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Intelligence Studies

Volume 61, No. 4

December 2017

Unclassified Extracts from Studies in Intelligence

Historical Perspectives

A CORDS Advisor Remembers

*The 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam and the Seizure of Hue

Raymond R. Lau

Long-Range Aerial Penetration

*The Development of a British-American Concept of Special Operations in WWII Burma

Bob Bergin


Intelligence Today and Tomorrow

The Intersection of Intelligence and Policy

*Cooperation in the Libya WMD Disarmament Case

William Tobey

The Potential of Energy Data

*A Guide to the Application of Energy Data for Intelligence Analysis

Dr. Brenda Shaffer, Ph.D.A

Reflection on Analysis

*A Call for More Humility in Intelligence Analysis

John S. Mohr


Thomas L. Ahern is a contract historian with CIA’s History Staff. He is the author of numerous classified histories, including a number concerning intelligence and the Vietnam War.

Bob Bergin is a former Foreign Service officer. He is now an independent researcher and writer, focused on history in Southeast Asia and the history of air power. He has contributed several articles to Studies.

Randy Burkett is a member of CIA’s History Staff. He has served on the faculty of the US Naval Postgraduate School.

David A. Foy is the Intelligence Community historian on the History Staff of the Center for the Study of Intelligence. He is a frequent contributor of book reviews.

Raymond R. Lau is a retired CIA officer who had served as a Marine officer in Vietnam, which included duty as an advisor to the Provincial Revolutionary Development Cadre in Thua Thien Province.

Christopher Marshall is on the Faculty at the National Intelligence University where he teaches in the Department of Collection and Analysis and is currently serving as the Col­lege of Strategic Intelligence Master’s Program Director.

John S. Mohr is a DIA analyst who currently works in the NORAD and USNORTHCOM J2. He has served in DIA in Washington and as a country director on the National Security Council Staff.

Hayden Peake has served in the CIA’s Directorates of Operations and Science and Technol­ogy. He has been compiling and writing reviews for the “Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf” since December 2002.

David S. Robarge is CIA’s chief historian. He is the author of several classified histories of CIA and is a frequent contributor to Studies.

J.R. Seeger is a retired operations officer. He is a frequent reviewer of works on paramili­tary operations.

Professor Brenda Shaffer is an often-published specialist on global energy trends and policies, European energy security, politics in the South Caucasus and Black Sea region, Azerbaijan, ethnic politics in Iran, as well as Caspian and Eastern Mediterranean energy. She is a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Cen­ter in Washington, DC, and a visiting researcher and professor at Georgetown University. Her book, Energy Politics, serves as a textbook on the geopolitics of energy in over 200 university courses.

Dr. John Sislin is an imagery analyst at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and is currently on a joint duty assignment as visiting faculty at the National Intelligence University, where he is teaches in the Department of Collection and Analysis.

William Tobey is a Senior Fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He has served in a number of senior govern­ment positions, including service at the National Nuclear Security Administration and the National Security Council Staff under three presidents.