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This satellite photo shows dozens of fires burning in the African countries of Senegal (left) and Mali (right). To the north is Mauritania. Photo courtesy of NASA.

The east-west trending Senegal River that flows into the Atlantic (left) separates the African nations of Senegal (bottom) and Mauritania (top) in this image taken from the International Space Station. The water body south of the river is Lake Guiers. Image courtesy of NASA.

In the 1940s, Dakar occupied just the southern tip of the Cap Vert Peninsula. Today, the cityscape has sprawled both northward and eastward. In the southern part of this satellite view, piers from the peninsula protrude into the ocean, looking like rows of jagged teeth. Throughout the southern portion of the peninsula, gray hues, straight lines, and sharp angles reveal paved roads and buildings spreading toward the north. In the northwest, a long, straight line outlined by green indicates the runway of Dakar's airport. East of the airport, a large area of green reveals Technopole, a protected area and popular bird-watching destination. Photo courtesy of NASA.

Various fish species are available at the Central Fish Market in Dakar. Photo courtesy of NOAA.

A sulcata tortoise (Geochelone sulcata), a land-dwelling reptile native to Northern Africa. Photo courtesy of NOAA.

A sulcata tortoise (Geochelone sulcata), a land-dwelling reptile native to Northern Africa. Ridges less pronounced than in previous photo. Photo courtesy of NOAA.

Puff adders, among the most deadly creatures on earth. Photo courtesy of NOAA.