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Volume 51, No. 3 (September 2007)

The Intelligence Officer's Bookshelf–September 2007

Compiled and reviewed by Hayden Peake unless otherwise noted.


Counterdeception: Principles and Applications for National Security— Michael Bennett and Edward Waltz

General Intelligence

Strategic Intelligence: Understanding the Hidden Side of Government – Volumes 1-5–Loch K. Johnson (ed.)


Alliance of Enemies: The Untold Story of the Secret American and German Collaboration to End World War II–Agostino von Hassell and Sigrid MacRae

American Spy: My Secret History in the CIA, Watergate & Beyond — E. Howard Hunt

The Enemy Within: A History of Espionage–Terry Crowdy

FDR’s 12 Apostles: The Spies Who Paved the Way for the Invasion of North Africa–Hal Vaughn

GATEKEEPER: Memoirs of a CIA Polygraph Examiner–John Sullivan

My Father’s Secret War: A Memoir–Linda Franks

The Origins of FBI Counterintelligence–Raymond J. Batvinis

The Politics and Strategy of Clandestine War: Special Operations Executive, 1940-1946–Neville Wylie (ed.)

Spies of the Bible: Espionage in Israel from the Exodus to the Bar Kokhba Revolt— Rose Mary Sheldon

SPY Satellites: and Other Intelligence Technologies That Changed History–Thomas Graham Jr. and Keith A. Hansen

Spying On Science: Western Intelligence in Divided Germany 1945-1961–Paul Maddrell

ZIGZAG: The Incredible Wartime Exploits of Double Agent Eddie Chapman–Nicholas Booth

Agent ZIGZAG: The True Wartime Story of Eddie Chapman–Lover, Betrayer, Hero, Spy–Ben Macintyre

Intelligence Services Abroad

Collusion: International Espionage and the War on Terror–Carlo Bonini and Giuseppe D’Avanzo

The Litvinenko File: The True Story of a Death Foretold–Martin Sixsmith

Download PDF of entire September 2007 IO Bookshelf (21 pages)