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Intelligence Studies

Volume 61, No. 2

June 2017

Unclassified Extracts from Studies in Intelligence


Intelligence Today and Tomorrow


Why Spy Now?

*The Psychology of Leaking and Espionage in the Digital Age 

Dr. Ursula M. Wilder

Why Spy?

*The Psychology of Espionage 

Dr. Ursula M. Wilder

Intelligence in Defense of the Homeland

*The Office of Naval Intelligence in World War I: Diverse Threats, Divergent Responses

Dr. Eric Setzekorn

*Cold War Spy Fiction in Russian Popular Culture: From Suspicion to Acceptance via Seventeen Moments of Spring

Erik Jens

Intelligence in Literature and Media


Tracking the History of a Counterinsurgency Expert: Four Books by David Kilcullen

Reviewed by J.R. Seeger

Shattered Illusions: KGB Cold War Espionage in Canada 

Reviewed by John Ehrman

The Fall of Heaven: The Pahlavis and the Final Days of Imperial Iran 

Reviewed by Brent G.

Spies in Palestine: Love, Betrayal, and the Heroic Life of Sarah Aaronsohn 

Reviewed by Dr. Carly Speranza, Lt. Col., USAF

Special Forces Berlin: Clandestine Cold War Operations of the US Army’s Elite, 1956-1990

Reviewed by David A. Foy

The Gestapo: The Myth and Reality of Hitler’s Secret Police 

Reviewed by David A. Foy

Spinning History: Politics and Propaganda in World War II 

Reviewed by Clayton Laurie

Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy: Ernest Hemingway’s Secret Adventures, 1935-1961 

Reviewed by J.R. Seeger

Berlin Station (television mini-series)

Reviewed by James Burridge

Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf 

Compiled and reviewed by Hayden Peake


James Burridge is a retired NSA officer working as a CIA contract historian. He is a frequent reviewer of books and movies dealing with intelligence.

John Ehrman is a Directorate of Analysis officer specializing in counterintelligence issues. He is a frequent contributor.

David A. Foy is the Intelligence Community historian on the History Staff of the Center for the Study of Intelligence. He is a frequent contributor of book reviews.

Brent G. is on the CIA History Staff.

Erik Jens is chair of the Department of Transnational Issues at the National Intelligence University’s College of Strategic Intelligence.

Clayton Laurie is a historian serving in the CIA History Staff.

Hayden Peake has served in the CIA’s Directorates of Operations and Science and Technology. He has been compiling and writing reviews for the “Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf” since December 2002.

J.R. Seeger is a retired operations officer. He is a frequent reviewer of works on paramilitary operations.

Eric Setzekorn specializes in the history of China and Taiwan, with an emphasis on military history. He is a historian with the US Army Center of Military History and an adjunct professor at George Washington University.

Carly R. Speranza, Lt Col, USAF, directs the Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence Graduate Program at the National Intelligence University.

Ursula Wilder is a CIA psychologist who has served in the Intelligence Community for more than 20 years, applying psychology to operational, counterintelligence, and analytic missions. She currently serves on the faculty of the Sherman Kent School for Intelligence Analysis and on a cyber task force.