
Country Summary



Once the center of power for the large Austro-Hungarian Empire, Austria was reduced to a small republic after its defeat in World War I. A State Treaty signed in 1955 recognized Austria's independence.



total: 83,871 sq km
land: 82,445 sq km
water: 1,426 sq km


temperate; continental, cloudy; cold winters with frequent rain and some snow in lowlands and snow in mountains; moderate summers with occasional showers

Natural resources

oil, coal, lignite, timber, iron ore, copper, zinc, antimony, magnesite, tungsten, graphite, salt, hydropower

People and Society


8,940,860 (2023 est.)

Ethnic groups

Austrian 80.8%, German 2.6%, Bosnian and Herzegovinian 1.9%, Turkish 1.8%, Serbian 1.6%, Romanian 1.3%, other 10% (2018 est.)


German (official nationwide) 88.6%, Turkish 2.3%, Serbian 2.2%, Croatian (official in Burgenland) 1.6%, other (includes Slovene, official in southern Carinthia, and Hungarian, official in Burgenland) 5.3% (2001 est.)


Roman Catholic 55.2%, Muslim 8.3%, Orthodox 4.9%, Evangelical Christian 3.8%, Jewish 0.1%, other 5.4%, none 22.4% (2021 est.)

Population growth rate

0.31% (2023 est.)


Government type

federal parliamentary republic


name: Vienna

Executive branch

chief of state: President Alexander VAN DER BELLEN (since 26 January 2017); note - President Alexander VAN DER BELLENĀ  reelected to a second six-year term on 9 October 2022
head of government: Chancellor Karl NEHAMMER (since 6 December 2021)

Legislative branch

description: bicameral Federal Assembly or Bundesversammlung consists of:
Federal Council or Bundesrat (61 seats - currently 60; members appointed by state parliaments with each state receiving 3 to 12 seats in proportion to its population; members serve 5- or 6-year terms)
National Council or Nationalrat (183 seats; members directly elected in single-seat constituencies by proportional representation vote; members serve 5-year terms)


Economic overview

one of the strongest EU and euro economies; diversified trade portfolios and relations; enormous trade economy; Russian energy dependence, but investing in alternative energy; aging labor force but large refugee population; large government debt

Real GDP (purchasing power parity)

$484.698 billion (2021 est.)
$463.574 billion (2020 est.)
$495.557 billion (2019 est.)

Real GDP per capita

$54,100 (2021 est.)
$52,000 (2020 est.)
$55,800 (2019 est.)

Agricultural products

milk, maize, sugar beet, wheat, barley, potatoes, pork, triticale, grapes, apples


construction, machinery, vehicles and parts, food, metals, chemicals, lumber and paper, electronics, tourism


0.66% of GDP (2021 est.)
0.69% of GDP (2020 est.)
0.67% of GDP (2019 est.)


$268.277 billion (2021 est.)
$224.734 billion (2020 est.)
$247.738 billion (2019 est.)

Exports - partners

Germany 28%, United States 7%, Italy 6%, Switzerland 5% (2019)

Exports - commodities

vaccines and cultures, cars, packaged medicines, vehicle parts, broadcasting equipment (2021)


$265.769 billion (2021 est.)
$211.736 billion (2020 est.)
$231.992 billion (2019 est.)

Imports - partners

Germany 39%, Italy 7%, Czechia 5% (2019)

Imports - commodities

cars, vehicle parts, broadcasting equipment, refined petroleum, packaged medical supplies (2019)

Exchange rates

euros (EUR) per US dollar -
Exchange rates:
0.845 (2021 est.)
0.876 (2020 est.)
0.893 (2019 est.)
0.847 (2018 est.)
0.885 (2017 est.)

Page last updated: Thursday, December 14, 2023