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Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Initial Report 1. Is there a person in your agency who is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the implementation of the records management program? (36 C 1 2 3 Answer Yes x No x Do not know Total Bar Response 2. Please provide the person's name, position title, and office. UxtResporm Nancy Morgan, Director, Information Management Services 3. Does your agency have a Senior Agency Official for Records Management (SAORM)? (If you are a component of a department, you may answer "Y: being done at the component level.) 1 2 3 Answer X Yes X No X Do not know Total Bar Response 1 2 3 Answer X Yes X No X Do not know so ce iteet so a 0 0 Bar II Response Total 5. Does your agency have a network of designated employees within each program and administrative area who are assigned records management re individuals are often called Records Liaison Officers (RLOs), though their titles may vary. (36 CFR 1220.34(d)) 0 Answer Yes 2 X No 3 X Do not know 4 Not applicable, agency has less than 100 employees 5 s/ Not applicable, Deparhnent Records Officer - this is done at the component level Total Ber 6. Does your agency have a documented and approved records management directive(s)? (36 CFR 1220.34(c)) 0 Answer 1 Yes 2 %/ No, pending final approval 3 we No, under development 4 X No 5 X Do not know Bar Response Total 7. When was your agency's directive(s) last reviewed and/or revised to ensure it includes all new records management policy issuances and guidance? 0 Answer 1 FY 2018 - present 2 %/ FY 2015 -2017 3 FY 2014 - 2015 4 X FY 2013 or earlier Bar Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 5 X Do not know 6 X Not applicable, agency does not have a records management directive Total Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 pproved for Release. 2021/08/10 C06821122 8. Does your agency have internal records management training*, based on agency policies and directives, for employees assigned records manageme CFR 1220.34(f)) *Includes NARA's records management training workshops that were customized specifically for your agency or use of an agency-cus Federal Records Officer Network (FRON) RM 101 course. � Answer 1 _/Yes 2 X No 3 ,�,/ No, pending final approval 4 No, under development 5 Do not know 13 �./ Not applicable, please explain Bar Response a Total Not applicable, please explain 9. Has your agency developed mandatory internal, staff-wide, formal training", based on agency policies and directives, covering records in all format� communications such as email, text messages, chat, or other messaging platforms or apps, such as social media or mobile device applications, which h and contractors fulfill their recordkeeping responsibilities?'" (36 CFR 1220.34(f)) *Includes NARA's records management training workshops that were for your agency or use of an agency-customized version of the Federal Records Officer Network (FRON) RM 101 course. **Components of departmental "Yes" if this is handled by the department. Department Records Officers may answer "Yes" if this is handled at the component leve � Answer 1 2 3 4 5 �./ Yes X No �./ No, pending final approval I No, under development X Do not know Bar Response Total 10. Does your agency require that all senior and appointed officials, including those incoming and newly promoted, receive training on the importa managing records under their immediate control? (36 CFR 1220.34(f)) Answer Yes 2 X N� 3 X Do not know Bar Response Total 11. Please add any additional comments about your agency for Section I: Activities. (Optional) Text Response Regarding questions fiend 10. CIA has not instituted mandatory records management training: however. CIA does have comprehensive introductory web-based training and ills made available at new hire orientation. CIA also offers additional (mini records control schedule, records inventories and system approvals, classification, and other topics, as well as an instructor-led class on the records control schedule. In addition, records management professionals meet with incoming and outgoing records management responsibilities. 12. In addition to your agency's established records management policies and records schedules, has your agency's records management progr � implemented internal controls to ensure that all eligible, permanent agency records in all media are transferred to NARA according to approved record - 1222.26(e)) "'These controls must be internal to your agency. Reliance on information from external agencies (e.g., NARA's Federal Records Centers) � should not be considered when responding to this question. *Examples of records management internal controls include but are not limited to: other meetings with records creators � Monitoring and testing of file plans � Regular review of records inventories � Internal tracking database authorities and dates � Answer I Yes 2 X4� 3 1 No, pending final approval 4 No, under development 5 X Do not know Bar Response a Total 13. In addition to your agency's established policies and records