SSD 1. Supply stateside and overseas. 2. Recruitment of corpsmen and medical officers. 3. Administrative problems of all other divisions. In 1952 or early 1953 the personnel functions of SSD were turned over to. ASD, and also the supply functions In August 1951 the Administrative Services Division was formed to handle personnel, budget, supply, and matters dealing solely with administration. In November, 1952 ?SOD - Dec. 52 On 9 April 1953 - SSS --(SSD deleted) The administrative assistant of
(b) (3) (b) (6) Date of establishment Gradua growth of staff as of 31 Dec. 19147? Doctors &49 195 Training of medical staff for overseas work Gradual growth of overseas staff Conditions to be met in the field Ship ent of flies f how selects sap i ly exactim? "nervous brew der of physical "aidnaatio 19 7' 1 Number of rejections for physical reaSo t in above years lu-er of patients treated in above yr o. pars last throes tllnese in above
~ rity Inl6r-madon MEDICAL OFFICE -fb) (2) (b) (3) ri` S c n.a, With the establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency, it was quickly apparent that a new type of medical support would have to be developed. Largely because of security aspects, the traditional sources and avenues of professional services would have to be modified to conform to the over-all concept of good security. With this as a background the Medical Office was established early in 1946. In
e ica ?story; ~__ CIA Physical examination: ;Sere ces Operations Personae Staffing rganl za ion ~au~hor. fares, addtsaaas, _!##la _li i~Mth} DATE $ ;: 19.52 .zed' al f .ee tie or an aspects prt comp 3 ed a ~e a - e ry and development of the ted ce ale ; re r d he 'the ~ a sib ~s e o ~.+~. -o rl --. ~ r SC repo 4 _ r '. ~. X84. A-10-, APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: JAN 2008