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Intelligence Studies

Volume 63, No. 3


Unclassified Extracts from Studies in Intelligence


Historical Perspectives

Project SOLO and the Seborers

*On the Trail of a Fourth Soviet Spy at Los Alamos

Harvey Klehr and John Earl Haynes

Politicization and Advantage

*The Use and Abuse of Intelligence in the Public Square

Michael Warner

Intelligence Lost in Politics

*The Dixie Mission 1944: The First US Intelligence Encounter with the Chinese Communists

Bob Bergin

An Interview with Walter Pincus

*Reflections on a Life of Covering the World of Intelligence and National Security 

Interviewed by Peter Usowski and Fran Moore


Bob Bergin is a former foreign service officer. He has contributed frequently to this and other journals on East Asian and other historical topics.

Joseph W. Gartin is Deputy Associate Director of CIA for Learning. He has led analysis as vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council, as director of a regional office of analysis in CIA’s Directorate of Intelligence, and as chief of the President’s Daily Briefing Staff.

Brent Geary is a CIA Directorate of Analysis officer servicing as a member of the CIA History Staff.

Charles Heard is the pen name of a CIA Directorate of Analysis officer specializing in counterintelligence.

Professor Harvey Klehr is retired from Emory University, where he taught for more than 40 years. He is the author of multiple works on American communism and Soviet espionage, many in collaboration with the coauthor of this article, historian Dr. John Earl Haynes.

Dr. John Earl Haynes served as a specialist in 20th century political history in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress and is author or coauthor of numerous other publications on US communism and anticommunism. After the fall of the Soviet union, he worked with former Soviet archivists to acquire once sensitive documents for use by scholars around the world.

Stephen C. Mercado recently retired from a career spent in the DNI’s Open Source Enterprise and its predecessors, including the Foreign Broadcast Information Service, where he worked on Asian issues via media published in several languages.

Fran Moore is a former senior CIA leader. Her assignments have included being the Director of Intelligence (now Analysis) at CIA. She is a member of the Studies Editorial Board. She is also currently director of intelligence at the Financial Systemic Analysis and Resilience Center.

Hayden Peake has served in the CIA’s Directorates of Operations and Science and Technology. He has been compiling and writing reviews for the “Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf” since December 2002.

J. R. Seeger is a retired CIA operations officer and frequent contributor of reviews.

Ryan Shaffer is a writer and historian. His academic work explores Asian, African and European history.

Peter Usowski is the Chairman of the Editorial Board of Studies in Intelligence and Director of the Center for the Study of Intelligence.

Michael Warner is a historian with the US Department of Defense. He has also served as a historian in CIA’s history staff.