schedules, has your agency developed and Implemented internal controls to ensure t not destroyed before the end of their retention period? (36 CFR 1222.26(e)) "'These controls must be internal to your agency. Reliance on information f (e.g., NARA's Federal Records Centers) or other organizations should not be considered when responding to this question. *Examples of records m controls include but are not limited to: � Regular review of records inventories � Approval process for disposal notices from off-site storage � - destruction � Monitoring shredding services � Performance testing for email � Monitoring and testing of file plans � Pre-authorization from r program before records are destroyed � Ad hoc monitoring of trash and recycle bins � Notification from facilities staff when large trash bins or r: requested � Annual records clean-out activities sponsored and monitored by records management staff Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Approved for Release. 2021/08/10 C06821122 Mayer Oar Response 1 Yes 2 X No 3 vt No, pending final approval 4 s/ No, under development 5 Do not know Total 0 0 Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Approved for Release. 2021/08/10 C06821122 14. Does your agency evaluate, by conducting inspections/audits/reviews, its records management program to ensure that it is efficient, effective, a ,�,. applicable records Management laws and regulatiens? (36 CFR 1220.34(j)) "'For this question, your agency's records management program, or a maj program (e.g., vital records identification and management, the records disposition process, records management training, or the management of you records) must be the primary focus of the inspection/audit/review. � N Answer s/ Yes, evaluations am conducted by the Records Management Program � ,/ Yes, evaluations am conducted by the Office of Inspector General 3 ,,/ Yes, evaluations are conducted by the Records Management Program AND the Office of inspector General 4 ,/ Yes, evaluations am conducted by. 5 X No, please explain � X Do not know Bar Total Y03, evaluations are conducted by: No, please explain 15. How often does your agency conduct formal evaluations of a major component of your agency (i.e., programs or offices)? N Answer 1 ,/ Annually � �/ Biennially 3 ,/ Once every 3 years 4 . ,/ Ad hoc 5 X Do Mow � X Not applicable, agency does not evaluate to records management program Bar Total 16. Was a formal report written and subsequent plans of corrective action created and monitored for implementation as part of the most recent insp (Choose all that apply) tr Answer 1 X Yes, formal report was written 2 X Yes, plans of corrective action were created 3 x Yes, plans of corrective action were monitored for Implementation 4 x No 5 x Do not know � X Not applicable, agency does not evaluate its records management program Bar 17. Has your agency established performance goals for its records management program? *Examples of performance goals include but are not limite and scheduling all paper and non-electronic records by the end of FY 2018 � Developing computer-based records management training modules by � Planning and piloting an electronic records management solution for email by the end of FY 2019 � Updating records management policie � Conducting records management evaluations of at least one program area each quarter � Answer 1 ,/Yes 2 X No 3 ,/ Pending final approval 4 , ,/ Currently under development 5 X Do not know Bar Response Total � 18. Has your agency's records management program identified performance measures for records management activities such as training, records s. records transfers, etc.? *Examples of performance measures include but are not limited to: 7 Percentage of agency employees that receive re training in a year � A reduction in the volume of inactive records stored in office space � Percentage of eligible permanent:records transferred t� � Percentage of records scheduled � Percentage of offices evaluated/inspected for records management compliance � Percentage of email manage � rates � Development of new records management training modules � Audits of internal systems � � Annual updates of file plans �.Performan. applications to ensure records are captured � Percentage of records successfully retrieved by Agency FOIA Officer in response to FOIA If Answer 1 ,/Yes 2 , X No 3 Pending final approval 4 �/ Currently under development 5 X Do not know Bar Response Total Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 pproved for Release. 