
Country Summary



In 1974, ethnic differences within the British colony of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands caused the Polynesians of the Ellice Islands to vote for separation from the Micronesians of the Gilbert Islands. The following year, the Ellice Islands became the separate British colony of Tuvalu. Independence was granted in 1978.



total: 26 sq km
land: 26 sq km
water: 0 sq km


tropical; moderated by easterly trade winds (March to November); westerly gales and heavy rain (November to March)

Natural resources

fish, coconut (copra)

People and Society


11,639 (2023 est.)

Ethnic groups

Tuvaluan 97%, Tuvaluan/I-Kiribati 1.6%, Tuvaluan/other 0.8%, other 0.6% (2017 est.)


Tuvaluan (official), English (official), Samoan, Kiribati (on the island of Nui)


Protestant 92.7% (Congregational Christian Church of Tuvalu 85.9%, Brethren 2.8%, Seventh Day Adventist 2.5%, Assemblies of God 1.5%), Baha'i 1.5%, Jehovah's Witness 1.5%, other 3.9%, none or refused 0.4% (2017 est.)

Population growth rate

0.81% (2023 est.)


Government type

parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy; a Commonwealth realm


name: Funafuti; note - the capital is an atoll of some 29 islets; administrative offices are in Vaiaku Village on Fongafale Islet

Executive branch

chief of state: King CHARLES III (since 8 September 2022); represented by Governor General Tofiga Vaevalu FALANI (since 29 August 2021)
head of government: Prime Minister Kausea NATANO (since 19 September 2019)

Legislative branch

description: unicameral House of Assembly or Fale I Fono (16 seats; members directly elected in single- and multi-seat constituencies by simple majority vote to serve 4-year terms)


Economic overview

upper middle-income Pacific island economy; extremely environmentally fragile; currency pegged to Australian dollar; large international aid recipient; subsistence agrarian sector; Te Kakeega sustainable development; domain name licensing incomes

Real GDP (purchasing power parity)

$55.169 million (2021 est.)
$53.57 million (2020 est.)
$52.77 million (2019 est.)

Real GDP per capita

$4,900 (2021 est.)
$4,800 (2020 est.)
$4,800 (2019 est.)

Agricultural products

coconuts, vegetables, tropical fruit, bananas, roots/tubers, pork, poultry, eggs, pig fat, pig offals




0% of GDP (2020 est.)
1.66% of GDP (2019 est.)
2% of GDP (2018 est.)


$2.699 million (2021 est.)
$3.087 million (2020 est.)
$10.266 million (2019 est.)

Exports - partners

Thailand 91%, Nigeria 5%, Philippines 3%, South Korea 1% (2021)

Exports - commodities

tugboats, tuna, nitrile compounds, integrated circuits, electrical power accessories (2021)


$51.187 million (2021 est.)
$50.792 million (2020 est.)
$65.24 million (2019 est.)

Imports - partners

China 36%, Japan 33%, Fiji 13%, South Korea 9%, New Zealand 4% (2021)

Imports - commodities

cargo ships, fishing ships, refined petroleum, tankers, tugboats, construction vehicles (2021)

Exchange rates

Tuvaluan dollars or Australian dollars (AUD) per US dollar -
Exchange rates:
1.311 (2017 est.)
1.3442 (2016 est.)

Page last updated: Wednesday, December 06, 2023