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Operations Subject Index

105 Results
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Abel, Col. Rudolf Ivanovic aka William (Willy) August Fisher

biography, Stud. Intel. Special Unclass. Ed., Fall 2000:137-148 PDF [812KB*]

exchanged for Soviet prisoner Francis Gary Powers, Stud. Intel. V9:3-97-100 PDF [125KB*]

Agent operations, general

see also Agent operations, handling

see also Agent operations, recruitment

see also Counterintelligence (CI)

see also Cover

see also Defectors

see also Interrogation

see also Soviet operations, general

covert communications

Adolf Tolkachev in Moscow, 1977-85, use by, Stud. Intel. V47:3-13-14, 20-21 PDF [633KB*]

avoiding detection of radio receivers, Stud. Intel. V7:4-57-60 PDF [139KB*]

communications techniques employed behind enemy lines, World War II, Stud. Intel. V2:4-55-60  PDF [92KB*]

pigeons, value of, Stud. Intel. V5:2-A35-A-41 PDF [136KB*]

hotels, use of, Stud. Intel. V9:4-43-56 (Fall 1965) PDF [187KB*]

psychological assessment

Arabs, importance of “face” among, Stud. Intel. V8:3-43-54 PDF [170KB*]

Cubans, psychological factors to consider, Stud. Intel. V8:3-40-41 PDF [140KB*]

handwriting analysis, use of, Stud. Intel. V3:3-23-43 PDF [269KB*]; Stud. Intel. V3:3-45-51 PDF [119KB*]

of Soviet defector, Adolf Tolkachev, Stud. Intel. V47:3-10-12 PDF [633KB*]

Vietnamese, potential psychological vulnerabilities for operational purposes, Stud. Intel. V12:4-57-71 (Fall 1968) PDF [219KB*]

women as agents, a senior European intelligence opinion (1930s), Stud. Intel. V6:2-A1-A5 PDF [73KB*]


Bloc services in East Berlin post-World War II, techniques used, Stud. Intel. V6:2-A21-A33 PDF [177KB*]

disguise, use of, Stud. Intel. V46:1-67-70 PDF [129KB*]

John Andre’s handling of Benedict Arnold, 1779, Stud. Intel. V5:3-A1-A15 PDF [193KB*]

Moscow, surveillance detection in, Stud. Intel. V47:3-14-15, 21-22 PDF [633KB*]

subliminal behavior, potential of, Stud. Intel. V2:2-65-69 PDF [75KB*]

tools and techniques for pinpointing targets, Stud. Intel. V11:3-77-84 (Summer 1967) PDF [144KB*]


see Training


in Moscow, determining A. Tolkachev’s bona fides, Stud. Intel. V47:3-5-8 PDF [633KB*]

walk-in sources, preponderance of during World War II in Bern, Stud. Intel. V37:5-66-68

Agent operations, handling

see also Agent operations, general

see also Counterintelligence (CI), techniques and tactics


importance of “face” among, Stud. Intel. V8:3-43-54 PDF [170KB*]

recommendation of book to better understand them, Stud. Intel. V18:3-29-32 PDF [108KB*]

cold war exploits, Stud. Intel. V3:3-1-14  PDF [186KB*]

contact instructions, importance of for emergencies, Stud. Intel. V37:4-25-31 PDF [924KB*]

Cubans: psychology pointers when handling, Stud. Intel. V8:3-35-41 PDF [140KB*]

Czech assassination team, World War II, Stud. Intel. V4:1-1-19  PDF [242KB*]

false documentation, use and detection of, Stud. Intel. V4:1-37-49  PDF [180KB*]

hypnosis, use of, Stud. Intel. V4:1-51-64  PDF [294KB*]

improvisation in operations, Stud. Intel. V20:4-27-29 PDF [95 KB*]

infiltration and exfiltration

balloons as an agent infiltration vehicle (1951), Stud. Intel. V15:1-103-107 PDF [112KB*]

exfiltration of a blown source, Operation Cicero (World War II) example, Stud. Intel. V1:4-47-53  PDF [93KB*]

submerged submarine coastal infiltration, Stud. Intel. V6:2-25-28 PDF [83KB*]; Stud. Intel. V7:2-A13-A17 PDF [119KB*]

successful fly-by exfiltration device, Stud. Intel. V38:5-99-109 PDF [746KB*]