2021/08/10 C06821122 19. Does your agety's.iecords management program have documented and approved policies and procedures that instruct staff on how your agenc In all formats must be managed and stored? (36 CFR 1222.34(e)) P answer 1 ,/Yes 2 X No 3 ,/ No, pending final approval 4 4/ No, under development 5 X Do not kncnv Bar Response Total 20. Has your agency identified the vital records of all its program and administrative areas? (36 CFR 1223.16) *Components of departmental agencie this Is handled by the department. Answer 1 4/ Yes 2 X ND 3 X Do not know Bar Response Total 21. How often does your agency review and update its vital records inventory? (36 CFR 1223.14) B Answer 1 I 4/ Annually 2 1 Biennially 3 , 4/ Once every 3 years 4 ,/ Ad hoc 5 X' 6 X Do not know Bar 1 Response Total 22. Is your vital records plan part of the Continuity of Operations (COOP) plan? U Answer 1 Yes 2 , X No 3 X Do not know Bar Response 1 Total 23. Records needed to respond to a FOIA request are readily accessible and located by staff responsible for FOIA: Answer 1 X AlwaYe 2 X Most of the time 3 X Some of the time 4 X Never 5 X Do not know Bar Response Total 1 24. At what point in the FOIA process does your agency inform requesters of the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) dispute resolutio that apply) Answer 1 X When Mere is an adverse determination 2 X When notifying the requester that the agency needs more than 10 additional days to process a request 3 X When responding to the requester's appeal 4 X Never 5 X Do not know X Other, please explain Other, please explain Bar CIA includes notice of OGIS' dispute resolution services In FOIA response letters that contain appeal rights. Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 pproved for Release. 2021/08/10 C06821122 25. How often does the FOIA program submit to agency leadership reports on such measures as pending requests and backlog? � Answer Bar Reeponse X AlllififinT 2 X Quarterly 3 X Monthly 4 X Wee* 5 X Never 6 X Other, please explain Total Other, please explain 26. Do your agency's employee performance work plans and appraisals include FOIA performance measures for non-FOIA professionals to ensure requirements of FOIA? (Note: The 2016-2018 term of the Freedom of Information Act Advisory Committee endorsed inclusion of FOIA performance st employee evaluations and work plans government-wide.) � Answer 1 X Yes 2 X No, please explain 3 X Do not know Bar Response Total No, please explain CIA attorneys and public professionals have taken efforts to sensitize components lathe Agency's statutory requirements under the FOIA. Briefings were provided to senior officers, executive assistants, and records managers. and web-based cars workforce. FOIA-related performance standards are included In the objectives of employees who administer the FOI.A. 27. Does your agency have procedures for preparing documents for posting on FOIA reading rooms? (Note: The FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 amen. Federal Records Act, 44 U.S.C., to include a requirement that agencies establish "procedures for identifying records of general interest or use to the pub for public disclosure, and for posting such records in a publicly accessible electronic format." This requirement is now included in 5 U.S.C. 0 Answer 1 X Yes 2 X14� 3 X Do not know Bar Total Response 28. Who is responsible for preparing the documents for posting? (Choose all that apply) it Answer X FOIA staff 2 X Program staff 3 X ITAveb staff 4 X Other, please explain x00 not know Other, please explain Bar Response 29. Please add any additional comments about your agency for Section II: Oversight and Compliance. (Optional) Text Response 30. When was the last time your agency submitted a records schedule to NARA for aPproval? (36 CFR 1225.10) � Answer x FY 2017 - 2018 2 X FY 2015 - 2018 3 X FY 2013 - 2014 4 X FY2011 -2012 5 X FY 2010 or earlier 6 X Do not know Bar Response Total 31. Are'records and information in your agency managed throughout the lifecycle [creation/capture, classification, maintenance, retention, and disposi Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Amwer Approved for Release. 2021/08/10 C06821122 identified, classified using a axonomy, inven one., an� sc e.0 e � 1222.34;16 CF,R022,1O and 36 CFR 1225.12) Oar . Response 1 2 3 4 ,./ Yes ,/ To some extent X No X Do not know Total Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 32. Are records andInforntion in your agency easily retrievable and accessible when heeded for agency business? (36 CFA'1220.32(c)) Answer 1 ,/ AB records are easily retrievable and accessible when needed 2 ,/ Most records ca. n be retrieved and accessed' In a timely manner 3 ,/ Some records can be retrieved and accessed In a timely manner 4 )(No 5 X Do not know Total Bar Res 33. Does your agency disseminate every approved disposition authority (including newly approved records schedules and General Records Schedule within six months of approval? (36 CFR 1226.12(a)) � Answer ,/ Yes 2 X No 3 X Do not know Bar Response Total 34. In addition to your agency's records management policies and records schedules, has your agency developed and implemented internal contro permanent records are created/captured, classified, filed and managed according to their NARA-approved records schedules? (36 CFR 12 1 2 3 Answer X Yes X No X Do not know Bar Response Total 35. Did your agency transfer permanent non-electronic records to NARA during FY 2018? (36 CFR 1235.12) 0 Answer Bar Ft- Yes 2 X No 3 �/ No-No records were eligible for transfer during FY 2018 4 ,/ No - New agency, records are not yet old enough to transfer 5 No - My agency does not have any permanent non-electronic records 