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The calving front of Petermann Glacier in northern Greenland as seen from a NASA P-3B. In July 2012 an iceberg twice the size of Manhattan broke off of Petermann Glacier and began to float away in the ocean. After this calving event the line where the iceberg broke away became the glacier's new front edge, or calving front, effectively moving it several kilometers upstream. Credit: NASA/Michael Studinger.
Pictured is the calving front of Kangerdlugssup Glacier in central west Greenland, where large chunks of ice break off from the glaciers to form icebergs. Icebergs are comprised of frozen freshwater and not saltwater. Several large icebergs in the fjord are on the right surrounded by the so-called mélange, which is a dense mix of iceberg bits and sea ice floating in the fjord. The mélange plays a role in how many icebergs a glacier can produce by stabilizing the calving front. Scientists estimate the lifespan of an iceberg to be as long as 3,000 years. Credit: NASA/Michael Studinger.
Sunrise at Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, with ravens on the left, and the Watson River and Sugarloaf Hill seen through a haze of windblown glacial silt. Credit: NASA/Jim Yungel.
Frozen fjord along northeast coast of Greenland as seen from a P-3 aircraft on 14 May 2012. Credit: NASA/Jim Yungel.
The Steensby Glacier in norothern Greenland flows around a sharp bend in a deep canyon. The glacier is located at 81 degrees north in Nyboe Land and flows into the St. Georges Fjord. Credit: NASA/Michael Studinger.
This image of Saunders Island and Wolstenholme Fjord with Kap Atholl in the background was taken during a NASA Operation IceBridge survey flight in April of 2013. Sea ice coverage in the fjord ranges from thicker, white ice seen in the background, to thinner grease ice and leads showing open ocean water in the foreground. Credit: NASA/Michael Studinger.
The coast of Greenland as seen from the air.
Glaciers in the fjords of Greenland, as seen from the air.
Protected ship passage through southeast Greenland.
Mountains along ship channel through southeast Greenland.
Mountains along ship channel through southeast Greenland.
Mountains along ship channel through southeast Greenland.
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