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Intelligence Studies

Studies in Intelligence, Fall-Winter 2001


Unclassified Extracts from Studies in Intelligence

Historical Perspectives

The Power of Disinformation

The Lie that Linked CIA to the Kennedy Assassination

Max Holland

UK Indications and Warning

Gauging the Iraqi Threat to Kuwait in the 1960s

Richard A. Mobley

Open-Source Intelligence from the Airwaves

FBIS Against the Axis, 1941-1945

Stephen C. Mercado

Western Winds Behind Kremlin Walls

Eroding the Soviet “Culture of Secrecy”

Serge A. Mikoyan

Perceptions and Reality

Two Strategic Intelligence Mistakes in Korea, 1950

P. K. Rose

The Stuff of Intelligence Legend

Behind Japanese Lines in Burma

Troy J. Sacquety

Intelligence Today and Tomorrow

A Never-Ending Necessity

The Ten Commandments of Counterintelligence

James M. Olson