6 X Do not know 7 X Other, please explain Total Other, please explain 36. Did your agency transfer permanent electronic records to NARA during FY 2018? (36 CFR 1235.12) 0 Answer 1 ,/Yes 2 X No 3 ,,/ No - No electronic reconis/systerns ware eligible for transfer during FY 2018 4 ,/ No - New agency, electronic records/systems am not old enough to transfer 5 ,/ No - My agency does not have any permanent electronic records e Do not know 7 X Other, please explain Total Other, please explain Bar 11811.1:12=11111111=111=1111111 � 37. Does your agency conduct and document for accountability purposes training and/or other briefings as part of the on-boarding process for sen records management roles and responsibilities, including the appropriate disposition of records and the use of personal and unofficial email accounts? and 36 CFR 1230.10(a & b)) � Answer Bar Response 1 IYes 2 ,/ Yes, but not documented 3 X No Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Answer 4 X Do not know Bar Response 5 �./ Not applicable, please explain Total Not applicable. please explain Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 38. Is the Agency,frkecciriis Officer and/or Senior Agency Official for Records Management involved in on-boarding briefings or'other processes for n officials? Answer X Yes 2 X No 3 X Do not know Bar Total Response 39. Does your agency conduct and document for accountability purposes exit briefings for departing senior officials on the appropriate disposition of email, under their immediate control? (36 CFR 1222.24(a)(6) and 36 CFR 1230.10(a & b)) � Answer 1 IYes 2 ,/ Yes, but not doctenented 3 X� 4 X Do not know 5 ./ Not applicable, please explain Total Not applicable, please explain Bar Response 40. Is the Agency Records Officer andlor Senior Agency Official for Records Management involved in exit briefings or other exit clearance processes officials? Answer 1 X Yes 2 X Ne 3 X Do not know Bar Response Total 41. Does the exit or separation process for departing senior officials include records management program staff or other designated official(s) review removal of personal papers and copies of records by those senior officials? (36 CFR 1222.24(a)(6)) Answer I I X Yes 2 X No, please explain 3 X Do not know Bar Response Total No. please explain 42. Please add any additional comments about your agency for Section III: Records Disposition. (Optional) Text Response Regarding #32, most re,:ords can be retrieved and accessed bee timely manner; some take more time. Regarding N40, onsite records management experts provide briefings to senior managers and Inform SAORM and ARO. 43. has your agency incorporated and/or integrated internal controls to ensure the reliability, authenticity, integrity, and usability of agency electronic electronic information systems? (36 CFR 1236.10) � Answer 1 ,/Yes 2 ,/ To some extent 3 X No 4 X Do not know 5 �/ Not applicable, please explain Total Not applicable, please explain Bar Response 44. Does your agency have documented and approved procedures to enable the migration of records and associated metadata to new storage medi records are retrievable and usable as long as needed to conduct agency business and to meet NARA-approved dispositions? (36 CFR 1236 � Answer Bar Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Response Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 1 /Yes 2 X No 3 ../ No. pending final approval 4 ,./ No. under development 5 X Do ntrallOw Total Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Approved for Release. 2021/08/10 C06821122 45. Does your a';i'-encjy.inaintain an inventory of electronic information systems that indicates whether or not each system is covered by an approve. authority? (36 CFR 1236.26(a)) Answer Yes 2 X No, please explain 3 X Do not lonny Bar Response Total No, please explain 46. Does your agency ensure that records management functionality, including the capture, retrieval, and retention of records according to agency � NAFtA-approved records schedules, is incorporated into the design, development, and implementation of its electronic information systems? (36 CFR 1 � of departmental agencies may answer "Yes" if this is handled by the department. it Answer 1 Yes 2 X No, please explain 3 X Do not know 4 Not applicable, please explain Bar Response Total No, please explain Not applicable, please explain 47. Does your agency's records management program staff participate in the design, development, and implementation of new electronic information s 0 Answer 1 X V" 2 X To some extent 3 X No. please explain 4 X Do not know X Not applicable. please explain Bar Response Total Ho, please explain Not applicable, please explain 48. Which of these activities does your agency's records management program staff participate in to ensure that records requirements are part of solution? (Choose all that apply) It Answer 1 X Participate in review end acceptance of proposals for new systems 2 X Participate as stakeholder In requirements gathering 3 X Participate as stakeholder In the design phase 4 X Participate as stakeholder in the development phase including