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  1. /specialCollection/nwcda6/134/HERCZEG, KARL LADISLAUS/HERCZEG, KARL LADISLAUS_0036.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519b7f98993294098d512ffc Attachment Size HERCZEG, KARL LADISLAUS_0036.pdf 302.65 KB ... on behalf of the °Asia FoundationsAmeri can kandscunis foundation.-;•:;; ^60- •,d,s' euet me,t•, •.Jcb ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin Collection 06232639 RIPPUB U 16 January 27, 2020 January 30, 2020 November 14, 1958 Attachment Size CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULL[15777374].pdf 530.51 KB z Approved ... {. Q / ’ ‘.1 ’, ' "l / ~ 5 Seattle- Colombo Plan meeting V‘ "Smith and Southeast Asia ... W =~\.> \ ~J|-J\-/ L4 I I I ASIA-AFRICA Iraqi Army alert. Ira alerted a task O force?. for a possible move ... on the Seven-Year Plan that by its completion in 1965 "a real foundation" will be es- tablished which will ...

  3. /specialCollection/nwcda3/66/DTPILLAR VOL. 3/DTPILLAR VOL. 3_0021.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 5197c267993294098d50e97e Attachment Size DTPILLAR VOL. 3_0021.pdf 3.04 MB ... distribution of donated books through Books for Asia program which to date has distributed over 3,250,000 ... for DTPILLAR field representatives and that DTPILLAR's cover as a complete private foundation ... foundations or other governmental agencies such as USIA and AID. There is some question ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION A Life in Intelligence- The Richard Helms Collection 5076de59993247d4d82b5b7d Attachment Size sprague_report.pdf 7.66 MB ... System................... l Chapter 11-Reinforcing the Foundations of the U. S. Information Chapter 111-The New Importance ... to provide guidance and a coherent foundation of criteria and concepts which d l 1 have continuing value ... Nielsen, Executive Director, who was loaned to us by the Ford Foundation. His assistance ...

  5. /specialCollection/nwcda2/31/MENDE, GERHARD VON/MENDE, GERHARD VON_0072.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519697e9993294098d50c4e0 Attachment Size MENDE, GERHARD VON_0072.pdf 426.65 KB ... 00-B-32.941.ECAa/CL.PreuL-US OFkICIA1C 0111 Country German/Ceue rsee/Centr. Al Asia Subject ... •xteeeively in Asia and uroper and has a wide aceueintance amone Soviet scholars and scientists. The German ... "Kayum Khan's program is: a Unification of all the peoples of Turkestan and foundation ...

  6. /specialCollection/nwcda3/66/DTPILLAR VOL. 3/DTPILLAR VOL. 3_0022.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 5197c267993294098d50e968 Attachment Size DTPILLAR VOL. 3_0022.pdf 4.45 MB ... s pread recognition end acceptance in Asia end is now conducting programs through resident representatives ... more foundation-like. The problems of maintaining cover and security of DTPILLAR have increased. The present Plan tends ...

  7. /specialCollection/nwcda8/204/TATSUMI, EIICHI/TATSUMI, EIICHI_0103.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd81a993294098d516029 Attachment Size TATSUMI, EIICHI_0103.pdf 882.3 KB ... and dealt, in substance, with TANG'S concern over the "Red Tide" flowing over Asia. TANG ... TATSUMI Eiichi listed as Councillors of the Asiatic Mainland Research Society (Foundation). Source-441st ...

  8. /specialCollection/nwcda8/204/TATSUMI, EIICHI/TATSUMI, EIICHI_0103.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd81f993294098d5169ef Attachment Size TATSUMI, EIICHI_0103.pdf 882.3 KB ... and dealt, in substance, with TANG'S concern over the "Red Tide" flowing over Asia. TANG ... TATSUMI Eiichi listed as Councillors of the Asiatic Mainland Research Society (Foundation). Source-441st ...

  9. /specialCollection/nwcda8/203/SHORIKI, MATSUTARO VOL. 2/SHORIKI, MATSUTARO VOL. 2_0038.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd81c993294098d516557 Attachment Size SHORIKI, MATSUTARO VOL. 2_0038.pdf 892.99 KB ... about the establishment of a Central Research Institute for atomic energy, thus laying the foundation for a great ... in order that atomic. energy can be Islally utilized to liberate the hundred million people of Asia ...

