New Zealand

Travel Facts

US State Dept Travel Advisory

The US Department of State currently recommends US citizens exercise normal precautions in New Zealand. Consult the link below for updates to travel advisories and statements on safety, security, local laws, and special circumstances in New Zealand.

Passport/Visa Requirements

US citizens should make sure their passport will not expire for at least 3 months after they enter the country even if they do not intend to stay that long. They should also make sure they have at least 1 blank page in their passport for any entry stamp that will be required. A visa is not required as long as you do not stay in the country more than 90 days.

US Embassy/Consulate

[64] (4) 462-6000; United States Embassy Wellington, 29 Fitzherbert Terrace, Thorndon, Wellington 6011, New Zealand;;

LGBTQIA+ Travelers

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) travelers can face unique challenges when traveling abroad. Laws and attitudes in some countries may affect safety and ease of travel. Legal protections vary from country to country. Many countries do not legally recognize same-sex marriage. Approximately seventy countries consider consensual same-sex sexual relations a crime, sometimes carrying severe punishment.

Telephone Code


Local Emergency Phone



See WHO recommendations


Temperate with sharp regional contrasts

Currency (Code)

New Zealand dollars (NZD)

Electricity/Voltage/Plug Type(s)

230 V / 50 Hz / plug types(s): I

Plug Type I

Major Languages

English, Maori, Samoan, Northern Chinese, Hindi, French, Yue

Major Religions

Christian 37.3%, Hindu 2.7%, Maori 1.3%, Muslim, 1.3%, Buddhist 1.1%, other religion 1.6%, no religion 48.6%

Time Difference

UTC+12 (17 hours ahead of Washington, DC, during Standard Time); daylight saving time: +1hr, begins last Sunday in September; ends first Sunday in April; note: New Zealand has two time zones: New Zealand standard time (UTC+12) and Chatham Islands time (45 minutes in advance of New Zealand standard time; UTC+12:45)

Potable Water


International Driving Permit


Road Driving Side


Tourist Destinations

Fiordland National Park & Milford Sound; Bay of Islands; Queenstown; Lake Taupo & Tongariro National Park; Lake Matheson; Lake Pukaki; Mount Cook National Park; Fox & Franz Josef Glaciers

Major Sports

Rugby, cricket, netball, basketball, soccer, sailing

Cultural Practices

You are expected to take your shoes off indoors. Māori people will often say a prayer (karakia) to bless food before eating it, and they may greet you with a kiss on the cheek.

Tipping Guidelines

Tipping is uncommon in restaurants unless the service was excellent. Some restaurants provide a tip jar on the counter. Tipping is uncommon in taxis, but you may round up the fare. It is not customary to tip at hotels.


Abalone, paua shell, and greenstone jewelry; stone and wood Maori tribal masks, statues, baskets, and weapons; sheepskin rugs, merino wool blankets, chamois cloths, other wool/lanolin items; Rimu timber clocks, Kiwi art, wine, honey

Traditional Cuisine

Pavlova — a meringue-like dessert with a crisp Cornstarch-based outer crust and a soft and moist core; whipped cream and fruits, such as kiwi or passion fruit, are used as garnishes

Please visit the following links to find further information about your desired destination.

World Health Organization (WHO) - To learn what vaccines and health precautions to take while visiting your destination.

US State Dept Travel Information - Overall information about foreign travel for US citizens.

To obtain an international driving permit (IDP). Only two organizations in the US issue IDPs:
American Automobile Association (AAA) and American Automobile Touring Alliance (AATA)

How to get help in an emergency? 
Contact the nearest US embassy or consulate, or call one of these numbers:
from the US or Canada - 1-888-407-4747 or from Overseas - +1 202-501-4444

Page last updated: Tuesday, September 12, 2023