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  1. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1978/1978-11-17a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b68f4 Attachment Size 1978-11-17a.pdf 1.2 MB ... were wary of such an arrangement, but now they view it as the correct solution. loe// n constant combat ... that work be done to find a solution. Concerning remote areas of cities where there are no telephones ... other officers, allowing them to have common views on deciding questions of troop combat readiness, ...

  2. /specialCollection/Wizards/osi_pdf/monograph_x.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION The Original Wizards of Langley 5077050b993247d4d82b6a13 Attachment Size monograph_x.pdf 1.08 MB ... and represent the fiml and consid- ered views of the O m e of SchtipC Intel& gence. CIA/SI 38-59 8 September ... many dif- flculties.... From the cosmic point of view, the surface of Mars, both in the past ... such conditions at the present time, and in the remote past also life on Mars could not have originated ...

  3. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1977/1977-04-26a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b691e Attachment Size 1977-04-26a.pdf 1.43 MB ... their bases, and to identify the areas of minelaying and the system of safe channels. In view of the special ... in more remote areas situated outside the narrow straits. Actions to disrupt ndnelaying operations ... also rather prevalent, point of view holds that it is advantageous to land the landing force ...

  4. WSAG Summary of Conclusions, 9:01-10:06 am

    SPECIALCOLLECTION President Nixon and the Role of Intelligence in the 1973 Arab-Israeli War 51112a4b993247d4d8394582 Attachment Size 1973-10-06A-WASG.pdf 775.44 KB ... a low-profile, bland statement, with no finger-pointing, and 2) a slightly more vigorous statement, that we view ... to the press at all. Mr. Rush: If we accept the Israeli view that they have been attacked, this could be deadly ... by Sadat? Adm. Moorer: There's the remote possibility that Sadat has lost control. Mr. Colby: ...

  5. /specialCollection/nwcda1/14/HOFFMANN, EMIL/HOFFMANN, EMIL_0043.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 51966ec1993294098d5095e4 Attachment Size HOFFMANN, EMIL_0043.pdf 2.04 MB ... violent objections to such extortion, yielded in the end in view of the immense value of the agreement; ... for themselves the monopoly of the entire trade to be reopened with those countries; the Russians and the Chinese, in view ... altoeether tnan to at down in a bus with remote con- trol system worked by the East, which would make ...

  6. /specialCollection/nwcda3/71/PASTIME VOL. 1/PASTIME VOL. 1_0005.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 5197c261993294098d50d9d4 Attachment Size PASTIME VOL. 1_0005.pdf 3.01 MB ... and in other remote and not easily accessible areas, movable; field stations of the third line: in cities, mostly ... in order to look at it from another point of view- people mien with the desire to shoot at eachother. ... Erma the point of view of our objectives it seems, in my mind, to be necessary for all city field ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin Collection 02874600 RIPPUB U 18 January 27, 2020 January 30, 2020 May 20, 1958 Attachment Size CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULL[15772475].pdf 919.21 KB /............for Release: �.{.� ... ‘aircraft flying from Egypt to Syria carry enough fuel for the round trip_ in view of the situation ... incidents similar to the:.reported seizure on 18 May by French forces at Remada in remote southern Tunisia ... is a "certainty," claims that 80 percent of the military already supports him. This view is shared by many ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin Collection 03156032 RIPPUB U 19 February 25, 2020 February 27, 2020 April 7, 1959 Attachment Size CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULL[15787475].pdf 891.88 KB Approved ZR/Kes g(2 ... of Marxist-Leninist doctrine-—which he re- peated to the Japanese--stems from a view of himself as the b1oc's ... resting at the remote lamasery of Tawang in India's North-East Frontier Agency, apparently will leave ... controljn Q33 Gaulle's current views on NATO were made public in his 25 March press conference. In a 4. ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin Collection 05973647 RIPPUB U 21 August 14, 2020 August 27, 2020 June 23, 1961 Attachment Size CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULL[15815774].pdf 853.7 KB zAI ... princes, but Souvanna and Souphannouvong, in view of their substantial gains at Zurich, will presumablybe ... by the West {Nehru and other officials in New Delhi, who se views are often more moderate ... this year in North Vietnam, especially in rural areas, and sim- ilar conditions prevail in the remote upland ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin Collection 03156604 RIPPUB U 21 August 14, 2020 August 27, 2020 May 27, 1961 Attachment Size CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULL[15815758].pdf 922.93 KB //f/4, ... a P period, is "strongly devoted to the ideas of democracy." He also views the juntaas ... operational zones with a view toward greater efficiency. The Northern Zone will have its command headquarters ... in Hanoi this In this remote highland region the regime has long experienced difficulties with unruly ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION The CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers 5077054e993247d4d82b6ac2 Attachment Size caesar-12.pdf 4.21 MB ... of i n t e r p r e t a t i o n is the view t h a t Malenkovqs demotion r e p r e s e n t e d h i s defeat ... or f o r e i g n p o r i c y involved, A t t h e other extreme is t h e view t h a t s h a r p c o n f l i c t existed or developed ove ... or s e v e r a l factors, and i n s t e a d view t h e ouster of Malenkov ...

