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Intelligence Studies

Studies in Intelligence, Winter-Spring 2001


Unclassified Extracts from Studies in Intelligence

Historical Perspectives

A Half-Century of Controversy

The Alger Hiss Case

John Ehrman

A Unique Vantage Point

Creating a Statutory Inspector General at the CIA

L. Britt Snider

Sterilizing a “Red Infection”

Congress, the CIA, and Guatemala

David M. Barrett

Expanding the Horizon

Israel’s Quest for Satellite Intelligence

E. L. Zorn

Walter Pforzheimer Reminisces

Interviewing an Intelligence Icon

William Nolte

Keeping Up on Cuba

A Listening Post in Miami

Justin F. Gleichauf

Intelligence Today and Tomorrow

Protecting CIA Interests

Openness and the Future of the Clandestine Service

N. Richard Kinsman

Arguing for Accountability

Openness and the CIA

Warren F. Kimball

The Nation-State’s Changing Role

Intelligence and the Market State

Gregory F. Treverton

Intelligence in Recent Public Literature

The Book of Honor: Covert Lives and Classified Deaths at the CIA

Thomas M. Troy, Jr.

Best Truth: Intelligence in the Information Age

Richard L. Russell


On the Cover: Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes with his law clerk, Alger Hiss. From Allen Weinstein, Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case (Random House: New York, 1979), p. 327, copyright John Knox, 1976.