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A Day in the Life of a CIA Cyber Threat Analyst Intern

Every officer has a unique path to the Agency, and CIA interns are no exception. CIA.gov recently sat down with a Cyber Threat Analyst Intern in the Directorate of Analysis (DA) to learn more about her journey to the CIA and her experiences during her summer internships. She is back this summer for her second tour with the Agency and looks forward to working at CIA full time once she graduates next year.

Tell us about your path to the CIA.

I’ve always felt a strong sense of civic duty and knew from a young age that I wanted to work for the government. After looking at the different intelligence organizations that were available for me to serve as an intern, I knew CIA was the best pick. I can use my knowledge of international affairs and cyber security to ultimately fulfill a greater mission.

What is a typical day for you like?

Usually, it begins by reading reports relating to cyber threats. Then, by analyzing these sources, I’m able to write a product with the intention of it being published for those US policymakers who have an interest in my area. There are sporadic meetings and briefings that I attend as well, and any free time I have I usually spend reviewing and editing.

What is the most rewarding aspect of your work?

I’d say the most rewarding aspect is knowing, even as an intern, that I’m making a difference: I’m contributing to a greater mission. I feel that in many places, interns end up doing jobs no one else wants to do and really become paper pushers; but at CIA, as an intern, I’m given real work that’s impactful.

What has surprised you about working here?

The CIA reminds me of a university. There are different clubs and groups to join, multiple training classes available, and different offices if you decide to “change your major.” I never expected this coming in.

What advice would you give someone interested in working at CIA and using their cyber threat analysis skills?

Apply! You won’t regret it. You’ll be doing meaningful work. I wake up every morning excited to go to work; I find myself wanting to go to work on the weekend; the day flies by—it’s the best job!

Interested in our Undergraduate and Graduate Student opportunities?

To apply to an Undergraduate Intelligence Analyst internship or co-op, including the Cyber Threat Analyst internship mentioned in this story, apply here.

Graduate internships in Cyber Threat Analysis are also available here.

The application for our full-time Cyber Threat Analyst position can be found here.

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