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Intelligence Studies

Volume 59, No. 2

June 2015

Unclassified Extracts from Studies in Intelligence


A Recent NIC Chairman’s Perspective

*Change and Continuity: The National Intelligence Council, 2009-2014 

Christopher A. Kojm

Evolution of a Relationship

*The Foundations of Anglo-American Intelligence Sharing

Dr. Michael S. Goodman

From the Bay of Pigs to Laos

*Operation MILLPOND: The Beginning of a Distant Covert War 

Timothy N. Castle

Internal Security and Counterintelligence

*Application of the Critical-Path Method to Evaluate Insider Risks 

Eric Shaw and Laura Sellers

Intelligence in Public Media

Two Cryptologic Nights at the Cinema

The Red Machine

The Imitation Game 

Reviews by David Hatch

Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf 

Compiled and Reviewed by Hayden Peake


Timothy N. Castle is a former CIA historian and US Air Force combat veteran of the Laos air war. He is the author of two books on Laos, both published by Columbia University Press.

Charles D. is a paramilitary officer in CIA’s Directorate of Operations. He has served in the US Army and US Marine Corps and has had numerous overseas tours.

Michael S. Goodman is a reader in Intelligence & International Affairs in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London. He serves on secondment to the Cabinet Office of the British Government as the Official Historian of the Joint Intelligence Committee. His most recent book is The Official History of the Joint Intelligence Committee, Vol. 1: From the Approach of the Second World War to the Suez Crisis.

Jamie H. is an analyst in the CIA’s Directorate of Analysis.

David Hatch is a historian in the NSA’s Center for Cryptologic History.

Gary K. is currently a member of CIA’s history staff.

Christopher Kojm is Visiting Professor of Practice at the Elliott School of International Affairs at The George Washington University. He was Chairman of the National Intelligence Council during 2009-2014.

Jason U. Manosevitz is an analyst in the CIA’s Directorate of Analysis. He is also a member of the Studies Editorial Board.

PJ Neal is a graduate student in history at Harvard University, where he is also employed. He has worked as a contractor in the Department of Defense.

Hayden Peake has served in the CIA’s Directorates of Operations and Science and Technology. He has been compiling and writing reviews for the “Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf” since December 2002.

Eric Shaw has served as an operational psychologist and researcher in the defense and intelligence community, specializing in insider risk issues.

Laura Sellers is a Clinical Social Worker who has served as a counter intelligence analyst with the Department of Defense.