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18 Results
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A family of wild baboons sitting along the road from Mbale to Kampala.
The African Grey Crowned Crane is Uganda's national bird. These gray and white birds have a “crown” of stiff golden feathers on their heads giving them a majestic appearance, but it also puts the birds on the endangered list.  Considered a status symbol by the wealthy, the cranes are targeted by poachers who capture and illegally sell them as pets and their eggs and feathers are sold to those who believe they have medicinal properties. African Grey Crowned Cranes are monogamous and do a mating dance when they meet their mates during breeding season.
Male lion (Uganda Wildlife Education Center (zoo) near Kampala).
Rhinoceros (Uganda Wildlife Education Center (zoo) near Kampala).
Chimpanzee (Uganda Wildlife Education Center (zoo) near Kampala).
Impala (Uganda Wildlife Education Center (zoo) near Kampala).
A small compound usually consisting of an extended family clan: the patriarch and his children and their spouses. The families each have their own houses, but they cooperatively farm the surrounding land. These are nicer homes with painted metal roofs.
A more typical compound with thatched rondavels (huts) built of stick frames packed with mud (or sometimes with bricks faced with mud) and covered with a straw or reed roof.
A frame for a rondavel (house) usually only 3 to 5 meters in diameter.
Mount Elgon is an extinct shield volcano on the border with Kenya. Two national parks, one on either side of the border, protect the area around the mountain.
Guinea birds are ubiquitous; it is difficult to know whether they are wild or domesticated.
Marabou Storks have one of the largest wingspans of any land bird.
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