  10. /specialCollection/nwcda8/203/SHORIKI, MATSUTARO VOL. 2/SHORIKI, MATSUTARO VOL. 2_0038.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd821993294098d516f1d Attachment Size SHORIKI, MATSUTARO VOL. 2_0038.pdf 892.99 KB ... about the establishment of a Central Research Institute for atomic energy, thus laying the foundation for a great ... in order that atomic. energy can be Islally utilized to liberate the hundred million people of Asia ...

  11. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1966/1966-08-29b.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6722 Attachment Size 1966-08-29b.pdf 3.75 MB ... and Methods of Working With Military Cadres, by Maj Gen V. Domaikov Criticism of the Philosophical Foundations ... OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE IMPERIALIST MILITARY IDEOLOGY • Colonel K. Spirov 416- 28- roved For Release ... in common in their world-outlook and methodologi- cal foundations, about.which mention was made earlier, ...

  12. /specialCollection/nwcda2/43/STETSKO, YAROSLAV/STETSKO, YAROSLAV_0085.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519697e6993294098d50be6c Attachment Size STETSKO, YAROSLAV_0085.pdf 2.46 MB ... Lira Astleowasista do los Pueblos do Asia, dopdblica do Chias (AMCLROC), ea Tai- pei, anys costa ... Conforenee. Op until now two conferences have been held to start the foundation work: the first in 1965 ... of the sovereignty of all the peoples of Europe and Asia oppressed by Russian communism and import- APACIACC ...


    a i d w o o_d. Near East and the Foundations for Civilization. Oregon, 1952, CTP. 25. Sanitized Copy Approved ...

  14. I-036 “The Soviet October Revolution Slogans,” Radio Propaganda Report, 29 October 1956.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a6082d Attachment Size 1956-10-29.pdf 1.17 MB ... socialism" and the Chinese building only socialism's foundations--blurred- in May by having the Chinese ... her national independ- ence presumably needing no reinforcement, is said to be working "for peace in Asia ... are identified more precisely as "the peoples of Asia and Africa," perhaps to make explicit the inclu- ...

  15. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1957/1957-09-04.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5c9b Attachment Size 1957-09-04.pdf 804.8 KB ... ODE- 4058, 28 August 1957, Kazakhstan, Central Asia: SUMMARY: This preliminary study confirms ... indicates that since the lying on the ground have been erected and several new foundations for antenna ...

  16. The Prospects for Soviet Military Intervention in Poland, CIA/NFAC/Office of Political Analysis (OPA) Typescript Memorandum, 8 Sept 1980.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a608ca Attachment Size 1980-09-08.pdf 423.97 KB ... regime at the end of August, if implemented liberally, ' wduldithreaten the very foundations ... that would complicate Soviet security planning in both Europe and Asia. S-5- In the final analysis, however, the Soviet ...

  17. /specialCollection/nwcda7/163/POPPE, NIKOLAI VOL. 2/POPPE, NIKOLAI VOL. 2_0065.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519bded3993294098d514ce8 Attachment Size POPPE, NIKOLAI VOL. 2_0065.pdf 799.79 KB ... of the Soviet mind at work. Re has traveled extensively in Asia and Earbpe and has a wide acquaintance among ... they could not accept a union with communism as its foundation. Because of their Japanese sponsorship this group ...

  18. /specialCollection/BerlinWall/1961-Fall/1961-12-21a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION The Berlin Wall Collection: A City Torn Apart: Building of the Berlin Wall 5076e8f8993247d4d82b637b Attachment Size 1961-12-21a.pdf 667.03 KB 1961-Fall ... would probably occur! in m a n y parties; same, especially those i n Asia, might eventudlly I a l ign ... r e s t s upon an unstable foundation, and that a breach, if it I s avoided far the present, wu1 remain ... t ics i n Southeaet Asia, ' The USSii will probably continue to press cautiously I t s advantage8 ...

  19. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1974/1974-11-18a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6812 Attachment Size 1974-11-18a.pdf 1.14 MB ... capability in this regard is analyzed in order to lay the foundations for planning the best methods ... and Asia. As the experience of these exercises has shown, flights are planned of individual aircraft ... in Europe and Asia there are considerable deployments of troop groupings which could offer opposition ...

  20. /specialCollection/cgi/1953/IAC_Foreign_Intelligence_Program_13_Jan_1953.PDF

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Creating Global Intelligence 50dde102993247d4d8392063 Attachment Size IAC_Foreign_Intelligence_Program_13_Jan_1953.PDF 4.37 MB ... industry studies of far greater substance than any recently available, and these should form the foundation ... provides a sound foundation for extracting maximum benefit from partial and inadequate information. ... Asia. Each agency maintains its own 24-hour Watch arrangements to handle any information ...