tasting the system 5 X Provide sign off authority for the implementation of new systems 6 X Monitor system for adherence to standards, policies, end procedures 7 X Provide information only 8 X Do not know 9 X Other, please explain Other, please explain Bar lasimmommmom 111�111=1111�111111�11111011111:1111�11111 it Answer 1 2 3 4 X No, under development 5 X Do not know X YeS X No X No, pending final approval Bar Response Total 50. Do the policies include requirements for preserving records until eligible for transfer to NAFtA? it Answer Bar Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Response Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 I Answer Bar Response 1 1 X Yes 2 X No o 3 X Do not know a Total Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 pproved for Release. 2021/08/10 C06821122 � 51. Does your agency have-a process or strategy for managing permanent electronic records, and related metadata, in an electronic form? Answer Bar Response 1 : X Yes 2 X No 3 X No, pending final approval 4 X No, under development 5 X Do not know Total 52. Does your agency have documented and approved.policies.against unauthorized use, alteration, alienation or deletion of all electronic records? II Answer 1 2 3 4 5 X�� X N� X No, pending final approval X No, under development x00 not know Bar Response Total 53. Does your agency have a digitization strategy to reformat permanent records created in hard copy or other analog formats (e.g., microfiche, micro � analog audio)? II Answer 1 X Yes 2 X To some extent 3 X No 4 X Do not know Bar Response Total 54. Does your agency use cloud services for any of the following? (Choose all that apply) * Answer 1 X Email 2 X Communication tools other than email (calendars, messaging apps, etc.) 3 X Adm1Mstrative functions such as payroll. purchasing, and financial management 4 X Mission/program-related functions X Customer Relationship Management 13 X Case management 7 X Office tools/software 8 X Streaming services 9 X Other, please explain 10 X My agency does not use cloud services 11 X Do not knot/ Other, please explain Bar 55. Does your agency have documented and approved policies for cloud service use that includes recordkeeping requirements and handling of Fedora # Answer 1 X Yes 2 X N� 3 X No. pending final approval 4 X No, under development 5 X Do not know 8 X Not applicable. my agency does not use cloud services Bar Respo Total 56. Does your agency have documented and approved policies and procedures in place to manage email records that have a retention -period longer t " . - � 1236,22) Answer Yes Bar Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Response Approved for Release. 2021/08/10 C06821122 Answer Der Response 2 X No, please explain 3 X Do not know Total NO, please explain Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 rO ed for Release. 2021/08/10 C06821122 57. Does your ageti4�hove documented and approved policies and procedures to implement the guidelines for the transfer of permanent email record - NARA Bulletin 2018-01: Format Guidance for the Transfer of Permanent Electronic Records � Appendix A: Tables of File Formats,-Section 9 -Email? ( Answer 1 ,/Yes 2 X No 3 X Do not know Total Bar Response 58. Does your agency have documented and approved policies that address when employees have more than one agency-administered email accoun records must be preserved in an appropriate agency reaordkeeping system? (36 CFR 1236.22) *Examples of business needs may include but are not Ii separate accounts for public and internal correspondence � Creating accounts for a specific agency initiative which may have multiple users � Usin ! classified information and unclassified information Answer 1 2 3 No, pending final approval 4 �,/ No, under development X Do not know �,/ Yes X N0 Bar Response a Total 59. Does your agency have documented and approved policies that address the use of personal email accounts, whether or not allowed, that state tha � received by such accounts must be preserved in an appropriate agency recordkeeping system and that a complete copy of all email records created an. these accounts must be forwarded to an official electronic messaging account of the officer or employee no later than 20 days after the original creation record? (36 CFR 1236.22(b) and P.L. 113-187) Answer 1 Yes 2 X No 3 No, pending final approval 4 s/ Na, under development 5 X Do not krusv Total Bar Response 60. Does your agency's email system(s) retain the intelligent full names on directories or distribution lists to ensure identification of the sender and a email messages that are Federal records? (36 CFR 1236.22(a)(3)) 1 ' 2 3 Answer s/ Yes X No X Do not know Bar Response Total 61. What method(s) does your agency employ to capture and manage email records? (Choose all that apply) B Answer 1 2 3 5 6 X Other, please be specific: X Captured and stored in an email archiving system X Captured and stored loan electronic records management system X Captured and stored as personal storage table (Psi) files X Print and file X Not captured and email Is managed by the end-user in the native system Other, please be specific: Bar 62. What percentage of your email systems are cloud-based solutions? 