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Books Monographs

50 Years in Langley: Recollections of the Construction of CIA's Original Headquarters Building

CIA History Staff

An image of the cover of the article 50 Years in Langley: Recollections of the Construction of CIA's Original Headquarters Building.


In late 1961, CIA employees began relocating from a disparate collection of buildings in Washington, DC, to a newly constructed headquarters complex in Langley, Virginia. The Original Headquarters Building (OHB) was the first home designed specifically for Agency officers, and it still serves today as an iconic symbol of CIA and its mission. As part of the commemoration of OHB’s 50 years of service, the Center for the Study of Intelligence has compiled this collection of declassified articles and images that illustrate the making of a key piece of CIA’s heritage.

—Peter Usowski,

Director, Center for the Study of Intelligence

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