Improving Homeland Security at the State Level
Needed: State-level, Integrated Intelligence Enterprises
Dr. James E. Steiner
Thinking About the Business of Intelligence:
What the World Economic Crisis Should Teach Us
Carmen Medina and Rebecca Fisher
In Gratitude to the Crews of Air America:
A Speech to an Air America Symposium
Craig W. Duehring
Intelligence in Public Literature
Reviewed by J.R. Seeger
Memorias de un Soldado Cubano:
Vida y Muerte de la Revolucion
Reviewed by Juan
Strategic Intelligence: A Handbook for Practitioners, Managers and Users
Reviewed by Peter C. Oleson
The Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf
Compiled and Reviewed by Hayden B. Peake
Craig W. Duehring is Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs. During the war in Southeast Asia he served in the US Air Force as a pilot flying forward air control missions.
Rebecca Fisher is a researcher and analyst in the Center for the Study of Intelligence.
Juan is the pen name of a senior National Clandestine Service officer.
Carmen Medina is the Director of CIA’s Center for the Study of Intelligence and chairs the Studies in Intelligence Editorial Board. She served as an analyst in the Directorate of Intelligence and was an Associate Deputy Director for Intelligence.
Peter C. Oleson has held senior positions in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and in the DIA. He has taught at CIA University. He is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland University College.
Hayden Peake is the Curator of the Historical Intelligence Collection. He has served in the Directorate of Operations and the Directorate of Science and Technology.
J. R. Seeger is a retired National Clandestine Service officer with service in Central and South Asia.
James E. Steiner teaches at State University of New York at Albany. He retired from CIA after 36 years of service in national intelligence n 2005. He has since been an adviser to the Department of Homeland Security and New York State’s Office of Homeland Security.