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Ask Molly: Cybersecurity

July 10, 2019


A banner stating, "Ask Molly, Your CIA source on the inside, #AskMollyHale," with a graphic of a woman in a grey hat and outfit.

Dear Molly,

What are your thoughts on cybersecurity? How can I better protect myself and my family in this ever-growing world of hacks and data leaks #AskMollyHale

~Internaut I Am Not

* * * * *

Dear Internaut I Am Not,

I asked our CIA cybersecurity experts for advice, and they highly recommended a unique resource from our colleagues at the Department of Homeland Security called Stop.Think.Connect.

Stop.Think.Connect – USA

Stop.Think.Connect – Global

The Stop.Think.Connect. campaign is an unprecedented public-private partnership between federal and state governments, law enforcement, industry, and non-profit organizations to increase the understanding of cyber threats and empower Americans and all digital citizens to be safer and more secure online.

Pretty cool, right?

The campaign is led by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (part of the US Department of Homeland Security), the National Cyber Security Alliance (a nonprofit that empowers people to use the Internet safely & securely), and the Anti-Phishing Working Group (the world’s largest independent counter eCrime association).

The idea behind Stop.Think.Connect is that Internet safety is a shared responsibility—at home, in the workplace, and in our communities. The Campaign provides access to tons of resources, tips sheets, and research, giving you the tools you need to make more informed decisions when using the Internet.

At the DHS site, there are toolkits loaded with info specifically for groups like students, parents, teachers, older Americans, government organizations (like us!), small businesses, corporations, and law enforcement.

On the Global site, in addition to dozens of tips and resources, there is a blog, research section, sharable memes, and several resources in foreign languages too.

Stop.Think.Connect is a fantastic resource available for free to anyone in the world, and I highly encourage you to explore it.

Stay safe out there, Netizens…

~ Molly

P.S. If you have questions specifically about online dating, check out my column from February: Plenty of Phish.

ask molly

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