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Intelligence Studies

Volume 54, No. 1

March 2010

Unclassified Extracts from Studies in Intelligence

Intelligence Today and Tomorrow

The Post 9/11 Intelligence Community

Intelligence Reform, 2001-2009: Requiescat in Pace?

Patrick C. Neary

Historical Perspective

The INT for Cross-National Academic Research

The Scope of FBIS and BBC Open Source Media Coverage, 1979-2008

Kalev Leetaru


Nicholas Dujmovic is a CIA historian, author of The Literary Spy and numerous articles for Studies in Intelligence.

John Ehrman is CIA Directorate of Intelligence officer who specializes in counterintelligence. He is a frequent contributor.

Kalev Leetaru is Coordinator of Information Technology and Research at the University of Illinois Cline Center for Democracy and Chief Technology Advisor to the Illinois Center for Computing in Humanities, Arts, and Social Science.

Mark Mansfield has served as CIA’s Director of Public Affairs. He is currently officer in residence at the University of Miami.

Stephen C. Mercado is an analyst in the Open Source Center. He is a frequent contributor to Studies in Intelligence and is the author of The Shadow Warriors of Nakano.

Hayden Peake is curator of the CIA Historical Intelligence Collection. He served in the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology and the Directorate of Operations.