0 Answer 1 X�" 2 3 X�" 4 � X 25% 5 X Less than 25% 6 X My agency does not use cloud services for email Bar Response a Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 pproved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Bar Response 0 Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 pproved for Release. 2021/08/10 C06821122 4 63. Does your agehey ()Valuate, monitor, or audit staff compliance with the agency's email preservation policies? (36 CFR 1220.18) Answer Bar Response 1 2 3 Yes X No X Do not know Total 64. How often does your agency evaluate, monitor, or audit staff compliance with the agency's email preservation policies? Answer X Annually 2 X Biennially 3 X Once every 3 years 4 X Ad hoc 5 X Do not know Bar Response Total 65. Does your agency have documented and approved policies and procedures in place to manage electronic messages including text messages, ch voice messages, and messages created in social media tools or applications? Answer X Yea 2 X No 3 x No, pending final approval 4 X No, under development 5 '1 X Do not know 6 X Other, please explain Bar Response Total Other, please explain 66. In which of the following areas does your agency have challenges with managing permanent electronic records, and related metadata, in an electr that apply) 0 Answer 1 2 3 4 7 a 10 11 X Email X Communication tools other than email (calendars, messaging apps, etc.) X Administrative functions such es payroll, purchasing, and financial management X Mission/program-related functions x Customer Relationship Management X Case management X Office tools/software X Streaming services X Other, please explain X MY agency does not have challenges managing permanent electronic records and related metadata X Do not know Other, please explain Regarding 066, CIA continues to make progress In managing permanent electronic records by incorporating records management requirements, policies, and processes Into tools and systems. Bar 67. Please add any additional comments about your agency for Section IV: Electronic Records. (Optional) Text Response 68. How many full-time equivalents (FTE) are in your agencyforganrzation? 0 Answer X 500,000 or more FTEs 2 X 100,000 � 499,999 FTEs 3 X 10,000 � 99,999 FTE8 4 X 1.000 � 9,999 F7E8 5 X 100 � 999 FTEa X 1 � 99 FTEs Bar Response Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 7 X Not Available Total Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 69. What other staff: offices, or program areas did you consult when you completed this self-assessment? (Choose all that apply) Answer 1 1 X Senior Agency Official � 2 X Office of the General Counsel 3 X Program Managers 4 X FOIA Officer 5 X Information Technology staff 6 X Records Liaison Officers or similar 7 X Administrative staff 8 X Other, please be specific: 9 X None Other, please be specific: Bar Response 70. How much time did it take you to gather the information to complete this self-assessment? Answer 1 X Under 3 hours 2 X More than 3 hour3 but less than 6 hours 3 . X More than 6 hours but less than 10 hours 4 X Over 10 hours Bar 1111�111=11111181111101111111111111=1111M1 Response Total 71. Did your agency's senior management review and concur with your responses to the 2018 Records Management Self-Assessment? Answer 1 X Yes 2 )( No 3 X Do not know Bar Response Total 72. Please provide your contact information. Name: Nancy Morgan Agency, Bureau, or Office: CIA Job Title: 1 Director, Infonnation Management Services Email Address: (b)(3) b 6 � Phone Number: (b)(3) 73. Are you the Agency Records Officer? if 2 Answer X Yes X No Bar Response Total 74. Please provide the Agency Records Officer's contact information. Name: Email Address: Phone Number: 75. Does your agency use your Records Management Self-Assessment scores to measure the effectiveness of the records management program? Answer 1 X Yes 2 X No 3 X Do not know 4 X Comments (Optional): (Please include In your comments how you use the Records Management Self-Assessment) Comments (Optional): (Please include In your comments how you use the Records Management Self-Assessment.) While the CIA does not use the FtMSA score to measure the effectiveness of the records management program, we do use the RMSA as a guideline for improvement Bar 76. Do you have any suggestions for improving the Records Management Self-Assessment next year? Text Response Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 Text Response Please 0:111,;13110 a small 'waling growl to revise the reports to align with statutes and NARA Mission requtrements to ensure effective reporting to senior leadershHp. Consider consolidebng the thiim; reporis.ifito one to eliminate duplication and suppo �77. Qum_ Value (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122 pproved for Release. 2021/08/10 C06821122 78. SSID 'il� � Value ' Total 79. Score Statistic Value Mean Score 86.00 Score Standard Deviation 0.00 Weighted Mean of Items 1.08 Weighted Standard Deviation of Items 1.40 Items 80.00 Approved for Release: 2021/08/10 C06821122