Archives, by Author
600 Results
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Abrahamson, Sherman R., "Intelligence for Economic Defense"
Stud. Intel. V8:2-33-43 (Spring 1964) PDF [153KB*]
Adams, Robert H., "Developments in Air Targeting: The Air Battle Model"
Stud. Intel. V2:2-13-31 (Spring 1958) PDF [226 KB*]
Agnor, Francis, "The Interpreter as an Agent"
Stud. Intel. V4:1-21-27 (Winter 1960) PDF [117KB*]
Agrell, Wilhelm, "When Everything is Intelligence – Nothing is Intelligence"
Kent Cen. Occ. Pap. 1:4-1-5 (October 2002) [KB*]
Ahern, Charles R., "The Yo-Yo Story"
Stud. Intel. V5:1-11-23 (Winter 1961) PDF [166KB*]
Aldrich, Richard J., "British and American Policy on Intelligence"
Alexander, John A., "An Intelligence Role for the Footnote"
Stud. Intel. V8:3-1-10 (Summer 1964) PDF [179KB*]
Allen, Edward L., "Industrial Planning in the US and the USSR"
Stud. Intel. V1:4-27-34 (Fall 1957) PDF [108KB*]
Allen, Edward L., "The Validity of Soviet Economic Statistics"
Stud. Intel. V4:3-1-8 (Summer 1960) PDF [147KB*]
Allen, Robert Loring, "The Role of Interindustry Studies in Economic Intelligence"
Stud. Intel. V1:4-97-117 (Fall 1957) PDF [187KB*]
Amory, Robert Jr., "John Andre: Case Officer"
Stud. Intel. V5:3-A1-A15 (Summer 1961) PDF [193KB*]
Anderson, Dwayne, "On the Trail of the Alexandrovsk"
Stud. Intel. V10:1-39-43 (Winter 1966) PDF [76KB*]
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