  12. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1962/1962-01-10.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b6983 Attachment Size 1962-01-10.pdf 6.1 MB ... a contrary point of view also persists, whose proponents claim it as axiomatic that a future war, like ... In considering these points of view, Marshal R. Ya. Malinovskiv. the Minister of Defense of the USSR, ... and perfect weapons and methods of armed combat primarily with a view to achieving victory over the aggressor ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION The CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers 5077054e993247d4d82b6ad5 Attachment Size caesar-35.pdf 2.17 MB ... m i l i t a r y writer and mouthpiece f o r Khrushchev's views; Major General Talenskiy, was even more categorical ... e d i t o r s for say ing t h a t i n t he Sov ie t view any war " m u s t... take t h e form of a world nuc lea ... t o f i g h t t o a d e c i s i o n i n s u c h a war. 1n"our view, t h i s pub l i c s t a n c e is n o t s imply a pro- paganda harangue intended ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION The CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers 5077054e993247d4d82b6abd Attachment Size caesar-26.pdf 2.07 MB ... p o r t t o t h e Supreme Sovie t on 14 January 1960. Khrushchev's views when excellent ana lyses of Soviet m i l i- ... I t 111. American Pnztentions Khrushchev h o l d s t h e o r thodox view t h a t the Uni ted ... r e p r e s e n t h i s views and t h a t he has r e a l l y adopted a s t r a t e g y of preven t ive war, he would be expected ...

  15. Khrushchev on Nuclear Strategy, CIA/DI/OCI, Current Intelligence Staff Study Caesar XI-60, 19 January 1960.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a607f6 Attachment Size 1960-01-19.pdf 1.95 MB ... why an effort should be made to desdribe Khrushchev's views when excellent analyses of Soviet mili- tary ... on this scale.- 6- III. American Intentions Khrushchev holds the orthodox view that the United States ... this:connection if:it:nisnargued:that Xhrushchev':s 14 January report does not genuinely represent his views ...

  16. V-2 The Initial Period of a Future War and the Special Features of the Conduct of Military Operations during this Period by Colonel-General N Pavlovskiy,Military Thought, Issue No. 1, 1961, CIA/DP

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a6093b Attachment Size 1962-01-10.pdf 2.35 MB ... more rapidly than has been the case in past wars. At the same time, a contrary point of view also persists, ... a drawn-out character. I 3f(a)(4)-4 In considering these points of view, Marshal R. Ya. Malinovskiy, ... with a view to achieving victory over the aggressor in the shortest possible time, but at the same time ...

  17. /specialCollection/cgi/1946/03- March 1946/Report_on_the_International_Control_of_Atomic_Energy_16_Mar_1946.PDF

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Creating Global Intelligence 50dde103993247d4d8392267 Attachment Size Report_on_the_International_Control_of_Atomic_Energy_16_Mar_1946.PDF 6.3 MB ... only to an appropriate openmindedness, about what the remote future of technical developments in the arts of war may ... it is apparently the view of the authorities that these elements occur in high concentrations ... and that it was so rapidly changing that no account of the present technical situation would have much valid- ity. This view ...

  18. /specialCollection/Reagan/19820625.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Reagan Collection 5076df03993247d4d82b6290 Attachment Size 19820625.pdf 2.26 MB ... and Mexico. Despite this intensified interest, geographic remoteness has tended to relegate Latin ... which both view as central to promoting leftist gains in the region. The Soviets have by and large successfully ... and Mexico. 2. Despite this intensified interest, Latin America's geographical remoteness from the USSR ...

  19. /specialCollection/Wizards/osi_pdf/nie_11_8_61.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION The Original Wizards of Langley 5077050b993247d4d82b6a40 Attachment Size nie_11_8_61.pdf 3.46 MB ... that the direct and indirect evi- dence supports the view that: (a) the USSR has been conducting a generally ... to them to be remote. possessed by the ICBM for surprise combined 16. We believe that the Soviet leaders will con- ... of other components are still essential to the achieve- ment of final victory. 21. In accordance with this Soviet view ...

  20. Warsaw Pact Forces for Operations in Eurasia, NIE 11-14-71, 9 September 1971.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a60896 Attachment Size 1971-09-09.pdf 3.05 MB ... IN EUROPE..................... 9 A. A Soviet View of the Initiation and Nature of War in Europe......... 9 B. Warsaw Pact Forces ... to conduct offensive operations. Their current view of war in Europe seems to assume a brief period ... because they think it unlikely. If it should happen, they would have For the views of Maj. Gen. Phillip B. Davidson, ...
