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Leaders and Cabinet Members

Last Updated: 4/8/2024


Bassirou Diomaye FAYE

Prime Min.

Ousmane SONKO

Min. of African Integration & Foreign Affairs

Yassine FALL

Min. of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty & Livestock

Mabouba DIAGNE

Min. of Armed Forces

Gen. Birame DIOP

Min. of Communication, Telecommunications & Digital Technology

Alioune SALL

Min. of Economy, Planning & Cooperation

Abdourahmane SARR

Min. of Energy, Petroleum & Mines

Birame Souleye DIOP

Min. of Environment & Ecological Transition

Daouda NGOM

Min. of Family & Solidarity

Maimouna DIEYE

Min. of Finance & Budget

Cheikh DIBA

Min. of Fisheries, Maritime & Port Infrastructure


Min. of Health & Social Action

Ibrahima SY

Min. of Higher Education, Research & Innovation

Abdourahmane DIOUF

Min. of Hydraulics & Sanitation

Cheikh Tidiane DIEYE

Min. of Industry & Commerce

Serigne Gueye DIOP

Min. of Infrastructure, Land & Air Transport

El Malick NDIAYE

Min. of Interior & Public Security

Gen. Jean Baptiste TINE

Min. of Justice & Keeper of Seals

Ousmane DIAGNE

Min. of Labor, Employment & Relations With Institutions

Yankhoba DIEME

Min. of Microfinance & Social Economy

Alioune DIONE

Min. of National Education

Moustapha GUIRASSY

Min. of Public Service & Social Action

Olivier BOUCAL

Min. of Tourism & Craftsmanship

Mountaga DIAO

Min. of Urbanism, Local Authorities & Regional Development

Balla Moussa FOFANA

Min. of Vocational Training

Amadou Moustapha Ndiack SARRE

Min. of Youth, Sports & Culture

Khady DiƩne GAYE

Min. of State for Cooperatives & Farm Management

Alpha BA

Min. of State for Culture, Creative Industries & Historical Heritage

Bacary SARR

Min. of State for Development of Small-to-Medium Enterprises

Ibrahima THIAM

Min. of State for Senegalese Abroad

Amadou Cherif DIOUF

Min. of State for Urban Planning & Housing

Momath Talla NDAO

Ambassador to the US

Mansour Elimane KANE

Permanent Representative to the UN, New York

Cheikh NIANG

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