Lao tribesmen, cash incentives, Stud. Intel. V17:1-1-7 PDF [136KB*]

Latin American sources, tendency to express hopes as facts, Stud. Intel. V7:4-31-32 PDF [69KB*]

motivation through use of Sears catalogue prizes (Vietnam), Stud. Intel. V37:2-59-61 PDF [341KB*]

ship personnel in denied areas (1960s), Stud. Intel. V10:1-45-55 (Winter 1966) PDF [115KB*]

Soviet assets of US intelligence

Adolf Tolkachev, high level CIA Soviet S&T source, 1977-1985, Stud. Intel. V47:3-5-33 PDF [633KB*]

Colonel Oleg V. Penkovskiy (GRU), Stud. Intel. V13:2-29-30 PDF [175KB*]

Soviet experience

KGB agent vetting procedures, Stud. Intel. V15:1-117 PDF [98KB*]

operational doctrine, 1960, Stud. Intel. V9:1-63-80 (Winter 1965) PDF [165KB*]

Soviet practices, case of Ernst Andersson, Swedish naval NCO (1949-51), Stud. Intel. V6:4-A29-A41 PDF [177KB*]

tradecraft for avoiding detection, Stud. Intel. V8:2-65-91 PDF [363KB*]


Soviet doctrine, with examples, for handling walk-ins and write-ins (1964), Stud. Intel. V8:1-16-47 PDF [309KB*]

write-ins, dealing with, Stud. Intel. V6:4-A1-A2 PDF [178KB*]

Agent operations, recruitment

see also Agent operations, general

see also Counterintelligence (CI), techniques and tactics

Arabs, importance of “face” among, Stud. Intel. V8:3-43-54 PDF [170KB*]

“cold” approaches, drawbacks of, Stud. Intel. V37:4-25-31 PDF [924KB*]

Cubans, psychological factors to consider, Stud. Intel. V8:3-40-41 PDF [140KB*]

East European officials as targets, Stud. Intel. V6:3-47-54 PDF [142KB*]

German scientists and intellectuals, post World War II, Stud. Intel. V3:3-1-14  PDF [186KB*]

hotel personnel, value of, Stud. Intel. V9:4-43-56 PDF [187KB*]

insurgent forces, within/against, Stud. Intel. V12:2-77-79 PDF [158KB*]

Japanese World War II intelligence veterans, US use of in cold war, Stud. Intel. V11:1-67-70 PDF [106KB*]

scientific targets, importance of scientific assets to gain access to, Stud. Intel. V6:4-38-39 PDF [159KB*]

ship personnel in denied areas (1960s), Stud. Intel. V10:1-45-55 PDF [115KB*]

Soviet Bloc experience

see also Soviet operations, general, recruitment operations

Bloc intelligence services in East Berlin post-World War II, techniques used, Stud. Intel. V6:2-A7-A20 PDF [242KB*]

GRU, spotting and recruiting of Stig Wennerstrom, Stud. Intel. V18:3-33-35 PDF [106KB*]

KGB field recruiting procedures, Stud. Intel. V15:1-116-117 PDF [98KB*]

KGB recruitment of a European embassy clerical in Moscow, Stud. Intel. V13:2-87-106 PDF [203KB*]

KGB success against homosexuals, Stud. Intel. V7:2-45-65 PDF [211KB*]


1950s, annotated, Stud. Intel. V5:2-A51-A60 PDF [188KB*]

early 1960s, annotated, Stud. Intel. V8:1-A31-A42 PDF [184KB*]

Soviet espionage, 1945-1961, indexed by country and cases, Stud. Intel. V6:2-A35-A47 PDF [215KB*]

Bissell, Richard, Deputy Director of Plans (DDP)

impact of career on CIA, Stud. Intel. V39:5-25-34 PDF [990KB*]

review of his autobiography, Stud. Intel. Winter 1998/99:103-111 PDF [248KB*]

British intelligence, pre-World War II

Benjamin Franklin’s private secretary in Paris as British spy, Stud. Intel. V5:1-A53-A67 PDF [231KB*]

intelligence organization before and during a war (1874), Stud. Intel. V7:4-A19-A24 PDF [113KB*]

Jesuit agent in reformation England, Stud. Intel. V5:2-A43-A50 PDF [145KB*]


