Approved for Release: 2021/10/22 C05957001
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
1 February 2013
Mr. Donald Vance
Reference: F-2013-00529
Dear Mr. Vance:
This is a final response to your undated Freedom of Information Act request,
postmarked 26 December 2012, received in the office of the Information and Privacy
Coordinator on 3 January 2013, for any and all unclassified records pertaining to the
Please be advised that requests for records related to the Nazi War Crimes and
Approved for Release: 2021/10/22 C05963198
Mr. Javier Waiman
Reference: F-2013-00660
Dear Mr. Waiman:
On 25 January 2013, the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator
received your 14 November 2012 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for
information on the following:
"A) Argentinean Subversive, Terrorists and Guerrillas groups, from 1963 to 1971
B) Links and relationships between Cuba and Latin American Subversive
groups, especially Argentinean groups, from 1963 to 1971.
Approved for Release: 2021/09/13 C00842367
3 7 5 ga4--Pc- Ces2424-1.4.1-e-
91-QA,0 eitj 2 2
May 4, 1953
Dear Allen:
Zwrit:re NWT,
Sam telephonedme last Thursday evening, on my return
from Washington following his conversation with you.
I invited Simkhaeff to see me on Friday, and arranged
that he will ask Mouraviov to lunch with him as soon as
possible. Simkhaeff doubts that Mouraviov will come to this
luncheon alone. On the basis of his past experience with
Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C06811595
SC No. 07650/68
Directorate of Intelligence
31 January 1968
Pueblo Sitrep No. 24
(As of 1200 EST)
2. The International Committee of the Red
Cross reports that on 27 January it promptly forwarded
to the North Korean Red Cross a list of US personnel
aboard the Pueblo, along with a reminder of the
Committee's earlier requestfor information on the
1, .I Approved for Release: 2021/11/10 C00355372
Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agenc Seal
On 1 July 1949, it was announced that an official
seal had been authorized for the Agency, and all
employees were invited to submit suggested designs,
for which a cash award was offered to the winner of
the competition (Notice D-49) By 7 March 1950,
the final design was chosen and approved by the
President in Executive Order 1011 - on 17 February*.
and announced to all employees. Since the final
Approved for Release: 2021/04/05 C06775924
12 January 2001
SUBJECT: (UHAtil) ODC '''''' Report 4-10 January 2001
(L) The Autornitic Dechissificationate is 17 April 2003!
U) Activities and Accomplishments Highlights
(U//) Items of M.nagernent Intere
(Li/1AM�) National Secu
(L1// DO/SRO
Council (ISSC)Records:
attended a meeting at NSC 10 discuss the disposition of
pages of presidential records from the period I Y53198I. The
Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00928325
No rorcign Di33cm/Dackground Uoc nly
SC No. 01918/68
Directorate of InEelligence
2 February 1968:
Pueblo Sitrep No. 28
(As of 7:00 AM EST)
1. Public commentary from North Korea during
the past 24 hours contains no new observations on
the Pueblo incident. The authoritative Nodong
Sinmun shifted its editorial theme from the ship's
-6-JITTITe to support for the Communist offensive in
07-09-10 01 :42pm From- Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 C05562886 T-707 P.002/002 F-809
biet 6911
July 8,2010
Information and Privacy Cordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, DC 20505
ax (703-613-3007) and Certified mail
a U.S. citizen who resides at
am currently under unlawful suveillance
and investigation perpetrated by the CIA. Additionally, I am being
subjected to cruel, outrageous and harmful physical and emotional
injurj, by the CIA. I seek the following documents:
�Approved for Release: 2021/06/02 C06485391
JAN 31 '9? 1150A11
Ss i
D LOVOY MIR August 1, 1996 [translation for personal use only] Report
o parliamentary discussion of the "Concept of Economic and Social
D velopment of the Russian Federation for 1996.&2005" by Larisa
P yasheva, doctor of economic sciences: "In Search of Agreement"; '
cond of two parts.
rn behalf of the Association of St. Petersburg Industrial Enterprises
( 6 enterprises and organizations), V. ZAITIN asks that prices for