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4 Results
Orca or killer whales are the largest members of the dolphin family. They are a cosmopolitan species, found in all of the world's oceans. This dramatic photo shows an orca hunting a Weddell seal in the Southern Ocean. The seal has attempted to save itself by hiding on an ice floe, but orcas, one of the most intelligent of mammals, are adept at tipping or flipping floes. Photo courtesy of the National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs / Robert Pitman.
Orca (killer whale) sexes may be distinguished by their dorsal fins: male fins are straight, female fins curve. Photo courtesy of NOAA.
An orca mother-calf pair in the Ross Sea. Photo courtesy of the National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs / Robert Pitman.
Hourglass dolphins live in the southern circumpolar waters from close to the Antarctic ice pack to about 45 degrees south. They are distinctively colored but not yet well studied. Hourglass dolphins frequently bow-ride waves from ships (i.e., within the waves induced by the bow of the moving vessel). Photo courtesy of NOAA / Elizabeth Crapo.