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Intelligence Studies

Studies in Intelligence 68, No. 2 (June 2024)

Articles and reviews from Studies in Intelligence 68, No. 2 (June 2024)


Historical Perspectives

Evolution of Surveillance Policy: US Intelligence, Domestic Surveillance, and the Time of Troubles by David Robarge

Cambodia's Role in Shipping Arms to Communist Forces in South Vietnam, 1966–70: Competing CIA and US Military Estimates by Richard A. Mobley

From the Archive: Unpopular Pessimism: Why CIA Analysts Were So Doubtful About Vietnam by Hal Ford

An Innovative Approach to Learning: Project Management Training at CIA by Joe Keogh and Richard Roy


Future of Open Source: How the Intelligence Community Has Held Back Open-Source Intelligence, and How it Needs to Change by Chris Rasmussen


Conflict: The Evolution of Warfare from 1945 to Ukraine Reviewed by Michael J. Ard

North Korea & the Global Nuclear Order: When Bad Behaviour Pays and The United States–South Korea Alliance: Why It May Fail and Why It Must Not
Reviewed by Yong Suk Lee

Russia in Africa: Resurgent Great Power or Bellicose Pretender
Reviewed by Charles Long

Sparks: China’s Underground Historians and Their Battle for the Future
Reviewed by Emily Matson

Cashing Out: The Flight of Nazi Treasure 1945–1948
Reviewed by JR Seeger

The Age of Eisenhower: America and the World in the 1950s
Reviewed by James Van Hook

American Traitor: General James Wilkinson’s Betrayal of the Republic and Escape from Justice
Reviewed by David A. Welker

Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf—June 2024
Compiled and reviewed by Hayden Peake and other contributors

Download PDF of complete June issue (88 pages)


Article Authors

Hal Ford joined CIA in 1950 and served in a variety of positions focused on East Asia, Vietnam, and China. He left CIA in the early 1970s to enter academe and work on Capitol Hill. Ford returned to CIA in 1980 to lead the newly established National Intelligence Council. He retired in 1986, but continued to serve as a contract historian on CIA’s History Staff. He died in November 2010.

Joe Keogh and Richard Roy were career staff officers in CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology who helped develop and teach the PMC during the early 1990s. Both are now retired.

Richard A. Mobley was a career naval intelligence officer before entering and then completing a second career as a military analyst in CIA’s Directorate of Analysis. With publication of this article, Mobley will have contributed six articles to Studies in Intelligence.

Chris Rasmussen is a Department of Defense Agency officer and the creator of the public-facing OSINT product platform, www.tearline.mil.

David Robarge is CIA’s chief historian.


Michael Ard is a former CIA officer. He is now a professor at Johns Hopkins University, where he directs the graduate program in intelligence analysis.

John Ehrman is a retired CIA analyst.

Yong Suk Lee is a former senior CIA analyst and manager.

Charles Long is the pen name of a retired CIA operations officer.

Emily Matson is a new contributor. She is assistant teaching professor of Modern Chinese History at Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and Georgetown College of Arts & Science, Department of History.

Hayden Peake served in CIA’s Directorates of Operations and Science and Technology. He has contributed to the Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf since 2002.

J.R. Seeger is a retired CIA paramilitary officer and a frequent media reviewer for Studies.

James Van Hook is a new contributor. He is an analyst in CIA’s Transnational and Technology Mission Center.

David Welker is a member of CIA History Staff.