
Country Summary



Guinea is at a turning point after decades of authoritarian rule since gaining its independence from France in 1958. International investors have shown interest in Guinea's unexplored mineral reserves, which have the potential to propel Guinea's future growth.



total: 245,857 sq km
land: 245,717 sq km
water: 140 sq km


generally hot and humid; monsoonal-type rainy season (June to November) with southwesterly winds; dry season (December to May) with northeasterly harmattan winds

Natural resources

bauxite, iron ore, diamonds, gold, uranium, hydropower, fish, salt

People and Society


13,607,249 (2023 est.)

Ethnic groups

Fulani (Peuhl) 33.4%, Malinke 29.4%, Susu 21.2%, Guerze 7.8%, Kissi 6.2%, Toma 1.6%, other/foreign 0.4% (2018 est.)


French (official), Pular, Maninka, Susu, other native languages


Muslim 89.1%, Christian 6.8%, animist 1.6%, other 0.1%, none 2.4% (2014 est.)

Population growth rate

2.75% (2023 est.)


Government type

presidential republic


name: Conakry

Executive branch

chief of state: President Col. Mamady DOUMBOUYA (since 1 October 2021); note - on 5 September 2021, Col. Mamady DOUMBOUYA led a military coup in which President CONDE was arrested and detained, the constitution suspended, and the government and People's National Assembly dissolved; on 1 October 2021, DOUMBOUYA was sworn in as transitional president
head of government: Prime Minister Bernard GOMOU (since 20 August 2022); note - GOMOU had been acting prime minister since 16 July 2022 replacing Mohamed BEAVOGUI who stepped down due to health reasons

Legislative branch

description: formerly the People's National Assembly;  note - on 5 September 2021, Col. Mamady DOUMBOUYA led a military coup in which President CONDE was arrested and detained, the constitution suspended, and the government and People's National Assembly dissolved; on 22 January 2022, an 81-member Transitional National Council was installed


Economic overview

growing but primarily agrarian West African economy; major mining sector; improving fiscal and debt balances prior to COVID-19; economy increasingly vulnerable to climate change; slow infrastructure improvements; gender wealth and human capital gaps

Real GDP (purchasing power parity)

$35.729 billion (2021 est.)
$34.388 billion (2020 est.)
$32.775 billion (2019 est.)

Real GDP per capita

$2,600 (2021 est.)
$2,600 (2020 est.)
$2,500 (2019 est.)

Agricultural products

rice, cassava, groundnuts, maize, oil palm fruit, fonio, plantains, sugar cane, sweet potatoes, vegetables


bauxite, gold, diamonds, iron ore; light manufacturing, agricultural processing


2.14% of GDP (2021 est.)
0.16% of GDP (2020 est.)
1.18% of GDP (2019 est.)


$10.266 billion (2021 est.)
$8.996 billion (2020 est.)
$4.041 billion (2019 est.)

Exports - partners

United Arab Emirates 39%, China 36%, India 6% (2019)

Exports - commodities

gold, aluminum ores and oxide, iron ores, cocoa beans, cashews, frozen fish (2021)


$5.353 billion (2021 est.)
$6.314 billion (2020 est.)
$4.32 billion (2019 est.)

Imports - partners

China 39%, India 8%, Netherlands 6%, Belgium 5%, United Arab Emirates 5% (2019)

Imports - commodities

rice, refined petroleum, packaged medicines, delivery trucks, cars (2019)

Exchange rates

Guinean francs (GNF) per US dollar -
Exchange rates:
9,565.082 (2020 est.)
9,183.876 (2019 est.)
9,011.134 (2018 est.)
9,088.319 (2017 est.)
8,967.927 (2016 est.)

Page last updated: Tuesday, December 12, 2023