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1999-2000 (Winter)

A Special Event: The George Bush Center for Intelligence

By Henry R. Appelbaum


Thousands of CIA employees, along with senior officials from current and past Administrations and Sessions of Congress, former Directors, Deputy Directors, and other senior officials of the Central Intelligence Agency and Intelligence Community, family members, and friends joined former President George Bush on 26 April 1999 in ceremonies marking the designation of the CIA’s Headquarters compound as the George Bush Center for Intelligence. Events included a ceremony held under a large tent at the Original Headquarters Building Quadrangle; a wreath-laying ceremony at the Memorial Wall; a reception for the Bush family; a speech and informal remarks by former President Bush; and addresses by former First Lady Barbara Bush; DCI George Tenet; Stephanie Glakas-Tenet; Patricia Tamaccio, Chair of the Agency’s Family Advisory Board; Rep. Rob Portman of Ohio, who sponsored the Congressional bill that designated CIA Headquarters as the George Bush Center for Intelligence; and CIA Executive Director David Carey.

Following are a few of the highlights of the speeches.

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