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Approximately 250 km (160 mi) from Nairobi and close to the Tanzania border, Amboseli National Park in Kenya affords visitors many opportunities to see wildlife up close.
A rhinoceros in the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya.
The Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya is famous for its lions. In this photo, a mother and her cub walk toward a stationary safari vehicle.
Elephant in the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya.
Crocodiles along the Mara River in Kenya.
Zebras at a pool of water in Nairobi National Park in Kenya.
Ibis and storks in Nairobi National Park in Kenya.
A view from inside the Rift Valley, Kenya.
Fischer's Tower at the eastern entrance to Hell's Gate Gorge in Hell's Gate National Park, Kenya. The park is named after a narrow break in some cliffs, the site of a tributary to a prehistoric lake in the Rift Valley.
Hell's Gate National Park, in the Great Rift Valley, is one of the smallest national parks in Kenya.  The steep sides of the gorge were formed from water-eroded sandstone.
Known for its rugged landscape shaped by volcanic activity, Hell's Gate National Park is located not far from Kenya's capital, Nairobi.  Among the park's geological features are a water-eroded gorge and obsidian caves.
Layered rocks along the trail in Hell's Gate Gorge, Hell's Gate National Park, Kenya.
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