San Marino

Country Summary



Geographically the third-smallest state in Europe (after the Holy See and Monaco), San Marino also claims to be the world's oldest republic. According to tradition, it was founded by a Christian stonemason named MARINUS in A.D. 301. San Marino's social and political trends track closely with those of its larger neighbor, Italy.



total: 61 sq km
land: 61 sq km
water: 0 sq km


Mediterranean; mild to cool winters; warm, sunny summers

Natural resources

building stone

People and Society


34,892 (2023 est.)

Ethnic groups

Sammarinese, Italian




Roman Catholic

Population growth rate

0.59% (2023 est.)


Government type

parliamentary republic


name: San Marino (city)

Executive branch

chief of state: co-chiefs of state Captain Regent Alessandro SCARANO and Adele TONNINI (for the period 1 April 2023 - 1 October 2023)
head of government: Secretary of State for Foreign and Political Affairs Luca BECCARI (since 8 January 2020)

Legislative branch

description: unicameral Grand and General Council or Consiglio Grande e Generale (60 seats; members directly elected in single- and multi-seat constituencies by list proportional representation vote in 2 rounds if needed; members serve 5-year terms)


Economic overview

high-income, non-EU European economy; surrounded by Italy, which is the dominant importer and exporter; open border to EU and a euro user; strong financial sector; high foreign investments; low taxation; increasingly high and risky debt

Real GDP (purchasing power parity)

$1.917 billion (2020 est.)
$2.053 billion (2019 est.)
$2.012 billion (2018 est.)

Real GDP per capita

$56,400 (2020 est.)
$60,100 (2019 est.)
$58,900 (2018 est.)

Agricultural products

wheat, grapes, corn, olives; cattle, pigs, horses, beef, cheese, hides


tourism, banking, textiles, electronics, ceramics, cement, wine


$3.827 billion (2011 est.)
$2.576 billion (2010 est.)

Exports - partners

Romania 10%, France 9%, Germany 8%, United States 8%, Austria 6%, Brazil 6%, Poland 6%, Russia 6%, (2019)

Exports - commodities

industrial washing/bottling machinery, packaged medicines, woodworking machinery, foodstuffs, aircraft (2019)


$2.551 billion (2011 est.)
$2.132 billion (2010 est.)

Imports - partners

Germany 21%, Italy 13%, Poland 10%, France 7%, Spain 7%, Belgium 6%, Romania 6% (2019)

Imports - commodities

electricity, cars, aluminum, footwear, natural gas, iron piping (2019)

Exchange rates

euros (EUR) per US dollar -
Exchange rates:
0.845 (2021 est.)
0.877 (2020 est.)
0.893 (2019 est.)
0.847 (2018 est.)
0.885 (2017 est.)

Page last updated: Monday, December 11, 2023