact? I:nerrous br P. I Was It sod t h t s dtt           . P. 2 staff of 18   191A, VIA this '  1Ads tbo d A2 W pe   e. was of %tat rank P. 41       'l1 *       ml,~A pmtsious ot Lao 658 when overseas Date of transfer to Per  nel Division an4 No, of Directive Approval by edical Savi    s ? of A=W and Noy Why h l Sipproy     - deli-   10 e     1949 Vb4m opwat' bad       3$ ? Da, -, . , app va . ~- 6 Per, 4 were than mgtt s   a ,ve to ? Plana for rp- ,Y diewisaries and h6w p. 8 Per. 2 Please give d4a of p a : .   facilities both as U locate and afar of '            as '. 9 Par* J$ had. ban4ed p   ant ark:         boto" Ad"Zistrative sb  .   oa? Pare 3 Last smtenamis $   elks on Vow of 4aaa . Office p. of present a. zati sam