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Book Reviews, by Title

486 Declassified Book Reviews
Per Page:
A-54: Spion mit Drei Gesichtern
Strobinger, Rudolph
Winter 1967
ABC Der Spione
Bergh, Hendrik van
Winter 1967
Adventure in Diplomacy
Pendar, Kenneth
Winter 1968
Affair of State: The Profumo Case and the Framing of Stephen Ward, An
Kennedy, Caroline; Knightley, Phillip
Fall 1989
Age of Terrorism, The
Laqueur, Walter
Summer 1988
Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA, The
Ranelagh, John
Summer 1987
Air Spy
Babington-Smith, Constance
Spring 1958
Al-Harb Al-Nafsiyyah
Nasr, Salah
Spring 1968
Allied Intelligence Bureau
Ind, Colonel Allison
Winter 1959
Als Gestapo-Agent im Dienst der Schweizerischen Gegenspionage
Leonhard, Jakob
Fall 1967
Alsos Mission, The
Pash, Colonel Boris T.
Winter 1971
Amateur Agent
Butler, Ewan
Fall 1964
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