Papua New Guinea

Travel Facts

US State Dept Travel Advisory

The US Department of State currently recommends US citizens Reconsider Travel to Papua New Guinea due to crime and civil unrest. Exercise increased caution due to unexploded ordinance, ongoing elections, and volcanic activity. Some areas have increased risk. Consult its website via the link below for updates to travel advisories and statements on safety, security, local laws, and special circumstances in this country.

Passport/Visa Requirements

US citizens should make sure their passport will not expire for at least 6 months after they enter the country even if they do not intend to stay that long. They should also make sure they have at least 1 blank page in their passport for any entry stamp that will be required. A visa is not required as long as the stay is less than 60 days.

US Embassy/Consulate

+(675) 321-1455; EMER: +(675) 7200-9439; US Embassy Port Moresby, Douglas Street, adjacent to the Bank of Papua New Guinea, PO Box 1492, Port Moresby, NCD 121, Papua New Guinea;;

Telephone Code


Local Emergency Phone

Fire: 110; Police: 000


US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention strongly recommends polio vaccinations, along with boosters for adults, for travel to Papua New Guinea. Vaccinations and boosters may be required for travel to Australia after extended stays in PNG. See WHO recommendations.


Tropical; northwest monsoon (December to March), southeast monsoon (May to October); slight seasonal temperature variation

Currency (Code)

Kina (PGK)

Electricity/Voltage/Plug Type(s)

240 V / 50 Hz / plug types(s): I

Plug Type I

Major Languages

Tok Pisin, English, Hiri Motu, some 839 indigenous languages

Major Religions

Protestant 64.3%, Roman Catholic 26%, other Christian 5.3%, non-Christian 1.4%

Time Difference

UTC+10 (15 hours ahead of Washington, DC, during Standard Time); note: Papua New Guinea has two time zones, including Bougainville (UTC+11)

Potable Water

Opt for bottled water

International Driving Permit


Road Driving Side


Tourist Destinations

Varirata National Park; Rainforest Habitat in Lae; Port Moresby (includes Parliament House, Boman War Cemetery, National Museum & Art Gallery); Kokoda Track; Tari Basin; JK McCarthy Museum

Major Sports

Rugby, cricket, soccer, Australian football, basketball

Cultural Practices

People will often point with their chins instead of their fingers.

Tipping Guidelines

A tipping culture does not exist. Tips are neither required nor expected.


Woven billum bags; tribal masks; wood-carved storyboards, spirit boards, and drums; inlaid wooden bowls; woven baskets

Traditional Cuisine

Mumu — pork, sweet potato, rice, and vegetables cooked in an earth oven filled with hot coals or stones

Please visit the following links to find further information about your desired destination.

World Health Organization (WHO) - To learn what vaccines and health precautions to take while visiting your destination.

US State Dept Travel Information - Overall information about foreign travel for US citizens.

To obtain an international driving permit (IDP). Only two organizations in the US issue IDPs:
American Automobile Association (AAA) and American Automobile Touring Alliance (AATA)

How to get help in an emergency? 
Contact the nearest US embassy or consulate, or call one of these numbers:
from the US or Canada - 1-888-407-4747 or from Overseas - +1 202-501-4444

Page last updated: Wednesday, October 19, 2022