British intelligence, World War II

covert communications behind enemy lines, Stud. Intel. V2:4-55-60  PDF [92KB*]

Czech exile operations in London, Stud. Intel. V7:2- A1-A11 PDF [129KB*]

double agent cases, Stud. Intel. V18:1-25-40 PDF [243KB*]

merging paramilitary and intelligence collection efforts in one organization, reasons for, Stud. Intel. V6:1-73-80 PDF [143KB*]

Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), dealings with the Danish underground, Stud. Intel. V6:4-A63-A66 PDF [66KB*]

Special Operations Executive (SOE)

dealings with the Danish underground, Stud. Intel. V6:4-A63-A66 PDF [66KB*]

failures, Stud. Intel. V6:1-73-80 PDF [143KB*]

support of French resistance, Stud. Intel. V11:2-103-105 PDF [114KB*]

weapons intelligence sources and analysis, World War II, Stud. Intel. V6:3-55-76 PDF [261KB*]

Casey, William J., DCI, 1981-1987

Iran-Contra controversy, Stud. Intel. V39:5-93-94 PDF [166KB*]

last month as DCI, description of, Stud. Intel. V39:5-93-94 (1996) PDF [1.7MB*];

Stud. Intel. V39:5-75-91 PDF [2MB*]

Office of Strategic Services (OSS) exploits against Nazi Germany, Stud. Intel. Summer 2000, No. 9:39-40 PDF [175KB*]

transition team operations, Stud. Intel. Summer 2000, No. 9:105-107 PDF [KB*]

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), general

see also Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), history

see also Directorate of Operations (DO), general

see also Directorate of Operations (DO), history to 1959

“invisible government” charge, Stud. Intel. V8:4-109-110 PDF [93KB*]

leadership development, doctrine and practices, 1950s, Stud. Intel. V2:3-1-6 PDF [94KB*]

organizational evolution

1947-72, as seen by the DDA/Controller Lawrence “Red” White, Stud. Intel. Winter 1999/2000:29-41 PDF [278KB*]

1975 suggestions for organizational change and oversight, Stud. Intel. V19:2-1-8 PDF [164KB*]

call for integrating intelligence collection and analysis on Soviet strategic forces into one unit (1961), Stud. Intel. V5:1-1-7 PDF [161KB*]

Clandestine Service: origins, organization and development, Stud. Intel. V12:1-68-71

covert action, importance of in early years, Stud. Intel. V39:5-25-34 PDF [990KB*]

Publications Review Board, Stud. Intel. V41:5-1-8 PDF [864 KB*]


Colonel Lawrence “Red” White, Executive Director-Controller, Stud. Intel. Winter 1999/2000:29-41 PDF [278KB*]

Lt. Gen. Vernon A. Walters, DDCI, 1972-1976

see Walters, Lt. Gen. Vernon A., DDCI, 1972-1976

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), history

see also Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), general

Berlin, center of intelligence war between the West and Soviets during Cold War, Stud. Intel. Summer 2000, No. 9:1-10 PDF [640KB*]

joint committee to oversee CIA, attempts to establish, Stud. Intel. V10:3-31-41 (Summer 1966) PDF [116KB*]

origins of and precursors to CIA, Stud. Intel. V2:1-1-5  PDF [74KB*]; Stud. Intel. V8:3-55-94 PDF [364KB*]

birthing pains, Stud. Intel. V37:5-73-79

Central Intelligence Group (CIG), Stud. Intel. V10:2-1-19 (Spring 1966) PDF [146KB*]; Stud. Intel. V12:1-55-74 ; Stud. Intel. V12:4-73-94 PDF [168KB*];

National Security Act of 1947, politics of, Stud. Intel. V13:1-33-56 PDF [279KB*]

Office of Strategic Services(OSS)

see Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

William J. Donovan, contributions to

see Donovan, General William J.

“the Pond,” relations with a semi-private US intelligence organization named, Stud. Intel. V48:3-75-82 PDF [247KB*]

Classification system

declassification policies, arguments for and against, Stud. Intel. Winter/Spring 2001, No. 10:55-61 PDF [553KB*]; Stud. Intel. Winter/Spring 2001, No. 10:63-67 PDF [420KB*]

history of and suggested criteria for, Stud. Intel. V37:1-33-35 PDF [376KB*]

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